Strange question...



  • 3shirts
    3shirts Posts: 294 Member
    It's entirely natural. Your body absorbs as much as it needs and excretes the rest. If your urine is quite clear then you are just excreting water so you can be happy that you are drinking enough. The whole water thing is blown way out of proportion and I feel like I am always repeating myself about the 8 glasses coming from a complete misquote of some old research.

    You absorb water from everything you eat and drink so as long as your urine is not too dark, it's all good. Don't obsess or worry about it and, equally, don't force yourself to drink water if you aren't thirsty just try to have some on your desk or whatever and sip it whenever you are.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    ever since i started drinking more water, i've been going to the bathroom a lot more. i'm never without my poland spring sport bottle, and yes, at work i go a lot. but its fine.
  • sfburdett
    sfburdett Posts: 83 Member
    Same for me.
  • Same's happening to me. I just put up with it because I know my body needs the water. Remember, the more water you take in, the less you retain! :)
  • A few months ago I started trying to drink 2ltrs of water a day upon the recommendation of my PT but quickly gave it up as I had the same problem (and as I work in a completely male organisation the ladies toilet can only be accessed by going right outside the building and round to the back and getting into it with a key, VERY inconvenient!).

    But over the last month or so I've started trying to drink 2ltrs a day again as my skin has all of a sudden got really bad, it's like I've regressed back 6 years to having the skin of a teenager again! Having had clear skin for the last few years I figured drinking water was at least worth another shot.

    Anyway, again first of all I was going all the time but my body definitely seems to be adjusting to the new amounts of water I'm consuming, so far today I'm over 1ltr and I haven't even needed to go yet. I found it is a lot to do as well with "breaking the seal" (like when you're drinking alcohol), if I go early in the day I'll probably go a lot more later in the day too...not that I'm saying hold it in or anything! But if you persevere you body will definitely get used to it, and you'll feel better for it.
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I know-totally irritating! The people i work with probably think i have stomach issues or something I have to pee so often. But I'm not forcing myself to drink more than i want to. I've just gotten used to drinking a lot more now.
  • When you are thirsty your body is already dehydrated! But I know how you feel at one point I was getting up 5-6 times a night to go! But keep drinking water! It's sooo good for you!! One of my mfp friends did some serious research on water and sai you should have 2 glasses as soon as you wake up bc it gets your internal organs going. Then one glass an hour before each meal to help with digestion and one glass before bedtime..and of course water through out the day.. :)
  • Gdzgal771
    Gdzgal771 Posts: 152 Member
    the more i drink the more i pee but i also take a diuretic..maybe tahs why i HATE drinking anything!! :grumble: :grumble:
  • A couple of tips to help out:
    1) Be sure to not drink a huge amount all at once. Try to space your water intake throughout the day.
    2) Try adding a little salt to your food or a salty snack, or try a flavored water with electrolytes in it (i.e. G Series FIT 02). The sodium will actually help you hold on to the fluid better (aka reduce your bathroom breaks!). I don't mean to drink a beverage with electrolytes in it all day, but just as an add instead of one water occasionally. (Also, good for hydration while working out and sweating!)
  • marzahl68
    marzahl68 Posts: 201
    I'm having the same problem and I can drink the 8 cups on a day where I'm not stuck in the car for 4 hours or have to sit through meetings for hours. On those days, I just drink less.