no time for exercise.....



  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Find time. It will be well worth it. You may find, too, that a good, brisk 30 minute walk actually helps make your study time more effective. Your mind will be clearer and you may be able to remember what you studied more effectively. You could also, during one of your study sessions, record yourself reading off your notes. Then, load that in your mp3 player and listen to it as you walk, run, whatever. Then you are getting two for one for that time!

    Like a lot of others here, I'm a single parent who has to work a full 40-hour week, do all the housework, cooking, etc., have time for church and the kids' activities, etc. I've had to make working out a priority. I eat lunch at my desk and work out on my lunch hour. You could easily do a good brisk walk or jog on campus. You just have to make it work.

    You can do it...hang in there!
  • Cmdbuddy
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    You have to set time aside.. there's always time in the day, it's just getting your priorities straight. I too am in college, and am swamped with midterms (3 midterms each week for two weeks). I haven't been exercising or eating properly and my body has taken a toll. I feel gross both physically and mentally because I haven't been taken care of myself! If I exercise and eat better I'll be more energized and more focused on my studies. Today after one of my midterms, I was just like.. Alright.. time to go to the gym! It was exactly what I needed, I forgot how good it feels to exercise. It was just the elliptical for 30 minutes!

    Try to set goals for yourself.. whether its to exercise for 3 or 4 times a week. Find substitute snacks for the junk ones. Not as sugary or greasy, but you have to train your taste buds to enjoy healthy foods. You got this! Your body deserves the best.
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    Hi...I have to agree with the other folks here...I have two kids, 10 and 2, full time job, and go to school part time. Plus on top of that son is in football, baseball, tae kwon do and now has joined the band. I work out every day except Sundays. I refuse to work out sundays... :-) It is hard no doubt, you have to want to do it. If, and I have to say absolutely if you can not work out, then you need to definitely keep an eye on your calorie intake. I get up every morning at 4:30 and workout. Whether it's 20 min to an hour...that's my time. That's when I am least to get interrupted, I can workout as hard as I can. It takes a lot of discipline but can be done. And there are times I dont get to bed till midnight...but I know how good I feel after and it was worth it. Also, for your junk food...we have nothing but junk food at work...candy everywhere...I have made the choice to buy 100 calorie pack snacks or fiber when I want something I want to eat that 130 calorie peanut butter snickers thats gone in one bite? Or do I want to eat a bag of 100 calorie pack cookies or a 120 calorie Fiber plus bar? That's the way you have to look at it. Stock up on fruit and throw that stuff in your will feel so much better. I have been working out for a while then fell off after my daughter was born then jumped back on...but I can honestly say that with the help of this app, I have seen tremendous results. I have been logging in for 50 days in a row...I have lost 8lbs. I am 8lbs away from my goal I set myself...that's not to say I have more to lose...but it's worth it and it works. I hope this has helped. :-) You also have to find a workout regime that fits your lifestyle. Whether it be tony horton's 10 min trainer or something...maybe that's what you should try? Go to and order the 10 min's 10 min a can fit that in your day anytime...:-) yes, I am a beachbody coach... :-) just started but absolutely love it! Or even if you walk to your classes...try parking far from your classes and walk those extra steps. It will totally make a difference. Good luck to you!
    This. I have a 6hurt year old and 1year old. School full time. We work from home thank goodness. But I usually don't get to the till around midnight. And om exhausted from all the above plus everyday chores. I get back shower and im up at 6 am to start over. Im tired and I still do it. I choose to. But in the end I enjoy it and feel better. If you cannot in any way find the time then maybe you're not ready to make this a priority in your life. Schedule your time and go from there.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    a few days ago i logged in 40 days in a row... but i haven't lost a pound.....i have no time for exercise...every day exams at school...i eat a lot sweets,junk food,,...and there is no time for exercise...please give me some advice how to organise my time to do exercises.....???

    You had time to type into the internet that you didn't have time right? You have time! Just make yourself your first priority.

    Switch up a meal - prepare ahead so you have it made and can heat it up or grab and go. I'm busy too. I'm like everyone else - 2 kids a husband, a demanding boss, a full time job (60+) hours a week, my own business too, a house to clean, pets, I can go on and on - you get the point. .... Sleeping 30 minutes less to exercise will really end up paying off in your exercise, health, motivation, determination, brain power, etc - -

    One of my favorite things ever said about me "I always pick who I think is the busiest person to ask to do something because I know THAT person will get the job done".

    And - you aren't going to lose a lb - if you are eating lots of sweets and junk food - quit buying the junk. Buy healthy food instead.
  • Diveryanfitness
    yes...but when i am first shift i get up at 6.30 and go to bed at 12.00 a.m. i am in school from 7.30 to 2.p.m. Sometimes when i have so much homework i start doing my homework as soon as i get back from school....believe you or not i don't have time to get rest from school, i only eat i study....

    That sucks, and I understand your frustration. I think that you do know that eating junk food is counter productive to weight loss. I know that there are vending machines on campuses that contain hi-fat and sugar choices. Even if it's a "healthy" item like baked chips, diet soda or granola bars, it's still junk. Do you notice that you're hungry again shortly after eating? A healthy diet won't do that, especially if you aren't getting any exercise. The closer a food item is to it's natural state the better it is for you, and the more "good stuff" it contains. Once something gets processed, most of the "goodness" goes away.

    Even if you are living in a typical dorm room where you are lucky if there's a fridge and microwave, there's some things you can eat to correct the junk food habit. It won't be easy, but if your health is important to you (truely important), you can make small changes that lead to bigger ones.

    Suggestions: Apples, Bananas, baby carrots, low fat cottage cheese and yogurt, roasted and unsalted nuts (almonds, soy nuts, etc.) Water, water, and more water. With nothing mixed in it. $.99 side salads with low fat/fat free dressings at a fast food place, have 2 or 3 of 'em. Only eat half the bread and load up on the veggies at sub a sub shop. Plain oatmeal ~ not the flavored stuff in packets. Nothing deep fried, nothing with breadding, no pizza.

    You have a busy day. So what? We all do. It's been stated in the replies above. I'm sorry but you must know there's no "magic pill" that will make you healthy and fit. If you want this, you have to put some effort into it and stop making excuses and convincing your self that you absolutely have no time. That's the reality of it. If you have time to Facebook, watch TV, lounge around the student union to enjoy a nice latte, play Xbox, etc. you have time to exercise. Unless you are a prisoner and shackled and bound to your bed everynight you CAN find the time. IF it's important to you.

    Suggestions: Take the stairway opposite to the closest one to your next class. Park in the furthest spot available on campus or at the store. Increase the pace when you walk anywhere, then you have time to take the longer route and remember to swing those arms. Ride your bike places instead of taking a car or bus. If you don't have a bike, go to a thrift store and buy one cheap. Anything you can do to move your body is exercise. Do 20 pushups as fast as you can before you leave in the morning. Run up and down a flight of stairs a few times.

    It really isn't that tough, honest! NO excuses; Just do it! :wink:
  • crittytn
    I don't know. I read all of your previous posts and you always say the same things.

    What answer are you wanting to hear? You've gotten great advice and still always make almost the exact same post every so often. :huh:

    If you're not willing to make the changes, make peace with the 28 pounds you want to lose. They're going to stay there. Logging isn't enough--you have to actually eat accordingly too.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    You don't have time to exercise, but you do have time to sit down on the computer, log in to MFP, and post new topics?

    Just sayin'.
  • marzahl68
    marzahl68 Posts: 201
    I work in real estate, there's no such things as the word "regular" in my world, everything changes on a whim and I live from deadline to deadline, appointment to appointment. There are no weekends either, I work 7 days a week around 9 hours a day. My advise: BLOCK YOUR TIME! There are only 24 hrs in each day, use them wisely and prioritize. It takes some will power but where there is a will, there is a way.

    On edit: and of course, you have to reduce your junk food intake, period. No way around that!
  • Diveryanfitness
    I don't know. I read all of your previous posts and you always say the same things.

    What answer are you wanting to hear? You've gotten great advice and still always make almost the exact same post every so often. :huh:

    If you're not willing to make the changes, make peace with the 28 pounds you want to lose. They're going to stay there. Logging isn't enough--you have to actually eat accordingly too.

    That last paragraph is exactly right. Only you can make the descision to make the changes you need.

    Regarding the replies, so many people are saying the same thing to you; there must be something to it! All we can offer is advise. We can't make the changes happen for you. Obviously, given the amount of responses to you there's a lot of supporth from people who HAVE lost substantial amounts of weight here, but it's up to you to make the attempt and just do your best to change eating habits and do >something< for exercise.

    I wish you the best of luck making these changes. Once you do, the weight will come off.
  • marzahl68
    marzahl68 Posts: 201
    Here's something to get at least some exercise no matter how busy you are:

    While I stand in the kitchen waiting for my coffee to heat in the microwave, I bring my knee up to my chest as far as I can, alternating legs. It's very little exercise but hey, it's something. I have two cups of coffee in the mornings, each taking 1 minute to heat. That's two minutes of exercise right there.

    Now if you still find you don't have the time to exercise, then make changes to your food intake. I don't like exercising at all and I didn't during the first few weeks. I concentrated on changing my eating habits, which didn't require any extra time. Quit junkfood and eat more fruits and veggies. You will have a different outlook once you see results from eating better.
  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    a few days ago i logged in 40 days in a row... but i haven't lost a pound.....i have no time for exercise...every day exams at school...i eat a lot sweets,junk food,,...and there is no time for exercise...please give me some advice how to organise my time to do exercises.....???

    Seriously? You wrote almost this exact post on day 1, day 15, day 25, day 30, and now day 40. People aren't going to tell you anything different. You know you shouldn't eat all day. You know you should exercise. You need to figure out what your own motivation is, we can't find it for you.
  • Sebnem123
    Sebnem123 Posts: 123 Member
    thank you guys...i know that i have written the same topics before....but everyday i delay losing weight.....its hard to live with family whose members are not fat and can eat chocolate and bread as much as they want and you cant.
  • GemmaRowlands
    GemmaRowlands Posts: 360 Member
    In the time it took you to post this, you could have done 20 jumping jacks. Every little helps!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    find the time. you say you go to school? how far? can you walk it? ride a bike? as many have said here alot of people are busy. I work graveyard hours and I find time. for me it's 2am. 5x a week.
  • doctress
    I'm in the same boat- it's hard to exercise when you have a lot going on. Instead of setting a goal of 30min a day, start with 5min. Walk down to the corner and back, or walk around your school/office/shopping center every day. Start with 5, and work up to 10, 15, 20, then 30. Anyone can spare 5 minutes a day...
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    We all have a lot going on in our lives - every single one of us. Whether it be work, school, kids, etc. Everyone is busy. I highly doubt there's anyone on this site who has absolutely NOTHING going on in their life. This isn't the Biggest Loser where all we have to do all day is exercise and learn to eat right.

    That being said, if you REALLY want to do this - you will figure out how to work in some exercise. None of us can tell you how to work it into your life - YOU have to figure it out.

    Get up earlier. Set aside 20 mins in the evening to do it. Go to bed a little later. There is time SOMEWHERE in your day to fit in a 20-30 mins workout.

    If you aren't going to workout, you HAVE to be more careful about the diet side of things. Indulging in sweets, fast food, etc isn't conducive to losing weight. You have to put forth an effort. This isn't an easy journey and it requires WORK to achieve success. Perhaps you aren't quite ready to make this journey yet?
  • paper_doll_
    a few days ago i logged in 40 days in a row... but i haven't lost a pound.....i have no time for exercise...every day exams at school...i eat a lot sweets,junk food,,...and there is no time for exercise...please give me some advice how to organise my time to do exercises.....???

    Logging in to a website 40 days in a row means nothing. It will not help you lose weight unless you stop making excuses for poor choices and lack of activity and hold yourself accountable.

    I am a single mother of a disabled child, I work shifts, have appointments allover the place with specialists, doctors etc, and currently carrying an injury and going to physio etc for that, running a household, helping my parents to renovate their house, and I find time everyday to do something to get myself moving, even if it is doing a bodyweight exercise circuit in my loungeroom at 4am, or in my break at work.

    Even if all you do is start walking to your classes, take the stairs etc and switch your junk food out for healthier options you will see a change!
  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member

  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Losing weight is calorie restriction. Eat balanced and count calories.