Low carbs, low cals or both?

I've always watched what I ate atleast dor the past 18yrs or so bt recently put on 5 lbs so I've reduced my calories and carbs. Do most of u watch your carb intake too? In the past I've just watched the calories but I think this is better....not sure.


  • aliburstall
    If you reduce your carbs, your body will burn more fat, but really watch your potassium level. Sadly, most potassium-rich foods are high in carbs, so don't cut those out. Low potassium will damage your joints, and raise your blood pressure.
  • Luscious19802003
    your body turns simple carbs into sugars so it is better to avoid simple carbs like breads and pastas they only slow the metabolism healthy carbs in veggies are good
  • EmilyRose33
    Try to eat things with higher protein it fills you up faster, and cut down the carbs but a healthy amount. For the calories just dont go over you number :]
  • beth40n2
    beth40n2 Posts: 233 Member
    I watch both calories and carbs. Also if you eat carbs that are high in fiber that helps also as Net Carbs = Carbs - Fiber.
  • susanofscottsdale
    I watch both - and only lose weight when my average carb intake is 125 gr/day or less. This is about half of the default target for a 1200 calorie diet.

    However, this was not always the case for me. My body has changed over the years. I suggest that you keep good records and find what works for you.
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    I obviously watch my calories but I do watch my carbs. I don't eat bread, pasta, potatos, chips, etc. If I do its rare and in small portions...and I never eat anything white, always whole wheat/grain if Im going to do that sort of thing. I eat carbs, obviously, but more through fruits and that sort of thing :)