Paleo/low carb and counting calories?

Hi, I normally eat pretty low carb as is because I have PCOS and I'm diabetic. I am interested in the Paleo lifestyle. To the people that follow this; do you pay attention to your calories or has just simply following this diet made you lose weight? I appreciate it!


  • fatguyweightloss
    The story is you shouldn't have to count calories when you are on Paleo and still lose weight. I do not eat strict Paleo...more of Paleo inspired but I also like to track what I eat. First,it keeps me accountable to know exactly what and how much I am eating. Second, if I hit a plateau I have data to validate exactly how many calories but more importantly how many macronutrients (carbs/fat/protein) I am eating.
  • Mmmary212
    Mmmary212 Posts: 410 Member
    I don't count calories...because a number shouldnt dictate what amount of food I eat. Some days I am extra hungry and eat 2200 calories, other days I am not hungry and i'm under 1000. I'm not going to force feed myself or deprive myself to meet a number. We're not made for that.
  • getnhealthymum
    I'm not going to force feed myself or deprive myself to meet a number. We're not made for that.

    I agree with this. I've never really thought about it from that point of view. Have you lost from following this lifestyle?
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I don't count calories...because a number shouldnt dictate what amount of food I eat. Some days I am extra hungry and eat 2200 calories, other days I am not hungry and i'm under 1000. I'm not going to force feed myself or deprive myself to meet a number. We're not made for that.

  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Hi, I normally eat pretty low carb as is because I have PCOS and I'm diabetic. I am interested in the Paleo lifestyle. To the people that follow this; do you pay attention to your calories or has just simply following this diet made you lose weight? I appreciate it!

    Eating whole foods, cutting out the process and watching your carbs will start to heal your body and you will see other benefits before weight loss.

    Focus on healing your Endocrine system first and foremost.
  • yummummum
    yummummum Posts: 257
    I eat low carb/ paleo. I do track everything bc I am new to this lifestyle and really want to lose weight. I "watch" calories but if I am truly hungry I eat. I do pay attention to serving sizes and try to aim for around 1500 cals. But if I am not hungry one day and barely make 1100 I do not worry. Same with if I get up to 1800 another.

    For now I have kept my net carbs low. 20-30 most days and under 50 always. I am feeling pretty good here so haven't increased them but I will eventually add some back but only paleo carbs! I am not going back to grains and junk! I feel way too good. SO good.
  • mj_zepeda
    mj_zepeda Posts: 32 Member
    I agree.. I have been on PRIMAL for 4 weeks and I have loved it so far! have cheated once in a while.. I ate pizza the first weekend.. and felt like **** afterwards. And have had some other "treats"...but the good thing is that right after it you get back on the wagon and continue with the weight loss. I lost a total of 4.7 lbs this month. But that's really because I haven't been strict about it. And also, I am on my last 10 lbs to lose! So the closer you get to your goal, the hardest it is!I love the feeling though! It's great because for the first time I really don't feel the URGE to eat all the time.. or crave sweets anymore! It makes me feel so FREE!!! I was used to having coffee during the afternoons with a muffin, or cake, or cookies... it was a MUST. Now, I can have my cup of coffee with heavy cream and not feel the need to eat the sweet stuff. I LOVE IT! :)

    And yes, since I have little to lose, I DO COUNT CALORIES! and take care of my macros.
    I eat low carb/ paleo. I do track everything bc I am new to this lifestyle and really want to lose weight. I "watch" calories but if I am truly hungry I eat. I do pay attention to serving sizes and try to aim for around 1500 cals. But if I am not hungry one day and barely make 1100 I do not worry. Same with if I get up to 1800 another.

    For now I have kept my net carbs low. 20-30 most days and under 50 always. I am feeling pretty good here so haven't increased them but I will eventually add some back but only paleo carbs! I am not going back to grains and junk! I feel way too good. SO good.
  • fatguyweightloss
    Just trollin'
  • mj_zepeda
    mj_zepeda Posts: 32 Member
    I think this thread is interesting regarding counting calories in Primal Blueprint.. as I said before, I am on my last 6 lbs to lose! So for myself, calorie counting does matter!
  • getnhealthymum
    Thank you all for your input. It's very much appreciated!
  • horror_hamster
    great job! I tried a low-carb diet and it worked really well for me... i find it's a great option if you're willing to give all that up for good. When i did it, i wasn't ready to give up some stuff for good, so when i got to my goal weight and started eating the carbs i wanted again, i just put the pounds back on. You sound like you have a good plan set up (staying under 50, etc.) so KEEP IT UP!
  • horror_hamster
    I eat low carb/ paleo. I do track everything bc I am new to this lifestyle and really want to lose weight. I "watch" calories but if I am truly hungry I eat. I do pay attention to serving sizes and try to aim for around 1500 cals. But if I am not hungry one day and barely make 1100 I do not worry. Same with if I get up to 1800 another.

    For now I have kept my net carbs low. 20-30 most days and under 50 always. I am feeling pretty good here so haven't increased them but I will eventually add some back but only paleo carbs! I am not going back to grains and junk! I feel way too good. SO good.

    great job! I tried a low-carb diet and it worked really well for me... i find it's a great option if you're willing to give all that up for good. When i did it, i wasn't ready to give up some stuff for good, so when i got to my goal weight and started eating the carbs i wanted again, i just put the pounds back on. You sound like you have a good plan set up (staying under 50, etc.) so KEEP IT UP!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I have always done better with low carb eating generally. When I stay away from processed sugars and processed grains I simply feel better and maintain a healtier weight. I gain weight when I step away from that way of eating. You'd think I'd learn, wouldn't you?

    Now that I am older, I also havre to watch calories more closely in order to take off the weight I've gained, so I have started tracking calories too. I am not a drill sargeant about thi, but I also know that I can't eat everything I want even if it's low carb, or I won't lose weight. That's just me, knowing my own body and metabolim. There is no hard and fast rule that applies to everyone.