Sugar busters diet

I am going to start the Sugar Busters Diet in a few days under the supervision on my Family doctor. I will be keeping a food diary & exercise diary along with daily notes of my emotional and physical levels. I am hoping this diet works for me so that I will be able to help others that are fighting the same battle of losing weight as I am. If you have already tried this diet, regardless to your outcome, I would love to hear about it.

Thank you,


  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 326 Member
    What is a sugar busters diet?
  • 0SimplymeStacyLea0
    I did it many years ago and it was great! I was pre-diabetic with diabetes running in my family and my Dr suggested it. It was great and I felt wonderful....just wish I could find my darn book. Good luck!
  • amycarol59
    amycarol59 Posts: 111 Member
    I bought the book and looked it over but never did it 100%. I have a huge problem with sugar I call it my sugar rage. I thought I was mental and went to the dr they diagnosed me as bipolar and schizophrenia when all along it was the sugar. I have been on and off a diet called The Good Mood Diet by Susan Kliner. I have been off all anti depression meds now for 4 yrs. I use food to control everything now. The first thing I figured was that I am very sensitive to sugar and carbs. They are not completely off my plan now but I have limits I hardly ever have refined sugars mostly fruit. I hope you have great success and good luck.
  • redpaisleyrose
    Get a sugar busters cookbook. I still use one particular recipe that is to die for! Eggs, cheese and green chilis, I add some beans and jalapeno chilies. It is a casserole .. People beg for the recipe and can't believe it is "Sugar busters". The thing I liked about SB was it got me off of sugar. NO more fake stuff either. If I want sweets, I will indulge with a tsp of raw honey. Some times you just have to have something sweet. Now if I have something sweet it makes my mouth "crinkle", that is the way it feels inside. If you are diabetic this is an awesome diet, because it is high in protein. Be careful of the fats however, they can add up! Great luck to you!
  • beebaby1
    I bought the Sugar Busters Diet book, Shoping Book & the Cook Book off of My doctor and I are giving this a six-month try before we try something more drastic.

    Thanks for your advise.
  • beebaby1
    I found it by googleing Go there and read about it.

    Good to hear from you!
  • mjsohm
    mjsohm Posts: 40
    Sounds awesome. Best of luck in your journey!
  • beebaby1
    I did my 1st weight-in on 11-14-11 and I had only been on Sugar Busters for 7 days and I lost 4 lbs. My doctor was happy and said he wants me to lose a lb a week. I am not going to do good this week because I am cooking Thanksgiving Dinner and I am going to eat it too. I will start over on Monday, 11-28-11