Has anyone tried a hypnotist to quit smoking?

Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
Or know someone who tried it? If so, did it work? Just curious...:happy:


  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    My trick was winter time, where I live it gets wayyyyyy to damn cold to go outside to smoke!!! So when we didn't smoke inside anymore and we had to go outside it made it harder for me to even want to smoke!
  • jazzminx
    jazzminx Posts: 236 Member
    I believe my Grandfather quit smoking through hypnosis. That was, like 40 years ago or something. It worked though.
  • I went to one and thought it hadn't worked,then after a couple of months i just stopped,i dont know why but that was six years ago and not had a ciggie since,i do put it down to my Hypnotist even though it took a while to work,something in my head said stop so i did .hope this helps.
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    My uncle did it and it worked, his personality changed though - weird!
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    My mom tried it and it didn't work but she's clinically depressed which makes it harder for her to quit. I saw one of the sessions and all he did was make her listen to a calming cd and then told her to listen to it whenever she wanted to smoke. then told her that when she absolutely had to smoke to only do it in inconvenient areas like outside in the cold or in the attic so she has to go all the way up there. Didn't seem like a lot of hypnotizing going on, just mind games.
  • Nope, the Lord helped me quit and I have been cigarette free going on 5 years now!
    I have heard of people going and it would work for a short time and than they would end up smoking again.
  • Cella30
    Cella30 Posts: 539 Member
    My uncle did it and it worked, his personality changed though - weird!

    lol This is interesting - like for better or worse? I don't want to quit smoking only to stop liking my kitties too or something. :laugh:
  • fearlessfatty
    fearlessfatty Posts: 206 Member
    I did laser to quit smoking but it is done in a similar fashion to hypnotism - gentle suggestions in a calm state. I left with smokes in my purse and didn't even think to light one up! Downside was I got cocky because it was SO easy and started smoking again 6 months later! Champix (a prescription drug) is what ultimately helped me quit (10 years of smoking - 2 years since Champix and no smokes!)
    Good luck either way!!!
  • KyleJCooper
    KyleJCooper Posts: 44 Member
    Back when I was a kid, my mother tried it and succeeded in not smoking for almost 5 years - then we lost my grandmother to a couple month battle with illness and she started up again in that difficult time. I think it can work for people who have the type of mind that is open to subconscious suggestions - it's hard to know if that is you before you try.
  • lgav23
    lgav23 Posts: 33 Member
    My best friend did...she is still smoke free after 8 years!
  • Lol...10 years ago I did it through self-hypnosis. Also called 'will power'. :) Cold turkey, no devices, gums, patches or drugs.
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    I tried hypnosis... one of those "group" deals... no go, waste of money for me. Maybe it helped some people... but the one thing that worked for me, Chantix, a quit smoking drug... 2.5 years and I don't even have any urge whatsoever... and I smoked 2 packs a day for 29 years!
  • PBJunkie
    PBJunkie Posts: 652
    Supporting friend + tazer = success, just takes a few shocks and you'll be too damn afraid to light another ciggie.
  • Hello, when I went to the hypnotherapist I quit smoking.... for two weeks, I had a fight with my mum about responsibilites and as I was young I had a *kitten* to 'show' her what I thought ( during those two weeks I didn't have any cravings or anything!!! ) Unfortunately the one *kitten* led to many more. I have been back again and again but the therapist now says I have a block on stopping and would have to do many sessions to get rid of it. I still smoke now but I am going to try the champix tablets soon.
    Good luck on your quest..:flowerforyou:
  • Yes, both my father (quit now for 15+ years) and myself (quit now 2+ years). I was sceptical at first but really feel it helped.:flowerforyou: Good Luck!
  • CityOnAHill
    CityOnAHill Posts: 136 Member
    I quit over two and half years ago using just Bupropion XL; a prescription drug for depression. I was able to feel better AND quit smoking.
    I still think about it every single day even though I cannot stand the smell of it anymore.
    Been through some really rough stuff over these last 30 months, too, and still never took so much as a single drag.

    Good luck!
  • mamacremers
    mamacremers Posts: 183 Member
    My SIL did last year, it worked for her so far. she still had some decent withdrawal, but she had enough willpower to quit and still isn't smoking (I think).
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    Supporting friend + tazer = success, just takes a few shocks and you'll be too damn afraid to light another ciggie.
    Love it... I need friends like you!!!
  • driaxx
    driaxx Posts: 314 Member
    Haha don't worry nothing that drastic. He became a lot quieter! But I think hypnosis is one of those things that work different depending on the person.
  • sharonnna
    sharonnna Posts: 21 Member
    I have not tried a hypnotist to quit smoking. What I did that worked was the patch. Cost is no more than the cigs you are smoking and there is a commitment. It was much easier than I thought. I have been smoke free for 2 months now. I am so happy now !! I just wish I had done it sooner. ::bigsmile: