Weekend Temptations...are you giving in or fighting back????



  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    giving in baby! i ate an entire HOMEMADE strawberry cheesecake today. delicious. it fit in my calories because i made the time to workout! :)
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    giving in baby! i ate an entire HOMEMADE strawberry cheesecake today. delicious. it fit in my calories because i made the time to workout! :)

    But what was the level of fat / cholesterol / sodium / saturated fat / sugar in that cake? >.> Just curious. <3
  • fitjunk
    fitjunk Posts: 160 Member
    I preplan! Work in an xtra workout so I don't feel guilty if I have a treat or a bigger meal. Once in a while ITS OK to go a little over. :)
  • MariFitBody
    MariFitBody Posts: 287 Member
    giving in baby! i ate an entire HOMEMADE strawberry cheesecake today. delicious. it fit in my calories because i made the time to workout! :)

    Great! Now I want some cheesecake! :-/
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    I don't fight them... the weekend is when I ALLOW myself to enjoy all of them.

    When Monday comes, do you gain some??
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    I fight back! when tempted I go do something else, like go for a walk or work out. Keep your hands and mind busy and find a new hobby. If your weekends equal all those things that helped you gain weight then maybe its time to find alternate weekend activites. If your super busy and having fun during the day then you might be less likely to feel the need to indulge at night. I need to lose some major pounds and I know that the treats, junk food and drinking sugary and alcoholic beverages helped me gain so I turn the temptation to anger and walk it off. I drink lots of peppermint tea it helps with sweet cravings and also helps with waterweight too!! If you give in now you will give in again, and then again, really one more wont hurt? it did before and it will again. stay strong and plan smart. Plan evey day to have some things you enjoy but keep the portions small and savor them. some simple rules passed on from some very good friends of mine;
    1. dont eat anything or drink sweet or alcohol after 7:30 or 8pm
    2. dont wear streachy pants, they give you an excuse if they are tight you will remember what your goals are
    3. drink lots of water or herbal teas
    4. always sit when you eat and if you can have pleasant conversation to draw it out.
    5. plan your meals and snacks and treats
    6. take multivitamins, your body might be craving things if it is low in essentials

    I get an amazing sense of satisfaction from being strong and not giving in to my "gateway" foods when im craving them. I will have a small portion of them when ive earned them not when my brain says "Gotta have it!" im in charge not my cravings.

    You are determined...I like that.
  • KettyLan
    KettyLan Posts: 440 Member
    Best advice - don't fight them. Treat yourself once a week. It's what I do. But - if you're going to splurge, try to make healthy choices the best you can. For instance, last week I went out for a big juicy burger at Max and Ermas. I got the smaller "Erma Size" burger and I got a wheat bun, bleu cheese, sauteed onion and mushrooms, lettuce and tomato on it. Nothing else. I also opted for a fruit dish instead of fries with it, and drank water. I'm planning on going to Chipotle for my next splurge, but that probably won't be until next weekend. /cry :( Cause we're broke... lol.

    But anyway, going there I plan to get hard tacos instead of soft, pulled pork (carnitas) with no rice, black beans, lettuce, sour cream, guac, and medium salsa. That is about 780 calories, 38g fat, 13g saturated fat, 110mg cholesterol, 1320mg sodium, 64g carbs, 20g fiber, 10g sugar, and 41g protein. Now, that seems huge, and it is for one meal. (the worst part is the sat. fat! ugh!) But if you spread it out throughout the day, like eat 1 taco for lunch and the other 2 for dinner, it's really not so bad. Then you could still have a low fat, healthy light breakfast too.

    Wow! And you have managed to lose 50 pounds!!!!
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    giving in baby! i ate an entire HOMEMADE strawberry cheesecake today. delicious. it fit in my calories because i made the time to workout! :)

    But what was the level of fat / cholesterol / sodium / saturated fat / sugar in that cake? >.> Just curious. <3

    I'm not concerned with the cholesterol, sodium, saturated fat, or sugar...I eat healthily 85-90% of the time so the damage that I am doing physically is not significant enough to outweigh the satisfaction I got from eating it. The rest of my day was filled with nutritious foods so it really doesn't matter that much to me as cholesterol and saturated fat are quite low in my diet.

    For curiosities sake I checked...I got 105% sat. fat based on a a 2000 calories diet..but I ate 2300 calories today...so that's equivalent to about 99% for a 2300 calories day. 35g of fat. Sodium less than 50%. Sugar ~60g. Really not that bad in my opinion.
  • happy_travels
    happy_travels Posts: 51 Member
    Best advice - don't fight them. Treat yourself once a week. It's what I do. But - if you're going to splurge, try to make healthy choices the best you can. For instance, last week I went out for a big juicy burger at Max and Ermas. I got the smaller "Erma Size" burger and I got a wheat bun, bleu cheese, sauteed onion and mushrooms, lettuce and tomato on it. Nothing else. I also opted for a fruit dish instead of fries with it, and drank water. I'm planning on going to Chipotle for my next splurge, but that probably won't be until next weekend. /cry :( Cause we're broke... lol.

    But anyway, going there I plan to get hard tacos instead of soft, pulled pork (carnitas) with no rice, black beans, lettuce, sour cream, guac, and medium salsa. That is about 780 calories, 38g fat, 13g saturated fat, 110mg cholesterol, 1320mg sodium, 64g carbs, 20g fiber, 10g sugar, and 41g protein. Now, that seems huge, and it is for one meal. (the worst part is the sat. fat! ugh!) But if you spread it out throughout the day, like eat 1 taco for lunch and the other 2 for dinner, it's really not so bad. Then you could still have a low fat, healthy light breakfast too.

    This is pretty much how I do my free meals too. I am also of the mind of having some goodies every day, for me it is a couple malt balls, maybe a piece of a cookie, or some bites of my boyfriends doughnuts, ECT.. It makes the whole thing more of a lifestyle than a diet. I can't feel like I am on a diet!!!
  • neckburg
    neckburg Posts: 9 Member
    the day after i have cocktails is THE WORST even if i have only 3 or 4 cocktails and am in bed by 11. i just eat, and eat, and eat. annoying.
  • sbeisel1
    sbeisel1 Posts: 181
    the day after i have cocktails is THE WORST even if i have only 3 or 4 cocktails and am in bed by 11. i just eat, and eat, and eat. annoying.

    This is normal, and annoying, but think about what your consuming, alcohol is just sugar and in coctails its usually added to more sugar and you boost your bodys insulin reaction late at night along with stressing your body with what basicaly amounts to a poision. I have nothing against drinking in moderation. Keep in mind that alcohol is a deperessant and alot of people respond to it by eating. Make sure to track your bevies in your diary and up your water intake before and after drinking to help offset. never drink on an empty tummy always have a good fiber and protein meal to help balance the insulin load.

    The empty calories in some common alcoholic drinks

    •1 standard bottle or can of beer (not strong beer) =150 calories
    •1 ounce of liquor (without mixer, which can add a lot of calories) += 65 calories
    •1 ounce of after dinner liqueurs = 188 calories
    •1 glass of red wine (125 ml) = 80 calories
    •1 glass of dry white wine (125 mls) = 75 calories
    •1 martini = 140 calories
    •1 cooler = 150 calories
    •1 margarita =168 calories