Hello, new here

Hi everyone, I'm new here. I joined a year ago but forgot about the place, sorry, needless to say my weight loss battle didn't go so well despite all of my best intentions. A lot happened, I moved across country, I lost my job, I became a carer with my boyfriend for his 81 year old father and I have helped my boyfriend open up his own business just in the last couple of months. None of this I foresaw and everything about me took a back seat. Things finally started getting back on track in August so I went and joined a gym and did a complete rehaul of my diet.

I have been hard at the gym 5 days a week for nearly 3 months now and have seen little/no change to my body or my weight. My clothes don't fit differently, I don't (think I) look differently, besides that I feel slightly stronger and slightly more energetic but nothing like I thought it would be.

I completely changed my diet. No more processed foods, no more junk food, no more unhealthy eating. I make all of my meals from scratch, get plenty of protein, plenty of water, keep my carbs down low.

I used to be able to lose weight so easily. I could literally just cut down my meal sizes for 2 weeks and see a huge difference in my weight but I guess I'm older now (I'm 24) and it just doesn't seem so easy anymore and it's taking real effort, real effort that I'm putting in but seeing no results.

I have sacrificed a lot. I've given up eating all the sweeties and fizzies I love. I have one cheat meal a week but given that my taste buds seem to crave really good healthy food now and turn away junk, my cheat meal usually ends up being something sort of healthy, like a nice piece of chicken with mashed potatoes and loads of veg.

The trainers in the gym are puzzled, I'm puzzled, my family and friends are puzzled about my lack of weight loss. I have decided that if I have lost no weight by my next weigh in at the gym (in 3 weeks) then I'm going to go to a doctor and make sure there isn't a medical reason why I can't seem to lose any weight.

I guess I'm here just to see if there's some great secret about weight loss that I haven't been told. It's hard to stay motivated and push forward when you're getting no results. I'm trying to be determined but I'm just coming up disheartened.


  • MarlaChandlerBarton
    MarlaChandlerBarton Posts: 141 Member
    Are you taking any meds at all? Sometimes some meds can make the weight loss go slow. And if you don't have that much to lose also, your body could be hanging on to the lbs. I had that to happen to me too and discoverd at the time it was my antidepressant I was on. Eventually though my body gave up and I began losing. Don't give up, hang tough and keep doing what you are doing. It sounds like a life style change for you rather than a "diet" and that's great. Don't let go... it will happen!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Welcome to you! Have you taken an honest look at the portion sizes you're eating? I was amazed at how much I was eating compared to how much I should be eating. Anyway Good Luck to You and feel free to add me as a supportive friend~
  • megan6709
    megan6709 Posts: 60 Member
    Sometimes low carb doesn't work for people... Especially if you are working out a lot, you might need more. What percentage of your diet does MFP set your carbs at? Try upping that by 5-10 and decreasing fat and/or protein to make up for it.
  • blondie990
    Not on any meds. Unfortunately, I have a lot to lose.

    I have cut my portion sizes way down. If I'm feeling particular hungry I just load up on veg.

    I used to eat quite a lot of bread with soup so I've cut that out and try to have only one portion of carbs a day like brown rice or brown pasta but most days I don't have any of those type of carbs.

    Thanks for the tips.