
monih10 Posts: 577 Member
edited October 4 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been reading a little about different types of yoga, and am really interested in starting some of the exercise....does anyone know which is the best type of yoga for aiding in weight loss? Most of the things I've read are related to stretching and toning the body....which is good too!! what are your experiences and opinions of yoga?


  • esmecgg
    esmecgg Posts: 38
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    I don't know specifics on any particular kind of yoga, but Biggest Loser has a yoga weight loss DVD that you can get on Amazon for dirt cheap. It's really good.
  • I tried it about a year and a half ago, I wasn't really a big fan but the girl to guy ratio was nice. haha
  • Jean410
    Jean410 Posts: 104
    I'm not a yoga expert and I'm trying to lose weight too. But I think of yoga as a full body massage that I give to myself. I feel so great afterwards. Great compliment to my workout, but still need to get in the cardio.
  • dreamgurl2324
    dreamgurl2324 Posts: 191 Member
    I LOVE yoga! If your new to yoga I wouldnt go and jump into the hardest. I would start with a beginners class or dvd. Vinyasa Yoga is a great all over body work out. It's resistance training using your own body weight. It is great for flexability relaxation stress relief. Hatha yoga is a great burn too. But I would defintly start with a beginner until you get comfortable with the poses and can do them correctly. Always remember to keep your shoulders away from your ears and shoulder blades down the back you dont want to hurt your rotater cuf :)
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 584 Member
    I am not sure on the weight loss but my Dr and I discussed this topic and she said its very beneficial for flexibly and helps with arthritis and fibromyalgia pain.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    Vinyasa or "Power Yoga." I'd recommend Jillian Michael's "Yoga Meltdown," which, "true" yoga practitioners will probably scoff at, but I like it and I get a good workout in.

    Also, I'd go to a local class until you get the basics down. You don't want to reinforce a bad version of a move and end up hurting yourself.

    I hope this helps, and good luck! <3
  • I love Yoga! I do the P90X Yoga X dvd and it helps me with balance and flexibility. Downside is the price, I believe you still have to buy the whole P90X dvd set. Last time I checked it was well over $100 for the whole set. I use the dvd's for my main workouts, so it was well worth the price for me. I agree with the others that starting at more of a beginners level is the way to go.
  • limismith
    limismith Posts: 156 Member
    Most yoga classes are Vinyasa style, which is what I suggest. I take a PiYo class, which is a combo or pilates and yoga. It moves from pose to pose faster than just yoga, and pushes you a little more. I am down 10lbs, and it's been my main source of exercise. Not to mention, I am getting super toned.

    The Biggest Loser yoga dvd is pretty awesome, if you want to try a video. It's meant for weightloss, whereas some yoga videos are more focused on balance and mental health.

    Anyone who says yoga is not a workout is doing the wrong kind of yoga!!!
  • limismith
    limismith Posts: 156 Member
    PS: I am doing yoga in my profile pic. Or was, until my upward dog turned into resting cat :)
  • divainme
    divainme Posts: 69 Member
    I really enjoy yoga when I do it. I went to 'hot yoga' for 6 months and really enjoyed it. I found the Bikram too hard core but was able to find a hot yoga studio that was more my style. When I am practicing yoga on a regular basis I end up feeling looser and able to move better which helps with other things.

    Before I started 'hot yoga' I had a weak ankle that always gave out and I was constantly falling down because of it. After a month of yoga it was stronger and it hasn't gave out since. When weight training I prefer the benefits of using yoga to strengthen my body then going to a gym.

    Try a class - beginners - it is helpful to have someone show you how to do the poses properly and keep you motivated.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I love it- currently trying to do Ashtanga yoga once a week, but I don't do it for weightloss, it's more about toning and the feeling of well being I get doing it. I only burn about 190 calories in 90 minutes so if I wanted to lose weight I would do something far more high impact for 90 minutes.
  • shellimus
    shellimus Posts: 158 Member
    I just did deep flow yoga the other night and wore my bodybugg. I burned 214 calories! I think that's pretty good, considering that I felt like I was relaxing. I mean I was working, but it's certainly less strenuous than other types of exercise.
  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 577 Member
    Thanks for the info, everyone....I think I am going to look in to signing up for a class.....thanks again!! :happy:
  • dreamgurl2324
    dreamgurl2324 Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks for the info, everyone....I think I am going to look in to signing up for a class.....thanks again!! :happy:

    I'm glad your going to sign up for a class because if the poses are done wrong you could really hurt yourself. Good luck :) And have fun! And don't worry about being new and intimidated yoga teaches you to be compasionate to yourself and others..there is no judging going on in a yoga class
  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 577 Member
    Thanks for the info, everyone....I think I am going to look in to signing up for a class.....thanks again!! :happy:

    I'm glad your going to sign up for a class because if the poses are done wrong you could really hurt yourself. Good luck :) And have fun! And don't worry about being new and intimidated yoga teaches you to be compasionate to yourself and others..there is no judging going on in a yoga class

    Yes....some of the poses are very strenuous....i did find one on netflix streaming that wasn't too bad...but I am going to try to find a class locally to sign up for!! :)
  • b0t23
    b0t23 Posts: 260 Member
    losing weight must come hand in hand with cardio, strength training, and flexibility... which you can work on with yoga

    today I did an hour and a half yoga class which combined stretching, balance, and lots of strength training.

    ever tried to hold yourself in a pushup position and do leg stretches?

    or hold your legs up while doing arm stretches?

    I was dripping sweat in parts, but by the end of it I felt loose and refreshed. But damn it can kick your *kitten* if you have a teacher who keeps you constantly moving from pose to pose.

    some teachers focus more on a meditative type of yoga where you are more relaxed in poses, helps more with connective tissue and flexibility. some teachers will be making you hold yourself up on your hands or hold your legs up in between the poses to really get more of a workout or aerobic type of experience.

    edit: also someone mentioned the biggest loser workout video.
    I would not say this is for beginners. but it definitely will give you a workout, burn some fat/calories, and feel pretty good.
    I would recommend working up to it? or if you have been doing other workouts and feel good about your knees and upper body strength, go for it. I enjoyed it.
  • skinnygirl1965
    skinnygirl1965 Posts: 6 Member
    I love Yoga. I have taken many classes mostly Hatha Yoga. For many years I have followed a video called Yoga for Weight Loss.
    yoga strengthens your whole body. And caring for your body in this way leads you to take care of your body in other ways as well such as making sure you get good nutrition. It was very instrumental in helping me heal my 3 herniated back discs. Go back, take some classes, you won't be sorry.
  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 577 Member
    Thanks for all the info Ladies!!
  • cownancy
    cownancy Posts: 291
    I've written quite a bit about my recent yoga experiences. I am 54 years old , 5'10" and still 251 pounds, down from 310. I have chronic fatigue syndrome, Epstein-Barre, asthma, degenerative joint disease and have had ear and back surgery. I was in bed for over 10 years and depressed to the point of total isolation.
    Five weeks ago, I went into a Body and Brain/Dahn Yoga Center and I have tightened my muscles, gotten stronger, am not in bed ENOUGH now and actually went back to work full time. I have a long way to go, but I love it because it is a combination of yoga, tai chi and meditation. It works on taking control of your body and brain and I really needed that. It works better than the tons of medication I have been taking for years.
    Now...with that said, there is a great deal of bad publicity for the founder of this "movement", Dr. Ilchi Lee, with the accusation that it is a "cult". But, my center is a franchise and while most of the top members are very attracted to Dr. Lee, I don't feel threatened by it. I have talked to many about the publicity and the fact is that every press item about Dahn acknowledges that the actual exercise/practice is remarkably effective.
    I can do an entire "gentle" class and am starting to take "regular" classes", though my knees still require me to modify some of the movements. I look forward to going.
    Good luck!
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