Ripped in 30 Starting NOW...Join Me



  • Orionbelt
    I plan on doing it about 5 days a week (probably Monday to Friday because it is easy for me to work out during my lunch break at work but not so easy to do it at home with three little monkeys running around!) plus throw in a few runs now and then.

    Actually feeling pretty good this morning....thought I would be really sore after yesterday.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Thursday, 10/20...W1D1, 245 calories burned
    Friday, 10/21..W1D2, 234 calories burned & 256 on the elliptical
    Saturday, 10/22...W1D3, 247 calories & 234 on the elliptical

    5 lbs weight except for the side lunges....I'm just not sure I do those right...clumbsy food that I am

    Check in tomorrow for Day 4...can't wait to see and feel the end results
  • Orionbelt
    It was tough getting it done today but I did it! Was way under my calories yesterday and it really impacted my energy level today. Need to be more aware of that on the days that I run as well. Tomorrow might be a day off for me if I get out for a run but we shall see.

    Burned 247 calories and like you I used 5 lb weights and did my best to do the weight with the side lunges but it is toughM
  • o0oAliciao0o
    4 Days in a row so far! Can definitely feel it in my muscles so I hope after 30 days that I can actually see a difference. Those side lunges with the anterior raise kill me! My arms just aren't strong enough for the anterior raise. It's a work in progress
  • Emwalker3406
    Emwalker3406 Posts: 308 Member
    I haven't forgot about you. I had to take the weekend off. I'm doing mon-fri with weekends off. I hope you all are hanging in ok
  • krystalgwen
    krystalgwen Posts: 39 Member
    I would really love to be a part of this group although I started ripped in 30 yesterday ? Can I still join ?

    Here are my stats

    Weight 184

    Measurements I can post later cause I have them written down in a book I can not find atm
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Welcome Krystal...Of course, you can join

    I was going to do RI30 today....but, I am just exhausted from being on the football fields for 7 hours today. It was well worth it as the boys won the tournament and go on to Nationals in Texas. My son is 10 and is sooooo excited.

    I will be back on it tomorrow...

    Thursday, 10/20...W1D1, 245 calories burned
    Friday, 10/21..W1D2, 234 calories burned & 256 on the elliptical
    Saturday, 10/22...W1D3, 247 calories & 234 on the elliptical
    Sunday, Rest day...if shivering outside is considered rest
  • Orionbelt
    I so didn't have the desire to get off my butt and workout today but I'm glad I did! Had a mini victory today...was able to do the side lunges with lateral raises with 5 lb weights! Woot!

    Anyone else working out today?
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I am...but, we've just done some remodeling and I can't get the DVD to play on the PS3...I need my son to come home from school

    I will do Day 4 today

    Good job on the side lunges and the 5 lbs. I am looking for to doing the side planks unmodified, I'm going to attempt it today :sad:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Thursday, 10/20...W1D1, 245 calories burned
    Friday, 10/21..W1D2, 234 calories burned & 256 on the elliptical
    Saturday, 10/22...W1D3, 247 calories & 234 on the elliptical
    Sunday, Rest day...if shivering outside is considered rest
    Monday, 10/14...W1D4, ??? calories, I will do elliptical tonight HRM wasn't working right and I kept losing signal


    I did the side planks more advanced on the right side and had a little more difficulty on the left (I kept falling over).

    Also, I tried to do manly push-ups; then, switched to girly ones. I felt like I couldn't go down far enought with the manly ones. I am sure to get a lot more attempts at it as the weeks so on.

    Rock'n on to Day 5 tomorrow...whoot whoot :drinker: :drinker:
  • Orionbelt
    Day Five today...WOOT! Today my goals are to do as many regular push ups as I can, do the side planks unmodified and to do the lateral raises with weights. I usually workout in the afternoon (well after lunch) but I have a meeting at work so I plan on doing it this morning.
  • Orionbelt
    And I'm done! Attempted all my goals, wasn't always able to complete them but at least I attempted them! Noticed today that even after only five days of doing this, I feel stronger when I do the workout. I'm definitely sweating more but I must be getting used to it becasue I'm burning less calories (240 today vs 247 when I first started). Hoping it is going to be a nice day tomorrow so I can get a run in tomorrow because my 10 k is coming up fast. YIKES! If not, then I will do day 6 of Ripped.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Great job on Day 5. Your body is gettnig more effiicient!! Def go for the run tomorrow, 10k is creeping up!!

    Continued to do the side planks unmodified with the leg, still on the elbow tho...don't think my abs are strong enough for the hand placement and I HELD the plank postiion for the full 30 seconds.

    I think I've corrected my side lunges. I need to do foot placement first and then the squat and arm lift. I think I am rushing it.

    280 calories burned, I am following the "V" lady more than the Shelly girl. I've noticed that I am not taking as many breaks (more like collapse from fatique) as the beginning. I think I am almost ready for Level 2

    Thursday, 10/20...W1D1, 245 calories burned
    Friday, 10/21..W1D2, 234 calories burned & 256 on the elliptical
    Saturday, 10/22...W1D3, 247 calories & 234 on the elliptical
    Sunday, Rest day...if shivering outside is considered rest
    Monday, 10/24...W1D4, ??? calories, I will do elliptical tonight
    Tuesday, 10/25...W1D5, 280 calories & Elliptical 260
  • o0oAliciao0o
    I'm still doing it! I am curious to see how the results turn out. I am starting to get bored of doing the same workout and I can quote what she says and the same tone of voice before she says things now, which is weird. Has anyone else gained weight off of this program before? I have been so good and also doing well with food this week and I'm excited to weigh in on Friday but I'm worried that weight training might affect the weight loss. Hopefully not!
  • Michelleando
    You guys are doing great! I am on week4 day3...I did have a couple of days where my weight went up 2 lbs, but it could have been something I ate ie. high sodium, even though I am tracking everything I eat. Or a bit of muscle gain:) startred this program at 172, Monday I was at 162. Dont give up!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Thursday, 10/20...W1D1, 245 calories burned
    Friday, 10/21..W1D2, 234 calories burned & 256 on the elliptical
    Saturday, 10/22...W1D3, 247 calories & 234 on the elliptical
    Sunday, Rest day...if shivering outside is considered rest
    Monday, 10/24...W1D4, ??? calories, I will do elliptical tonight
    Tuesday, 10/25...W1D5, 280 calories & Elliptical 260
    Wednesday, 10/26...12 hour workout

    I will finish Day 6 tomorrow unless I work another 12....
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I worked another 12, tomorrow I am ripping
  • Orionbelt
    Week 2 Day 1 - Holy planks people. This week is going to be brutal. I had three kids in under three years and even though my youngest is now three, I still have no core strength whatsoever. Didn't think I was going to get it in but I did so yay a me!
  • kdenny1
    kdenny1 Posts: 134
    I will start this on the 1st. im doing 30 day shred as well so i will be doing one in the morning and ripped in the afternoon. If i dont get rid of this baby belly by the end of this then something will be terribly wrong
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Week 2 Day 1 - Holy planks people. This week is going to be brutal. I had three kids in under three years and even though my youngest is now three, I still have no core strength whatsoever. Didn't think I was going to get it in but I did so yay a me!

    I am starting it tomorrow...I am finishing Day 6 today...thanks for the warning