MFP The Biggest Loser Yellow Team***Closed Group***



  • I went ahead and submitted my weight and steps in to them tonight. I am really hoping to have the day to myself tomorrow and not have to worry about my time limit for TBL. I ended up with 12, 200 steps all together and a weight of 188.4! I'm pretty happy about that considering everything I have been through! REALLY getting ready to hit things hard on Monday now that the stent is out and I'm feeling like a CHAMP!! GO YELLOW TEAM!!! GOOD LUCK TO US ALL TOMORROW!!! :drinker:
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    That's awesome, Kristi!!! You really pushed through it, especially with all your issues this week. Hopefully that nightmare will be over for you soon!! I normally submit my numbers first thing Sunday morning, but today I'm going to wait until closer to the last minute so I can have one final push for a bunch of steps. I'm really paranoid, apparently. LOL.

    I'm at 14300 right now (I was a machine yesterday and did 6000) and I'd like to get in another 6000 today if my body and legs don't give out. Not sure I'll have enough time for that many - it's 7:00 am here now and I only have until 2:00 pm my time to get in my numbers. Even if I don't get in that many, I still feel pretty good about what I've done. So glad Tira has pushed us all this week. :)

    I wish us all the best with our numbers and hopefully we will have a good day today! GO TEAM YELLOW!!!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    Oh gosh, you girls are A-MA-ZING! I won't be surprised if I'm the one going out this week. I only ended up with 3000 some steps. Ugh...I just didn't want to do much else other than snuggle with the husband. Other than my steps, I didn't do any other exercise. Guess that's why I have such a measily loss this week of 1.8lbs. I know I didn't beat Tira. I hope I'm still around after tomorrow...this wasn't a good week for me. Well, it was personally...just not weight loss, exercise.
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Oh gosh, you girls are A-MA-ZING! I won't be surprised if I'm the one going out this week. I only ended up with 3000 some steps. Ugh...I just didn't want to do much else other than snuggle with the husband. Other than my steps, I didn't do any other exercise. Guess that's why I have such a measily loss this week of 1.8lbs. I know I didn't beat Tira. I hope I'm still around after tomorrow...this wasn't a good week for me. Well, it was personally...just not weight loss, exercise.

    I'm so glad you've had this time to spend with your husband. That is WAY more important than any competition. :) And I know you'll get right back into the swing of things once he has to leave again. You are on a mission, and you will get there. I hope he's been impressed with your efforts so far!!! You are doing a great job, and hopefully you will still be with our team for next week. And even if any of us have to leave, I know we will all still be here for each other as a great support system.

    You guys all are such a huge motivation for me, and I thank you for it!
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Well guys, I tried. I talked with Don and Tira about giving my immunity to ArmyWife to keep her in the game, but they decided they couldn't let me do that. :( They didn't want to start a trend about making exceptions for people because then they would have a headache with everybody requesting special things. I figured they wouldn't let us "donate" our steps for that reason, but I thought maybe they'd let me volunteer to take the votes myself.

    I did my best - sorry it didn't work out!!!

    Stacey, I hope you still follow along with us and root for your fellow yellows!!! You are a true inspiration to me and I'm so sorry to see you go. :sad: I always figure that if you can do this with four little children at home (and if Kristi can do this after SURGERY!!!) then I have no excuses at all. :) But you will never really be gone because we will all still harrass you (I mean support you, hehehe) to keep on this journey. You will always be one of us!!! :flowerforyou:

    Best of luck to the yellow team this week - you guys really did great in the last challenge and I'm so proud of our team. I hope whatever the new challenge is this week is something we will kick butt at again!!!
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    You guys really rocked the challenge, its sad one person has to leave. Great work, great weight losses too!!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    I'm kinda bummed. I won't lie. But I appreciate you trying to save me. I really do. I knew last week would be rough for me with him home. We ate out everyday. No joke. And I didn't exercise at all other than my steps. I should've pushed myself more. Maybe it's just all the emotions, but I'm crying b/c I'm out. It stinks. LOL! But I WILL be here participating right along with you 3 who are left. And I'll keep submitting my weekly weight even though I'm out. You 3 have got to keep going strong so someone from Team Yellow can win this thing! YOU GOT THIS!!!! Thanks for being so supportive and encouraging. Now, kick some butt!
  • Ivymarie75
    Ivymarie75 Posts: 80 Member


  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    As my nephew would say, "HOLY MOLY COW!!!" What a roller coaster of events and emotions this last day has been. I wish Kristi and I could donate all of our extra steps to Stacey and Ivy and save everyone! It's a bummer that they won't let us do that. We tried though!!! :(

    I'll be sad to see anyone go, and hate that we have the tough choice to vote someone out. I know everyone has been doing the best that they can under whatever circumstances they've been dealing with. I hope we can all stay together as a team and support each other, even when people leave. And that goes for jaygirl and all of our past team members too, if any of you are reading this!!!

    I'm very proud of our team, and I know we all work really hard for our accomplishments. Guess I'd better get my vote in now. :frown:

    Best of luck to everyone for this week, and GO TEAM YELLOW!!!
  • jaygirl3
    jaygirl3 Posts: 320 Member
    I cant do pushups, my hands wont let me, but will try and aim for 1000 situps. I know that is low but its something. Go team yellow, one of you can win this.
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    Thanks for saving me. I'm grateful! I need a challenge this week to keep my mind off things. Push ups aren't my best, but I will rock the sit ups, and my treadmill gets here tomorrow, so I'll be doing my 5K daily. We GOT this, Team Yellow! I don't want anyone to go this week! And I'll be checking in daily now that things are returning to a normal routine around here. Okay, off to bed...I've been up since 3:45am.
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    I cant do pushups, my hands wont let me, but will try and aim for 1000 situps. I know that is low but its something. Go team yellow, one of you can win this.

    Jaygirl, I think 1000 sit ups is awesome! Keep up the good work!

    Stacey, we are so glad to still have you even though we had to lose Ivy. :( I'm so excited that your treadmill is coming today - that is awesome! I definitely don't want anyone to go home this week.

    Do you guys have a strategy for how you are tackling this challenge? It sounds like some people will be doing all three things while other people will solely be focusing on whichever one is their strength. What are you guys' plans?

    I'm going to be trying to do all three, but focusing mostly on the sit ups and the running. I don't know what kind of handicap we were each given, so I'm nervous about that, but I'll just do my best. The push ups are definitely my weakest area, so I have no illusions about beating Don in those. I have one bad shoulder from a former injury, so those are a struggle for me though I'll still try to do some every day.

    Do you guys have specific goals in mind for this week? Good luck everyone, and GO TEAM YELLOW! Let's all stay in this week!!! :)
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    I'm focusing on sit ups and the running. I think my running will be the only way I'll gain immunity and beat Don. My treadmill is like a new toy, and I'm excited to use it. The novelty may wear off, but it sure did arrive on a good week for the challenge. My mile time earlier was 16:32. Today was 16 even. So my 5K should be uinder an hour. IDK what my handicap will be, but I hope it's enough to stay safe. I'm hoping for a big loss this week, too. That way even if I don't beat Don in anything, I still hope not to be in the bottom 4.
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Ok, just checking in. How are you all doing? Everyone think they will be safe on Sunday??

    I'm really hoping my running time will be good enough to keep me safe. If not, then maybe my sit ups. Definitely not the push ups, though. LOL. I've run my 5K two times officially (with some other running in between to work on endurance). I made my goal time, but just barely - by 1 second. :) I have no idea how much of a headstart I've been given, so hopefully it's enough.

    You guys doing well this week?
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    Well, I'm not doing so well. Ugh. I've been eating right and exercising everyday, and I'm up 2 pounds. WTH?????? I'm so disheartened right now. I've only lost like 4 pounds so far this entire month. Last month I lost almost 15. What gives? I feel like crying. And no, my TOM isn't supposed to start any time soon. I've been getting my water in, too. And watching my sodium.

    I've been doing all the sit ups I can. And I've done my 5K twice--the first time was my best time of 57:32. I'm praying and crossing everything I've got that my time is enough for immunity. If not, I'll likely be in the bottom b/c of my terrible week with the scale.
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    Ugh, that sucks. :( I hate it when my body does the opposite of what I'm working hard for. Your weight gain is probably just a temporary thing and has more to do with water and fluctuation than anything else. I'm sure it will right itself shortly! :) Hopefully either your 5K time or your sit ups will be enough to get you that immunity so the scale won't even matter! That's what I'm hoping for too. My best time was 41:59 which barely cleared my goal time of 42:00. LOL. I don't know whether it will be enough or not, though. I *might* try again tomorrow morning, depending on how my legs feel after my long day of hiking today. The scale hasn't been great for me this week, but it's at least moving in the right direction. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll see a bigger difference overall.

    Everybody will hopefully have a great exercise and eating day today! Best of luck to everyone, and let's get this done!!!!!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    My push ups were awful. LOL! I did 20 a day. I broke my wrist in HS playing volleyball, and I have no strength in it.

    Sit ups--I did 100 at a time 5x a day, so I'm hoping that's enough to get me through. By the 5th rep of 100, I was cursing Don. LOL!
  • WOW!! Atticus, we are literally 30 seconds apart on our run times! I was 49:29!! LOL How many push-ups and sit-ups did you get in? You did SUCH a great job this week with everything! How was your hike at "Wet Beaver" was it?? **snicker snicker**

    Stacy!!!!!!!! WOMAN!! You ROCKED those sit-ups!! You better be damn proud of yourself! Thats fantastic!! Its all good about the push-ups! Point is that you tried to do them! Keep up the fantastic work!

    AFM: I only did 620 push-ups AND sit-ups....I was really hoping for more but I'm hoping its enough to beat Don this week :grumble: I really expected to do more but it just didnt happen. Only lost .2 of a pound this week so I'm PRAYING I have beat him in something...we shall see!!

    I HOPE THEY GET THE EPISODE UP TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: you guys!!!
  • AmazingStace
    AmazingStace Posts: 92 Member
    I knew my sit ups would probably be my only way for immunity. The plus side is my son now thinks doing sit ups is fun. And he loves holding my feet while I do them. LOL! I think my stomach muscles are ready to revolt, though. They've been dormant for so long. Haha!
  • backwardslant
    backwardslant Posts: 101 Member
    My push ups were awful. LOL! I did 20 a day. I broke my wrist in HS playing volleyball, and I have no strength in it.

    Sit ups--I did 100 at a time 5x a day, so I'm hoping that's enough to get me through. By the 5th rep of 100, I was cursing Don. LOL!

    Stacey, that is awesome!!! That is a TON of sit ups! Coincidentally, I also have an old injury from volleyball (torn rotator cuff) which impairs my push up motion. I also only did 20 a day on those.
    WOW!! Atticus, we are literally 30 seconds apart on our run times! I was 49:29!! LOL How many push-ups and sit-ups did you get in? You did SUCH a great job this week with everything! How was your hike at "Wet Beaver" was it?? **snicker snicker**

    Stacy!!!!!!!! WOMAN!! You ROCKED those sit-ups!! You better be damn proud of yourself! Thats fantastic!! Its all good about the push-ups! Point is that you tried to do them! Keep up the fantastic work!

    AFM: I only did 620 push-ups AND sit-ups....I was really hoping for more but I'm hoping its enough to beat Don this week I really expected to do more but it just didnt happen. Only lost .2 of a pound this week so I'm PRAYING I have beat him in something...we shall see!!

    Kristi, that is cool about our run times - we must be right about at the same level. I know we are fairly close in weight, so maybe it makes it all even. LOL. And Wet Beaver Creek was awesome - and lived up to its name. LOL.

    We should definiltely crown Stacey the Sit Up Queen of the week! That is so awesome! My totals were 120 push ups and 1305 sit ups. I probably could have done more of those if I'd really pushed it, so hopefully I won't be kicking myself if I don't have enough of something. :(

    I was surprised at how much weight I lost this week, though, so that is a good thing at least! I didn't think my numbers were that great, but that's because I had forgotton what my weigh in was last week. LOL. I ended up with a 2.8 pound loss, which I'm sure is largely due to my long hike as well as all that running from this week. Hopefully even if I don't beat Don in anything, I'll have a big enough weight loss to save me if it comes down to that.

    My hope is that every one of us is safe this week, though!! My guess is that Stacey will be safe through those sit ups alone, and I bet Kristi will be safe on the run. I'm kind of hoping the run time will keep me safe, but we'll have to see what kind of advantage Don gave us. Cross your fingers, everyone.

    I'm so proud of you guys! We really worked hard this week, and I think we can make it through until next week. GO TEAM YELLOW!!!