How to get rid of chocolate cravings???!?

okay well I've decided to go on an all-healthy diet meaning I will be eating NO junk food. I've learnt to drop the sodas and fast foods and chips and stuff, but my one weakness is chocolate. Anything that has chocolate in it I will want it. How do I stop this craving?? I've caved in a few times and I've only had this diet for a week! And don't say to get rid of all chocolates in the house because I'm only 23 and I live with a chocolate loving family. Any ideas??


  • tracey1986
    I try to have some Options. It's quite a nice hot chocolate and gets rid of your chocolate craving plus it's only 40 calories
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    I don't get rid of my cravings, I've just learnt to live with them!

    I keep a broken up bar of chocolate in my fridge, and treat myself to a piece occasionally - being almost frozen it takes ages to melt in my mouth so I get my chocolate fix for longer (or it feels that way LOL)

    Sometimes, total deprivation doesn't work, and I've learnt over the last few months that I can still have my treats as long as I'm sensible - it's not just about dieting, it's about a change in lifestyle.

    It may not work for you, but worth a try!

    Good luck!
  • NoDairy
    NoDairy Posts: 88
    No matter ur age, you need to get rid of the bad food u crave.
    Before knowing i was allergic to any kind of chocolate i used to buy these chocolates from gnc that are good for ur digestive system, u eat 1 pc a day...
    Good luck!
  • CaliSweden
    I couldn't get rid of my chocolate cravings. So I traded out milk chocolate for dark chocolate 70% and above. I break it up into pieces and take a long time to enjoy that one piece.
  • dbthegreat
    I allow myself a treat once per day. I time it for when my son gets home from school so I can spend the day looking forward to being allowed it when he comes home. This makes it easier to push through cravings until then.

    After that it is dinner and I am normally to full to crave any more chocolate. So my advice is don't try and stop chocolate all together. Allow yourself a small amount. around 100 calories, at a specific time and not before, and factor this in to your calorie allowance for the day.
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    Ok, firstly don't think diet, think healthy eating. Secondly if you keep within your goal, there is no reason why you can't have some chocolate (in moderation) each day. You can even schedule a little bit more indulging once in a while when you get the hang of it. I have to admit though it's hard sometimes to stop with chocolate. Try a sweet natural alternative such as fruit (eg strawberries) and maybe add some chocolate if it doesn't quite satisfy (eg chocolate dipped strawberries!). Just dont over do it! I find hardboiled lollies sometimes satisfy. Oh yea, one more tip: every time you have a craving drink a glass or twomof water and wait 10 mins. Sometimes (mot always) the craving goes away! check my diary, I ain't perfect - 3 months on I still have chocolate (and some other junk food) but keep things in perspective. logging foods does that!

    Edit: I noticed your goal. I'm embarrassed. Clearly you are a lot healthier than me lol,
  • BBBombshell
    I do the sugar free Jello Chocolate fudge pudding and make with milk...taste like the real thing and is oh so good...mmmmmmmm. Sets in 5 minutes in the fridge....I think I will have some now! Oh only like 25 cals
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    I eat 90% dark choc - 1 or 2 squares is enough to satisfy!!!

    Sue :smile: x
  • yesiwillbeloosingit
    The cravings will go away after a while- if your body is used to the chocolate- you should stop having it for a while to give it some time to stop the "need" - I think its like all other addictions ( I am a huge chocoholic my self - but have been off it for a while now :) )

    You could also be craving them cause of whole lot other than reason - such as maybe you are lacking some sort of minerals - like chromium. So maybe you should have a talk with your doc and have it checked.

  • Eleanorjanethinner
    Eleanorjanethinner Posts: 563 Member
    Have a bit of chocolate!

    There's no reason why you need to remove all "junk" food completely from your food choices. A couple of bits of dark chocolate are fine and should fit into your daily calories if you budget for them.
  • purplepollypops
    purplepollypops Posts: 323 Member
    If I don't satisfy my craving then I end up bingeing on other stuff and that is NOT a good idea! So I always have chocolate when I fancy it. Cadbury's Curly Wurlys are my favourite as they are only 115 cals. Also chocolate covered rice cakes are very nice, only 75 cals. Find something that you like that is low in cals and limit yourself to just one or two.
  • healthieramanda
    healthieramanda Posts: 95 Member
    For chocolate cravings, I usually have a mini protein bar! They're around 100 calories, REALLY healthy and they keep you full as well :)
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    85% chocolate... I can't binge on that!
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    If Chocolate is what you enjoy have some but account for it in your diary. If you deny yourself something that is what you will crave. Moderation is the key. Providing you make healthy choices the rest of the time and you are within your calorie allowance have your chocolate :flowerforyou:
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    why would you want to give up chocolate? you can make an allowance for it in your diary. You dont have to give up the things you love- just make sure u have a small amount rather than a whole bar.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    What everyone else said. Chocolate is actually good for you in small doses. Get a high-percentage dark chocolate (it's best if the first ingredient is not sugar) and have a piece or two every day. Alternately, buy unsweeneted chocolate or cocoa powder and make some hot chocolate with it. Add skim milk to the the (melted) chocolate and water to the cocoa powder. Add some raw sugar or a natural sweetener and a pinch of salt. All of the benefit and none of the refined sugar.
  • Redladystl
    Redladystl Posts: 351 Member
    I would say just have one small piece a day or every other day. If you totally deprive yourself of something your really want and keep making substitutions for it, you could just cave in one day and then go totally overboard. That ususally whats happens to me.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    If I eat chocolate, I crave it more. So, when I want to avoid that for a few weeks, I just stop eating chocolate and the cravings go away. Hope that helps.
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    I have the chocolate just in moderation.

    You will find that if you reduce the amount of it you eat, you will eat some and it will totally fill you up, you will only need a fraction of what you used to eat.

    I get the milky way thin bars and the Cadbury thin bars for work. The milky way one is only 87 cals and the Cadbury one is 117 or something. I exercise and burn 700 cals roughly each time I go and I don't eat back ALL my exercise cals so I think I can have this one treat. SOme days I don't have it at all but I don't fele like I've missed out.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    If you like Coffee and Chocolate you may want to try Choffy. Chocolate isn't necessarily unhealthy for you it's the fat that is put in it from milk and creams. Dark chocolate is the best for you. This is a healthy way to include chocolate in your diet. It also helps you get full and gives you a natural boost of energy.

    The other option is to take a bar of dark chocolate and put it in the freezer and only take a few squares at a time when you are having craving.