
I'm on day two of the 30DS, and can barely climb the stairs I'm so sore. How long did it take for that to stop for you guys?


  • Bella0608
    Bella0608 Posts: 196 Member
    Day 3 is bad but after that I was fine Good luck x
  • aussie_nic_getting_fit
    oh i remember that feeling oh to well (im on day 16). i pushed through the pain for about 4 days.

    i found that jillian doesnt warmup and cool down long enough (for my body ), so i added a few more warmups and a lot more cool down stretches. i found once i started to do that, the pain went away...
  • tonkitragedy
    Hi, I just restarted the Shred again, the last time I did it, I had to stop after Day 18 due to an operation I had...
    I remember the first 3 or 4 days being hell, I couldn't even sit straight without my muscles aching... But after that it got better.
    So I guess just another day or two and then you'll be fine... Alright, during the time I did the Shred, I was always sore, but not as bad as the first 3 or 4 days, eventually it got better or I got used to it.

    Keep up the good work! :)
  • vegangirl88
    vegangirl88 Posts: 104 Member
    Pain went away by Day 4, mainly because I did my own stretches at the end and completely ignored hers! They do not stretch your muscles out enough. Now I have no pain at all from it (I'm on Day 7). Keep it up!! xxxx