
Hello all,

Heard about this website from a coworker. She says its great! Decided to give this a try, hope I am successful. Happy Weight Loss people!


  • ohsogoodfitness
    it is great. Feel free to add me as a friend. THe key, log your food in. even when you had a bad day, bad, week, bad month. This is a learning process.
  • Granny1227
    Welcome and good luck with your journey! Add me as a friend if you like.
  • KelCanDoThis
    KelCanDoThis Posts: 83 Member
    yes it is great, and it and works!! It just takes time, patience and determination. There are some great people on here, who will all be there for you every step of the way

    Feel free to add me as a friend.

    Good luck and welcome
  • daytonafitmom
    daytonafitmom Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome! Yeah, it's great. I love using the food diary to see where I stand. Feel free to add me as well, Daytonafitmom.

  • IamEMarie
    Hey all! Thanks so much! I have added you all as friends. Wish me luck! I'm am going to start today. And I will put a pic up soon :)
  • BSero1982
    Welcome! Feel free to add, always good to have positive support! :D