What the heck is going on with my dog?

Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
I have a 3 year old Shorkie Tzu (yorkshire terrier shih tzu mix). I have had him since he was a puppy. I guess I can say he does have a little bit of anxiety issues. When he hears fireworks or thunder he goes into the shakes. But we just comfort him and it passes. We are currently getting ready to move. We have been packing for months now. But since closing is supposed to be this Friday we have been packing and getting ready a lot more. This weekend my dog starts going into the shakes. He wouldn't eat, wouldn't play, nothing. He would just lay there and shake. After the shaking episode which lasted almost all saturday. Sunday he was very very clingy and seemed very depressed. Could it be he knows we are going somewhere and thinks he is being left?


  • mike_hill
    mike_hill Posts: 61 Member
    Last time we moved, our dog freaked out on us and we had to keep a close eye on him. Dogs are really good at reading people and they are usually uneasy about changes like a move. Not sure I have any advice, only that something similar happened to us.
  • chef970
    chef970 Posts: 196 Member
    That is possible. My dogs do the same thing with thunder ans fireworks. They know when changes come. Just comfort ans assure them its ok and give them lots of love. I think once things settle for you, your dog will get back into a normal routine.
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 262 Member
    He is definatly sensing the move! Best thing to do is give him lots of attention and stay close to him. You can get homeo-remedy calming drops that may help. Its helped my dog out through storms and such!
  • musicgirl88
    musicgirl88 Posts: 504 Member
    Dogs are creatures of habit and can sense when something is going to happen. I assume with all of the packing and changing of things, he is out of his routine/habits and it is making him nervous. Try to make sure all feeding times/walk times are at least close to the same time, and when you get to the new house, make sure you have a set routine! With a dog that is already anxious like that, he especially needs a good set routine!

    Good luck with the move! And I hope everything works out with your dog :)
  • richardholt2011
    richardholt2011 Posts: 118 Member
    Shaking for an entire day!!
    Take him to the vet.
  • limismith
    limismith Posts: 156 Member
    I agree, dogs pick up on stress and changes. I would suggest making a designated time where everyone goes back to "life as usual" - like snuggling on the couch for a movie. And extra walks or dog park visits might be a great distraction.

    Even if you are not feeling overly stressed, I am sure your dog senses your mood is changing, or that you are busier and perhaps tense, so if you relax and rest perhaps it will help :)
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    poor baby :(
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    He knows something's up...his little world is being disrupted. Poor little guy. Just comfort him and hold him as much as you can. Once you move and get settled and he sees that he is still with you, he should settle down. But he may be like this until you do get settled into your new home.

    Moving with dogs and kids can present challenges because they don't understand what's happening. But, like kids, the dog will settle in once he understands that you aren't leaving him.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys. The shaking has ended. He just seems so sad, which is not like him, at all. He's usually spunky and playful.
  • missmamselle
    missmamselle Posts: 25 Member
    He must know you won't leave him if he already goes places with you and take him for walks. Probably just nervous because of all the activity in the house is out of the ordinary.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I think animals are a lot like people. They like structure, so moving definately makes a mess of the space they have gotten used to. Also, I think animals can read the emotions of their owners, so I'm sure your dog is picking up on some of the anxiousness that you are feeling.

    Just keep loving your pet, giving him/her care, and I'm sure they'll pop up within a few days after the move.

  • coloradocuppiecake
    Aww poor pup. You might try to get him a Thunder Shirt. They say it eases their anxiety and it might come in handy during the move and storms afterward. I think you can buy them on amazon
  • BabyDuchess
    BabyDuchess Posts: 353 Member
    I have had dogs since I was about 2 yrs. old and I can tell you that they definitely sense our every move....even if we're not aware we're doing anything different, they notice. My dogs know everything about me. When it's nail trimming day, which isn't always on the same day, my older dogs knows and hides......how does she know? Don't have a clue, but she does. Just give your baby lots of love and be extra patient with him. It takes them longer to adjust sometimes but I'm sure with lots of love and reassurance it will happen. :flowerforyou: