im confused, Help me!!

ok, I have some baby weight to loose. I got real serious and started to log my food a exercise again( instead of just in my head). The first week I started out slow and did turbo jams 20 min workout three times a week and ate the calories that MFP suggested me to eat and I lost 3 pounds! I was so excited that I bumped up my workout for the next week to 40 mins two days a week and then a day of 20 mins kettlebell workout. I maybe ate all but 300 calories back, when I work out and burn tons of calories Im not that hungry. so at the end of the week I weighed and I gained all 3 pounds back. What the.... so last week I did more walking the dog for an hour a few times and only one day of turbo jam and I had pizza on saturday, not in my foods to eat, and made a roast yesterday and had corn and potatoes and I lost 1 pound. Im a little confused. I have the thing set at the lowest level for calories in a day because Im a stay at home mom and I have a part time job which is an office job that I do one day a week. I don't just sit on my butt all day while Im at home with my daughter but i didn't want to eat too much and not loose either, Although I have a hard time eating back my workout calories when I burn 500 or more in a day. Am I not eating enough? This is soo frustrating. I had no problem losing weight before!


  • TwinMumCork
    TwinMumCork Posts: 125 Member
    Could you be retaining fluid?

    Drinking enough water might help.

    I understand the frustration I am having a similar problem and I find water helps a lot.
  • ConnieSG
    ConnieSG Posts: 376
    I do not eat my calories back. My MFP calorie intake shows that I should be eating 1200 calories per day, but I only eat about 1000-1100. I usually lose about 1-3 pds per week. I have been losing weight since March and have lost weight each week except when I am PMSing. That week, I usually stay the same. How is your water drinking? If you are not drinking your water, you will not lose the weight. Just my opinion
  • Mrswiggins
    I never eat my workout calories. I have my daily calories set, and that is what I eat no matter how many calories earned with exercise. Has been very successful for me. Your weight definately goes up and down each day and may be related to your salt intake. Salt causes the body to retain fluid and so of course the weight goes up if the tissue is retaining more fluid than it should be.