**CLOSED** New Year, New You Challenge: Week 3

Can you believe it? We are logging in the miles and losing those pounds. 11 weeks to go!!! I love how much I'm getting to know some of you and hope to get to know everyone more! If you post something on my wall and I don't respond, please just send me a message. Things get lost on the wall due to the number of people. I'm not ignoring anyone nor would I. I do get on during the day at work but sometimes it's tougher than others...they actually expect us to work! LOL

How did everyone's week go? How was our eating? Our exercising? The spreadsheet is up with the calculations for this week. Make sure to add your numbers under the 10/24 columns! I have to calculate my miles still and then I'll add mine.

I found that this week had ups and downs although, thanks to the wonderful support here, I've instantly recovered from the ups and turned them around. It feels great to do it!!! My eating has been better although I have slipped once or twice. I do log all my food regardless of how bad it is!

I will continue to do my walking at work but as most of you saw I had a hiccup in my walking at home and don't feel as if it's safe for me to do right now. I don't have someone to walk with me in the morning as everyone is still asleep in my house. I'm going to try to start doing my dvds in the morning even though space is limited. I will have to improvise!

I hope that everyone has a wonderful week! I love the motivation and drive that I'm seeing! What a great group!!!


  • mom2nate08
    mom2nate08 Posts: 299 Member
    Well, I'm not surprised to see the stress of this past week take it's toll on the scale. That along with TOM a gain was inevitable. But my paper has been written and sent, my good friend drug me back to the gym over the weekend to get me back on track, and I am grocery shopping tonight so that there will be NO eating out this week.

    Next week I will have revenge on the scale!
  • GretchenReine
    GretchenReine Posts: 1,427 Member
    Well, I'm not surprised to see the stress of this past week take it's toll on the scale. That along with TOM a gain was inevitable. But my paper has been written and sent, my good friend drug me back to the gym over the weekend to get me back on track, and I am grocery shopping tonight so that there will be NO eating out this week.

    Next week I will have revenge on the scale!

    That's the spirit!!! The first week of another challenge I did had the exact same results...2 pound gain for the first week but I showed it who was boss!!! You can do this!!!
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    I'm psyched to start out with a good loss. I tend to alternate between big (around 2 lbs) losses and little (maybe 0.4 lb) losses week by week. So I'm not expecting to have that big of a loss next week. If I average 1 per week I'm REALLY happy. I'm concentrating on water intake this week. I almost always go over in sodium, so I need to load up on the liquids! Have a great day everyone!
  • samantha0176
    samantha0176 Posts: 67 Member
    no loss for me...scale is back to it's time out spot...i weigh myself way too many times when my scale is sitting in the bathroom floor...so i will not get it out for 2wks...so i can see a difference...:)
  • jepo27
    jepo27 Posts: 56 Member
    I was a bit naughty last week. I decided to treat myself near the beginning of the week and then continued to "treat" myself another few times...needless to say the scale either wasn't moving or moving up by one :cry: I decided to try and get back on track by the end of the week and went for a 3 hour walk on the Saturday....thankfully it worked and i'm down 1lb this week. Not as good as usual but waaay better than nothing or even a gain right?

    Hope everyone else had a good week xx
  • mudar146
    mudar146 Posts: 152 Member
    I had a bit of a rough weekend...though I didn't go over my calories I really made some poor decisions when it came to snacking! Luckily my scale stopped working over the weekend! So I will not be weighing in today but I will next monday! Hopefully I can repair whatever damage I did over the weekend!!! :) Good Luck this week everyone!!!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I have been battling a cold for a few weeks now, but it feels like it is going to win this week. I can feel the fever coming on and my throat is getting sore and my sinuses are getting blocked. Problem is - my department is down two people and so there are only two of us right now. The other girl had a death in the family on Saturday so she will be out until Thursday. I can't take off, someone needs to be here. Ugh...
  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm down 2 lbs for the week. Ate well all week except for yesterday, when I had lunch at a friend's house and dinner (and dessert) at my brother and sister-in-law's house. My stomach felt crappy after eating the bad-for-me food too. I've never really had that happen to me before, even on other diets when I'd eat healthy most of the time, I still felt fine when I ate crap. I'm guessing it's because I've been eating vegetarian most of the time and I had meat yesterday (plus my friend's husband had just taken their 2 pigs to get butchered that weekend and he came home with all the meat when I was there and they were all packing it away in the freezer, while we were eating lunch - I thought I was gonna hurl. :p) I was telling my girls that story last night (they weren't at the friend's house) and they were all like, I don't want to eat meat any time soon... lol

    Wasn't able to walk as much as I'd hoped over the weekend; too much stuff going on. I got about 5 miles in.

    Have a nice veggie wrap for lunch, and it's not raining so I can go for my lunchtime walk today. :)
  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    I have been battling a cold for a few weeks now, but it feels like it is going to win this week. I can feel the fever coming on and my throat is getting sore and my sinuses are getting blocked. Problem is - my department is down two people and so there are only two of us right now. The other girl had a death in the family on Saturday so she will be out until Thursday. I can't take off, someone needs to be here. Ugh...
    I hope you feel better soon!
  • MidnightRadio
    MidnightRadio Posts: 56 Member
    I was having a great week (eating under calories and going to the gym everyday) until the weekend. I went out with friends a lot and so I ate a lot of takeout. By last night there was NO food in my house (and no time to get some) so I ended up ordering in. The Greek food was yummy but put me way over in my calories.

    I weigh myself everyday (can't help it) and the scale showed a 1.5 loss all week. UNTIL this morning. My bad weekend pushed it to a 0.5 loss. Still a loss, but I could have done so much better.

    On the bright side, between the treadmill and elliptical I got 17.15 miles in!

    I hope we all have a great week to come!
  • gimpe
    gimpe Posts: 4
    I also saw a gain this week which was a given based on my behavior. I was so excited Sunday when I signed up for the challange and by Monday I was wondering what I was doing. I am glad to say that I am feeling much better today even with the weight gain and am looking foward to having a positive week.
  • zoe4friends
    zoe4friends Posts: 727 Member
    Week 2 wasn't very good regarding the miles. But I dropped around 3 pounds, which makes me sooo happy, since I haven't lost anything last week. I am planning to do sugar detox, going to start with 1 week without sugar, and then will see how it goes. Good luck to everyone. Thank you all for keeping each other motivated.
  • cnkan0119
    cnkan0119 Posts: 114 Member
    Last week wasn't too bad. I have to buy a new pedometer though. I couldn't find it and moved over the weekend. I'd hoped to find it while packing but no luck. No giving up though. I'll have to get a new one and play catch up on my miles. I may have a late start on my miles but I intend to reach the goal!
    This will be a hard week again for me. I'm working 10 hour days to be able to attend my 3 year old's field trip this Thursday. I will try to get some walking in during the work day if I can disappear for a little while.
  • jlemoore
    jlemoore Posts: 702 Member
    I had a good week and a decent weekend.... was down just the 2 pounds that I saw on Wednesday... but that's typical for me after a weekend. I don't get enough water, too much sodium, and too much processed sweet food. This weekend did not have the best of choices with a fridge that was adequately stocked. That was remedied yesterday. Got to figure out those weekends! Any suggestions?
  • karensfit4life
    karensfit4life Posts: 27 Member
    The scale stayed the exact same as last week.... I ended up with 11 miles for the week and I also did 20 min Jillian videos Mon-Fri so I am hoping I am losing fat and gaining muscle :-)
  • miriamtorason
    miriamtorason Posts: 208 Member
    I saw a loss. Granted it was a 1# loss, which is a whopping 0.2# loss overall, but hey. I'll take it. Sure enough, it's CD2, which means that in the next few days I should see another loss. I can deal with that. Now, in a few minutes, I'm off to walk to the grocery store with my preschooler in the buggy. I'm hoping it'll be a nice enough walk that it won't FEEL like the ridiculous number of miles that it is (turns out it's only 1mi each way, plus shopping distance). Anyhow, still shooting for good results! ^_^
  • dmplz123
    dmplz123 Posts: 26 Member
    whoo- hoo!! 2 for 2 and not from Mickey Ds!! haa haa. down 2 lbs in 2 weeks. 10 miles logged, although my pedometer was dead most of the week. I got me a new battery and started kicking it. I have been swimming to, but still trying to get the miles straight. iI found a good conversion chart, but after the fact. I have to admit I started getting kind of weak to sweets by Saturday (I have a MAJOR sweet tooth), but knowing I had to weigh in today held me in better sorts. I am digging for strength against sweets this week.

    Glad to see some happy stories. Here's to the new week!
    Thank you gkeith for getting us all together for this. I love the power we give each other. We may slip, we may fall, but we WILL succeed.
  • dmplz123
    dmplz123 Posts: 26 Member
    I was having a great week (eating under calories and going to the gym everyday) until the weekend. I went out with friends a lot and so I ate a lot of takeout. By last night there was NO food in my house (and no time to get some) so I ended up ordering in. The Greek food was yummy but put me way over in my calories.

    I weigh myself everyday (can't help it) and the scale showed a 1.5 loss all week. UNTIL this morning. My bad weekend pushed it to a 0.5 loss. Still a loss, but I could have done so much better.

    On the bright side, between the treadmill and elliptical I got 17.15 miles in!

    I hope we all have a great week to come

    17.5 miles!! That's awesome
  • charm_quark
    charm_quark Posts: 316 Member
    Not good week for me!! :-(
    I gain 0.4 pounds.
    I kept my eating calories under and went to gym three times. One night we were invited to a friends house, where I went after job without having dinner or evening snack and ate pizza. But I still kept the calories until the maintaining border.
    And my endocrinologist still doesn't believe that I am on diet soooo many months and I've lost only 9 pounds....
  • dmplz123
    dmplz123 Posts: 26 Member
    I also saw a gain this week which was a given based on my behavior. I was so excited Sunday when I signed up for the challange and by Monday I was wondering what I was doing. I am glad to say that I am feeling much better today even with the weight gain and am looking foward to having a positive week.

    Hang in there. I know I've probably got some WTH moments coming too. We're in this together. Not just a new year, new you challenge, but also new WEEK, new you each week.