Learn the Hard Way

soteria4 Posts: 3 Member
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself
I learned the hard way not eating enough will not work. I thought that wasn't true. Well I found out the hard way. On Sunday I only ate one meal that day. Only drink water. And walked a total of 5 miles. 4 miles doing the walk away the pound video and then did an additional 1 mile on the treadmill to "sweat more". After all that I weighed in 2 pound HEAVIER!!!!! How do you gain weight after walking 5 miles and one meal (meat and vegatable) no starches/carbs.


  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Your weight gain was not caused by this.
  • Prob just water weight!!
  • SheilaSisco
    SheilaSisco Posts: 722 Member
    Because if you are not fueling your body properly, it will hold onto anything and everything it possibly can, for fear it won't be fed again... You HAVE to feed you body... you HAVE to eat in order to lose... it's just the way our bodies were built...
  • Well, the 'not eating' is a big no no!!!!!!!!! Don't do that to yourself... your body will just hang onto every single thing you put in your mouth if it doesn't trust that you will feed it when it's hungry...

    As far as weighing more, I bet if you took your measurements pre and post workout you'd find that you were also 'larger'. This is normal... your muscles expand during and right after a workout...

    Eat well, keep moving... it'll happen!:smile:
  • soteria4
    soteria4 Posts: 3 Member
    thanks. I do know that I'm not gonna quit. Although waking up this morning 2 pounds heavier is discouraging. I'm gonna stay the course. So today and the rest of the week I will eat three meals and drink plenty of water and see how it goes. What it is, is that I want fast results and I need to get it into my head that it will not happen overnight.
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