Does everyone exercise?



  • HoneyDancer
    THis has been said many times, but dieting makes you look good with clothes on, exercise and lifting make you look good naked.

    THats good 'nuff for me ;)

    I love this :)

    Yes I exercise. I am addicted to the sweat and the burn once I get going.
  • dixedreg
    dixedreg Posts: 276 Member
    I exercise but only so I can eat more :smile:

    LOL me too. :smile:
  • Lesley2800
    8 or so years ago I lost 62 lbs and I never execised -- I did Weight Watchers. This time around I exercise because it makes me feel good! And I get more calories :)
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    I don't think I could actually follow MFP without exercising and eating those calories back. It gives me 1380cal/day (to lose 2lbs/week). That's not a lot for a guy. So I'm kind of compelled to exercise just to eat enough. I could set it to 1lb/week, I suppose, but quite frankly, 1880 is few hundred calories too low for me as well.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    I lost 32lb and reached my goal weight without a jot of exercise, just eating properly.

    Of course I still wasn't happy with my body shape.. I guess you could say I was 'skinny fat'.

    Now I work out every day for at least an hour P90x stylee! I'm getting closer and closer to the body I want although the weight has swung between 4 and 9 pounds over that goal weight since it was reached.

    So yeah... You can reach your goal weight with just diet but you probably won't achieve your ideal body without exercise - unless you're just plain lucky!

  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    jayb0ne - love your signature - it's great!
  • BitofBoyer
    BitofBoyer Posts: 8 Member
    I just started a week ago tracking calories. So far I haven't exercised as I was more focused getting my eating habits under control. Planning on walking, elliptical, and some strength training. Feel free to add me!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I always dieted without exercise (the weight always came back!) - Now I exercise regularly and plan to for the rest of my life. What did it for me was - whenever I got to my goal weight - the "smaller" me required fewer calories than the "old" me. Regular exercise is going to be necessary for me to keep the weight off.

    Build up slowly and find something you enjoy doing. Good Luck!
  • TheBraveryLover
    TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
    My first 40 pounds were lost with little to no exercise; only diet change. I didn't start exercising regularly until I plateaued at around the 6th month.
  • khartley535
    khartley535 Posts: 151 Member
    I exercised for the first 10 days, then I jacked up my big toe and have a hard enough time just walking. In 6 weeks total I have lost 15.3 pounds just by staying (mostly) within my calories and being committed and accurate with my food diary.
  • anna2709
    Until I started with MFP, I didn't exercise. Ever. I tried WW, Slimming World and so on but the weight never shifted, and I got so disheartened I gave up after just a few weeks. I joined a gym at the same time as starting MFP and I now exercise most days (although I always make sure I have at least one, usually 2, "rest" days) and while I've only lost 10 pounds in 10 weeks, I have lost a total of 15.5 inches!!
    I'm so used to it being part of my routine now (I mix it up so I am doing different classes, and take a different rest day each week - I plan on a Sunday what I will do for the rest of the week) that if I have a forced "rest" day (work or something with the kids that means I have to miss a class I was planning on going to, even though I add one in somewhere else), I really miss it!! I never thought I would say that!
  • aolani
    aolani Posts: 80 Member
    I exercise it makes me feel so good. Besides I want to be healthier not just thinner.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I don't think I could actually follow MFP without exercising and eating those calories back. It gives me 1380cal/day (to lose 2lbs/week). That's not a lot for a guy. So I'm kind of compelled to exercise just to eat enough. I could set it to 1lb/week, I suppose, but quite frankly, 1880 is few hundred calories too low for me as well.
    1850kc would be my sedentary maintenance Calories at my goal weight; 2100kc if I were defined as lightly active.

    I don't have a sporty bone in my body, but I really do enjoy getting out on my bike and methinks that's what burned off a lot of my chocolate and cake calories when I lived in the Netherlands. :happy:

    I also enjoy swimming, so between the two I really have two of the best motivational and calorie-hungry exercises... without it feeling like exercise. Having said that, I've just joined a gym (mainly to use their pool) so I might do a bit of strength & cardio at the weekends too. Boy, if I keep this up I might have to redefine myself as moderately active :laugh:
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    If I exercise I eat more than the 1200 mfp says I am to eat because otherwise I feel like crap. I am usually fine at 1000-1300 calories a day if I don't work out
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Everyone - whether you're dieting or not - should be exercising daily! It's just part of living healthy. You will probably see some results - to a point - with just changing your eating, but to truly lose weight and develop a healthy lifestyle - you need to be exercising and eating right - it's like a puzzle.
  • cmthgrimes
    cmthgrimes Posts: 11 Member
    I signed myself up for a fitness boot camp and committed to a year - so if I don't go I am losing money. So that forces me to go. But I need to do something on my off days and I haven't been. This week I am going to add the elliptical on my off days.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    Is everyone on here exervising? Are some of you just eating healthier and lower calorie foods and still seeing the results?

    I'm exercising now, and have been since April. However, my journey started Jan. 23 and I lost 21 or so pounds without any exercise. You can and should lose weight by creating a caloric deficit through nutrition alone. nutrition is at least 80% of the weight loss equation. I added exercise in April...and then increased the intensity of my exercise in June/July...because, in addition to weight loss, I wanted some of the benefits that come along with exercise (i.e., better cardio health, sleeker, more toned body, stronger, etc.). for me, exercise is simply part of the "become more fit and healthy" journey, rather than simply the weight loss journey.
  • jayb0ne
    jayb0ne Posts: 644 Member
    jayb0ne - love your signature - it's great!

    Why thank you :smile:

    I actually enjoy exercising now and get a bit anxious if I haven't worked out for a couple of days. To think 6 months ago I hated working out. Just goes to show it's compulsive!

    Oh, and I don't follow the mfp calories and macros any more, I set my own. Pretty much know what I'm doing with that now.

  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I exercise, because I need to build strength in my back, shoulders, and core so that my desk job doesn't ruin my back and shoulders. Also, I love feeling fit and healthy. Getting to eat more if I exercise doesn't come into it so much (although the freedom of not having to be so strict about my food choices if I have been working out is fantastic).
  • krissagirl0709
    krissagirl0709 Posts: 291 Member
    Everyone here should be exercising or I will be kicking their *kitten*!

    Haha I thought I could get by without exercising but caught on in like 2 weeks..