What time of the day do you like to workout?



  • rita27ny
    rita27ny Posts: 820 Member
    yoga at night
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I work out first thing in the morning. I am too tired to make excuses at that time and then I'm done for the day!
  • tymee
    tymee Posts: 44 Member
    Right after work here. Would love to workout in the morning before work, but cannot force myself to wake up. I do good for a few days, then go back to sleeping in and not working out. So right after work has been best
  • kdruga
    kdruga Posts: 35
    I'd prefer to work out in the morning, but I start too early to do that. Typically I go to the gym four times a week after dinner, so around 7:00 or 8:00.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    I work out right before lunch. Mostly because I use my lunch hour at work to do it, however it's nice because I can eat a good solid breakfast, let it settle for 2-3 hours (making sure I've got plenty of energy ready to go) then workout and then afterwards have a nice healthy lunch to get some recovery proteins and carbs going. It has worked out well for me thus far. I'm not sure if it's the workout and eating schedule or just my overall activity, but I no longer get the mid afternoon crash after lunch like I used to.
  • JenGranzow
    JenGranzow Posts: 116 Member
    I get up at 5:30 and work out first thing. It makes me feel more energized for the day ahead, and it also helps me to be able to plan what I will eat each day based on my burn level. Also, most of the time my kids are still sleeping then, so it's a little slice of "me" time.
  • queenstasha
    I work out at lunchtime - it's my only "me" time. Mornings are crazy because my husband leaves early for work so I am on my own to get myself up, showered, and ready for work, then get my 3 kids up and then drop them off at school/daycare and get myself to work. He also works late so I am on my own to pick them up and start dinner. So lunchtime is really my only time to exercise!
  • queenstasha
    I work out at lunchtime - it's my only "me" time. Mornings are crazy because my husband leaves early for work so I am on my own to get myself up, showered, and ready for work, then get my 3 kids up and then drop them off at school/daycare and get myself to work. He also works late so I am on my own to pick them up and start dinner. So lunchtime is really my only time to exercise!
  • Sharon009
    Sharon009 Posts: 327 Member
    At night, after I get out of work but before I eat dinner. If I eat, it's over unless I want to go really late. My energy levels aren't always the best but I found out it helps to drink a cup or a half cup of coffee right before I go to the gym. Perks me up.

    Me too! I find the Starbucks Via really works because its cold. If I eat or drink something hot before going to gym, I dont feel so good working out.