mfp + weight watchers?

Do any of you do this? Is it helpful?


  • prestonmay
    prestonmay Posts: 107 Member
    double sided Nutrition approach. You cant go wrong with that.
  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    I have found more success with this site. I subscribe to WW magazine and have several cookbooks the recipes do help out a lot :)
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    Someone on another thread made a good point about the Points Plus at Weight Watchers. They allow you to eat fruits and veggies without counting them as calories. If you eat a lot of fruits and veggies, then eat your WW points as well, you could easily be eating a more calories than you should for weight loss. Just something to keep in mind if you decide to do both.

    I personally find counting calories easier. I don't get the whole "points" thing...just count the calories and you'll be fine!
  • galaxyhearts
    galaxyhearts Posts: 258 Member
    I tried WW but found it to be really tedious and annoying. Also, not as straight forward as MFP.

    And I didn't like the community as much.

    Plus, it costs money!
  • majoca
    majoca Posts: 21 Member

    I do a bit of double tracking at the moment, I've just recently reached goal with WW after losing nearly 7st and after just acquiring an android phone stumbled across myfitnesspal and was really impressed with the app. I've decided to double track for a little while as WW has no app for the android phones and it's very handy to use mfp when out and about. I'm convinced of the WW concept but I can't see any harm in double tracking and especially keeping an eye on the calories in things like fruit which are free on WW.

    Good luck with whatever you decide!
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    It is essentially the same thing. The 1200 calories and 29 points are almost the same intake. Yes, the fruit and veggies are free on WW. But only in portion control. Truth be told, it was not my excessive intake of fruit and veggies that put me into WW's. I lost all my wt on WW, but track here because I have access thru my phone, and I don't pay anymore to WW as a lifetime member. I thought the meetings were helpful. It really made you think of the emotional side of being overweight, and what got you there in the first place.

    WW had the advantage for me, because I had to get on the scale each week in front of someone. It kept me accountable. They were never judgmental, but it still made me think twice before cheating on myself.
  • TIARAR247
    TIARAR247 Posts: 47 Member
    My last day at WW was Oct 15. I felt like why pay to go there when I can do the same thing here. I learn just as much on this site as I did there and dont have to pay $40 a month. There is a lot of motivation on this site and if I have any questions, there are millions of people that can answer them. I must ask how would you use this site for calorie count when they use points plus value?
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    I lost all my weight on WW. But I've wanted to lose 'the last ten pounds' and my weight hasn't budged in 6 months (which is great if I wanted to maintain). I eat a TON of fruit, so I thought I'd start tracking on here for a while and see if it made a difference. It does, I watch everything I eat and am losing now, little by little. I must say, I'm a little hungrier on mfp, and normally I would grab a piece of fruit to tide me over, but that wasn't helping me. I needed to micromanage what I was eating and now it's paying off. I haven't really lost any weight, but I've lost an inch off my waist! I'll take it! I find that the new WW program is slower, and for me that was good, it has instilled really good habits with me. I really only have had trouble with this last ten pounds, but that was because I going way overboard with the fruit--I figured it was better than all the chips I would have eaten in the summer months while on holiday!

    I still go to the meetings--I'm a lifetime member, so I can still go to the meetings for free. I love my leader and all people I've made friends with there... I find that aspect helps me stay on track and I get great ideas from the leader and my fellow WWers.
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    i have better success with WW. Doing both at the same time confused me. I stuck with WW until I was ready for maintenance and then I moved on to MFP. When I did both, i gained.., hmmm... I'm thinking of moving back to WW for a few weeks cause I'm bouncing between the same 2-3lbs. I just want to lose 5 more and I can't seem to get there with MFP. I'll give it a few more weeks and If i still have no success, I'm switching over :))
  • retromomof2
    retromomof2 Posts: 44 Member
    I have been a WW member in the past. I found this site through a friend when I was last signed up. The summer hit and I had to cancel my membership so I decided that I would just continue on here instead bc I was just tired of counting points. I like the idea of actually looking more closely at my foods calories and fat directly. I do however try to follow their healthy guide lines which is just common sense with weight loss.