Motivation to exercise! please help!

Up to this point i have been very motivated and have been working out as much as possible for my schedule. Then this last week my school life got so busy that i couldn't possibly find any time to exercise. Because of this last week my grades have gotten so much better and i have gotten caught up on everything i needed to do. Studied for midterm and ultimately feeling much more confident for upcoming exams. Now its like i have a mental block that i can't see to get past. I can't find the drive to go to the gym because I'm constantly thinking about school and how i could use that time to work on assignments and studying...etc. Its like i feel guilty to exercise because it takes away from other important things. Don't get me wrong, i know how important exercise is and that it helps me de-stress but i just can't seem to allow myself that time.
If this has happened to you or you have any suggestions please leave a comment
Thanks :)


  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    I'm always having the same problem you have.
    If you can, try stuff like walking or going by bike instead of taking the bus... you won't "waste" so much time, and you will still be exercising.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    if you get a chance, check out my workout blog below for some excellent, short but efficient workouts that you can do around campus (or your residence). some of these workouts you can complete in roughly the amount of time it would take you to drive to and from the gym.
  • Incunabulum

    I am where you now are. I have not exercised in nearly two weeks. Don't add to your stress by worrying about it. Understand that your school work is currently more important than exercising. Not to say you should not find time, but you need to look after your education. Perhaps you could seek exercise methods that are less time-consuming and will enable you to exercise 30 minutes instead of 60. A full hour's exercise on kettle bells is great, but I don't have to exercise that long everyday. I sometimes cut it short at 40 minutes, for instance. I also alternated strength training and cardio, the latter of which consists of running 2 miles and takes approximately 30 minutes from the time I walk out of my apartment until I return. Pre- and post-stretching takes another 10 minutes total, so it still comes out to about 40 minutes total.

    You're working on finding your rhythm and balance between school and exercise. I have faith you will find it. Just don't be hard on yourself, as that causes nothing positive. :)
  • kdavc
    kdavc Posts: 12 Member
    In college I used to always write out flash cards and then go to the gym and bike while I reviewed....writing out the cards in the first place helped me remember but I used my gym time to review, plus the time on the bike goes by really quick when you are focused on something else. :wink:
  • nursinggirl64
    ok..homework is important so is exercise and u can find time for both, just get up an hour earlier park farther away from the door, dont look for the closest spot. while doing homework stand up and march in place there lots u can do to get a work out in. on tues i have to b at work at 630am and work 15.5 hrs but ive been getn up at 5am n doing 45 min on tm at gym then getn to work by 630..jus do what u have to do