Introducing myself : ) Possible HCG, would love feedback!



  • Well, after hundreds of replies already, you probably aren't reading this anymore. However, I wanted to give you some more feedback. I did the HCG diet earlier this year. The diet works but really only if you follow the HCG meal plan. I read the whole book written by the doctor that created the plan. There is a scientific reason behind why it works but again, if you eat anything off the plan, your progress will be hindered. That being said, I followed the plan perfectly. I was never hungry and I wasn't grouchy at all. I only spent $50 on the drops and I lost 16 pounds in 3 weeks. After the 3-6 weeks of drops, you are supposed to do a 6 week stabilization phase which I didn't do and it only took me about 3 months to gain all the weight back. I have considered doing it again b/c I know it works but I do question the long term affects. I just joined myfitnesspal last week. I'm hoping I can find the motivation to find a long term solution to my habitual yo-yo dieting.
  • misti17
    misti17 Posts: 106
    OK sugar. Everyone has to make the decisions they do for them. But do please check into this ALOT. I've had 2 girlfriends do the HCG drops and 1 of them did lose 50 lbs but felt terrible all the time. She has now gained 72 back in a very fast time. Take it from someone who has done just about every popular diet trend out there and realize now that the ONLY way the weight will stay off is an actual lifestyle change. Good Luck.
  • M3CH4N1C
    M3CH4N1C Posts: 157
    HGC is for fools.
  • channa007
    channa007 Posts: 419 Member
    Was a bit leary of doing the whole, "introduce myself" but figured it's better to have all feet on deck than not. Nothing too interesting about my story. Was in excellent shape pre-kids. Six-pack abs, lifted weights every day... Post-kids, I've gained 70 pounds and I didn't think I was fat until I saw photos of myself and realized I have increased five pant sizes! Whoo! Anyway, I bought an exercise bike that I can use outside, have been using up about 300 calories per day on the bike, and have reduced my calorie intake to 600- 800 per day. I've lost about 4-5 pounds in two weeks. My co-worker and I are going to start the HCG diet drops soon without the menu plan. Anyone have a comment on this? Neither one of us can stick to the HCG diet menu so we've agreed to do 500 calories per day with the drops.

    If you wanna drink pregnant womens' pee go for it...
  • So Im the friend who lost 60 lbs on HCG and I have a few things to add to this little conversation.
    1st Myself and my friend live in CANADA!!!
    2nd Our FDA works different and the HCG that we get is vastly different than what is produced in the states. I saw my doctor before I started HCG at the end of February and we did a complete medical work up because I too was worried about what this would do to me. Throughout my program and my maintenance we continued to check my stats and at the end of the day they all improved. My blood pressure is lower, my energy is up, my heart rate is where it should be and I did not lose muscle mass.
    3rd The way the drops (which I have paid from $20 a bottle to $60 a bottle for not $1000 for injections and the bottle lasts longer than a month) work is they help reactivate the stored fat cells in your body that activate during pregnancy to ensure your baby does not lack nutrients. As a result by you in taking only 500 calories that is helping to sustain you while you burn off the stored fat. You are not supposed to work out on the HCG diet to ensure that you do not burn off more calories that are available to you in any given day.
    4th As with any diet out there this is a life change not a temporary fix! If you truly want to change your life you will follow the diet and maintenance plan which most people don't. Maintenance is not a license to eat and if you treat it as such you will see bad results. Instead follow the maintenance for the 3 weeks you need to and then ease yourself back into other foods. We all got fat by not eating well and not exercising so if you bear that in mind and work towards making smart choices you will keep the weight off.
    5th and lastly!! I joined this site because I thought it was a SUPPORTIVE FORUM FOR ALL!!! I understand that not everyone agrees with everyone else's choices but really lots of people gained weight and keep it on because they are ridiculed into feeling worthless and like their opinions and choices are wrong so they seek solace in food. We are all here because we have all been there, do you want to be responsible for keeping someone else there? I am sure this post will get slammed and so be it but I said my piece because I am here to support others and keep going on my journey to the me I used to be. I still have a few pounds to lose so that's why I am here isn't that why you are here? This woman asked for your opinion not your ridicule and my friend and I are providing our opinion and don't care to hear your ridicule.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Everything everyone has already said.

    Personally you should just chop a limb off, you will lose weight fast, and it will never come back.

    Find a way of eating healthy, and exercise regularly that will be sustainable for the rest of your life, the weight will come off slowly but the chances of it coming back are VERY slim.

    curious about this odd correlation with hcg and dismemberment
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    My co-worker and I are going to start the HCG diet drops soon without the menu plan. Anyone have a comment on this? Neither one of us can stick to the HCG diet menu so we've agreed to do 500 calories per day with the drops.
    so...500 calories a day of what exactly? ice cream? nut butter? vodka?

    I'd go with the vodka, myself...

    this kinda confused me , if the meal plan calls for 500 cals, and they agred they cant stick to that meal plan so they will do 500 cals a day

  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I'm on hCG right now, in the middle of my first round. I will not be doing it again. My friend lost 90lbs in a year doing several cycles of the drops, so I decided to try them as well. After I ordered them, I changed my mind about wanting to do them, but didn't want to cause problems since she already paid for them. So, I decided to give them a try. I started them last Monday, loaded on Monday and Tuesday and started the 500 calorie diet on Wednesday. This morning, I weight 19lbs less than when I started. Sound great, right? But I gotta tell you from someone who is actually doing the "fad diet", I'm concerned that I'll just gain it all back when I'm off the drops in 2 weeks. I've vowed that when my drops are done, I'm just going to do it the old fashioned way (not much can hurt you that way, not putting anything into your body) and it should stay off better. I think I'll feel better doing it the slower way. Instant gratification got the best of me this time, but I would NOT recommend hCG. Weight wasn't put on over (may seem like it) so it shouldn't come off over night. Slow and steady wins the race.

    I think you should examine your thinking that leads you to do something dangerous because you, "didn't want to cause problems since she already paid for them."

    Really? What if she buys you some crack? You could lose weight that way, too.

    Just stop now.

    it would proably be effetive then the hcg
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    I am not a parent, but I have nieces and nephews, but maybe I don't have enough personal at-home experience with toddlers, but I don't think that "chasing toddlers around all day" is enough exercise especially when you have weight to lose. A


    i don't know my orthopedic seem to think dealing with a 5 month old would be enough 'physcal therepy' after being in a cast for a broken leg for six months
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    Personally you should just chop a limb off, you will lose weight fast, and it will never come back.

  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    Personally you should just chop a limb off, you will lose weight fast, and it will never come back.

  • highgear
    highgear Posts: 30 Member
    HCG is Crap! (in my best scottish accent)

    The only way to lose weight is stop putting stuff (low quality, high quantity) in your mouth, and get active!

    Eat well, exercise, wash, repeat! Be in it for the long haul...This is Chess, not Checkers!

    There you have it. Boiled down to the cold hard truth.
  • FairyMiss
    FairyMiss Posts: 1,812 Member
    Was a bit leary of doing the whole, "introduce myself" but figured it's better to have all feet on deck than not. Nothing too interesting about my story. Was in excellent shape pre-kids. Six-pack abs, lifted weights every day... Post-kids, I've gained 70 pounds and I didn't think I was fat until I saw photos of myself and realized I have increased five pant sizes! Whoo! Anyway, I bought an exercise bike that I can use outside, have been using up about 300 calories per day on the bike, and have reduced my calorie intake to 600- 800 per day. I've lost about 4-5 pounds in two weeks. My co-worker and I are going to start the HCG diet drops soon without the menu plan. Anyone have a comment on this? Neither one of us can stick to the HCG diet menu so we've agreed to do 500 calories per day with the drops.

    If you wanna drink pregnant womens' pee go for it...

    no one is really 'drinking' pregnant womens pee. if they are getting the real stuff from a doctor it is being injected.
    if they are doing the drops the are getting the essence of pregnant women pee essences???? WTF????
  • oh wow, what a forum :frown:

    I thought this was a place for people to get and offer support on weight loss journeys :embarassed: BUT I GUESS NOT.

    to the idiot who asked me if my doctor is Dr. Kervorkian - :explode: WTF?

    to the idiot who said to try crack - :angry: you've obviously never adopted a child who's birth mother is a drug addict, so F. U. for your lousy, insensitive, ridiculous suggestion

    to the idiot who said chop off a limb - :huh: you obviously dont know of anyone that has lost a limb, what a stupid thing to say

    to all you judgemental, sarcastic, narrowminded fools who slam others choices because they are not yours, I hope you enjoy getting back what you give, in that case, you will be fat ****ers forever with no support, depressed, judged, insulted, and isolated.

    what a lousy forum, GOODBYE :indifferent:
  • jwil1231
    jwil1231 Posts: 89 Member
    Welcome to MFP! Well, I have tried HCG for a few months about two years ago. I did not have the drastric and fast weight loss. My HCG was in with a B12 shot and that was another good reason to take the shot. But, my biggest plus about taking the shot was this---mentally, knowing that I had paid for a shot to "help" me shed fat often kept me from fudging on my diet. And I ran and worked out regularly.:drinker:
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