Random thoughts after six weeks of my first attempt at weigh

I was feeling very tired all the time, would fall asleep all the time, even at work. Went to the Docs, which prompted this weight-loss stuff. He actually told me he's stop me from working as I was unsafe to drive, so I had to do something. By cutting out junk food and sugary stuff, I actually stopped feeling tired after only about three days. Haven't fallen asleep during the daytime since. I'm sure the Doc thinks I'm lying!

I've done 22lbs in six weeks now, without changing too much. I used to snack on biscuits, crisps and chocolate, but here's what I've done:

1. Regular breakfast, either Bran flakes, Oats-so-Simple with sweetner, or Honey Nut Cornflakes, and a cup of coffee. Around 200 calories.

2. During my work day, I have four items - fruit, crisps (quavers/french fries/space raiders) or more fruit, fat free yoghurt, cup-a-soup. I have one item at around 11, one at 1pm, one at 230 and one at 430. That spreads out over the day, and with a couple of coffees thrown in, is under 400 calories.

That makes it around 600 calories for the day, leaving me plenty of room for a decent meal and even a late snack.
My main meals are now smaller - curries made with one chicken breast per person not one and a half, minced beef dishes with 125g of mince not 200, and so on, using less pasta, rice and bread products, and oven chips instead of fried whan I have them... so a typical fresh meal is anything from 500 to 900 calories, making my daily total generally 12-1600 calories, without me ever really feeling hungry.

I don't really do vegetables or salads.

I try to think of food during the day as simply survival rations to keep me going until the evening, when my main meal is the proper food.

I also switched from full-calorie Coke to diet stuff - I find that fruit based ones like 7-up, lilt, sprite are better because of the natural fruit sugars rather than the artificial sweeteners of diet coke and pepsi.

Told myself that I can relax a bit at the weekends, but I'm now in the habit of not snacking, so I don't.

I went into McDonalds at the weekend - six chicken nuggets and a dip, 300 calories. Didn't need fries so didn't buy any.


  • Shannoncore
    every little bit helps. its amazing when you start substituting healthy stuff for the greasy sugary stuff how many empty calories you can eliminate.