How to Start Running



  • richardholt2011
    richardholt2011 Posts: 118 Member
    I loathe running - but want to get to a state where i can do it, even if i choose not to! My advice would be to start in a gym (a cheap one!) and do a few minutes on a treadmill, then gradually build up until you can do half an hour slowly, then gradually faster. That gives you a safe environment in which to progress. At the moment i am concentrating on using an exercise bike - will progress to running later on perhaps
  • WilliamsPeggy
    WilliamsPeggy Posts: 440 Member
    Intervals. jog 2 min./walk 2 min. Then increase your jogging time by 1 min. but keep your walking time the same until you are up to run 8min./walk 2min. intervals. You can do it. Good luck & enjoy your workouts!
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    I started walking in April. I walked a mile a day and then increased it as I felt comfortable. I started buying apps (C25K, nike plus, HRM) and you know, I didn't need any of that. Your determination to walk/jog and a good pair of runners is what you need, period. As Nike says, just do it and you'll be fine. I lost over 60 pounds now and when I go for my walks (I still walk), I don't bother using my nike apps or gps watch or hrm. I could have saved money. If you really want to start jogging, there are plenty of free online methods and techniques, I would look them up and try it if you really want to.

    Good luck to you (and save your money).
  • indianaangel
    I am currently doing the C25K program and am about to start week 2 tomorrow. Feel free to add me as your friend and we can keep in touch with our progress! You can find free programs on iTunes for you iPod that include music that changes every time you should walk/run. I really like mine!
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    :bigsmile: I'll join the rest , C25k - it's how I started
  • wareagle8706
    wareagle8706 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Amen. Couch to 5k best way to go!
  • tmtolbert
    tmtolbert Posts: 59 Member
    i have heard awesome things about the couch to 5k program, but i actually like to use hal higdon's training schedules. he has one called 30/30 which i did to start and then moved up to the 5k program and actually finished a 5k on saturday in 31 minutes! i have heard that jeff halloway has great training schedules too and incorporates walking breaks as a part of his running plans.
  • shonasteele
    love couch 2 5k! and remember, baby steps! go at your own pace, don't feel like you have to be going fast to be doing your body good. do what you can and keep plugging away. the benefits are SO worth it! my confidence and mood have improved greatly since i started running because i feel empowered and proud of myself! good luck - you'll love it!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Toally agree with the others - C25K. I have NEVER been a runner not even in high school. I started the C25K and now I love to run. Now, I haven't been able to do it because of the change in weather/season. It gets dark too quickly for me to run right now, but I will start again in the spring/summer. I will probably start with the C25K Program again. You can do it!! I am living proof of it. It is a 9 weeks program that goes from the couch to running a 5K. Best of luck to you.
  • newvictoria
    I will have to check out the C25K, sounds very cool.
    My story is I had not been able to run since a car accident in the 80's, then my health fell apart.

    Just start out slow. I walked first, always increasing my pace/distance. My fitness regimen consisted mostly of biking, weights and hiking. When i decided to add running, I initially would walk , then would run for a minute or so, then longer until I could run for 15 - 20 minutes, before I knew it, I was able to keep a nice pace for half an hour. You will too. Good luck girl.
  • Lesley2800
    I'm a C25Ker as well. I just started week 4 and I am amazed at how far I have come. I'm running my first 5K on Thanksgiving. I think you'd love it.
  • Lemonaiding
    Lemonaiding Posts: 78 Member
    C25K! I finished the program in late September. I've increased distance gradually and can now run 4.5 miles.
  • SarabellPlus3
    SarabellPlus3 Posts: 496 Member
    Ditto to the other posters!
    look for the app called "couch to 5 k".. it has an awesome program that you can print out. google it. I've known people to use this and go from not being able to walk a 5 k to running one!
    It starts off very basic and increases just a little every day...:wink:
    Yes, this. I dowloaded an app called "C25K Pro" on my Droid. I think I paid $5 for it, or less.
    I listen to my music (Pandora, GoogleMusic, whatever, or the music they provide), and a voice cuts in to say "It is time to run now." Then "Time to walk now." "It is time to turn around now." halfway through, etc. So I don't watch my watch, or anything. Maybe the best part is that I don't have to pay attention. I don't even look, so I don't know, going out for a run, that I'll be running 8 minutes without stop for the first time after, I don't know that until after, so I can't psych myself out of it, or get nervous-- I can just feel awesome after. LOL You can look first, though, if you'd like.
    There is also a free version of the app, I tried it a few nights first, instead of the voice saying to walk or run, it's just a ding.

    Good luck! I'm on week 5 now, and LOVING it. I definitely had to build up to it-- my first 8 minute runs felt awesome, but I really had to have the strong base of those 1, then 2, etc, minute runs to even attempt it.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I've never been a runner; always hated it, even when I was really in shape during my teens and 20s. I'm definitely not a fast runner, but now I consider myself a "runner." I started with C25K in April and around week 4 or 5 decided to continue running intervals. Check out Jeff Galloway's interval program, too.

    I ran a 10K this past weekend, my first official race. My sister and I spent the second lap passing people who were straight running and we finished in 75 minutes.

    ETA: Be sure you actually follow whichever program you choose and don't try to do too much too fast. That way lies injuries. Run only every other day, especially at first, and alternate with a low impact activity such as walking, bike riding, swimming or low impact aerobics. You need to give your joints a chance to get used to the abuse. :happy:
  • tsweetla
    I think the key is pace. It is tempting to run at first as fast as you think you should, or to feel pressured by those running around you. Slow down. Run at 4-4.5 mph or so to start and just run as long as you can, then slow it down to a walk for a bit, then crank it back up when you get over whatever is hurting, then crank it back to 4-4.5 again. Keep this up until you've reached your time goal. I also recommend working on a treadmill to start. This allows you to control pace and throws out the external challenges such as wind and terrain. Oh, and for me THE most important thing...some good music blasting in my ear. I tend to run to the beat and its great. If my 55 year old sedentary body can do it, you can too. Have confidence and go after it!
  • Cowenlaw1
    Cowenlaw1 Posts: 106 Member
    C25K worked for me. When I started, I couldn't run a half mile. I not only finished the program, but now run 3-4 miles easily, and run 8 miles last Saturday.

    For me, it was just learning to slow down, and to learn that most pain goes away if you don't quit.
  • ngolston
    ngolston Posts: 159 Member
    I started running this year, and used the C25K program. It worked for me, but I didn't really "like" it. I found Jeff Gallaway's run/walk program after I had already been running for a few months, and I really like it. Most of my runs are "runs" but if I'm not feeling it a run/walk will still get me the distance or time I wanted to do and I feel good finishing :) I've lost 53lbs this year from eating better and adding exercise (mostly 2-3 runs a week) :)
  • mohawk1971
    mohawk1971 Posts: 40 Member
    C25K worked for me. I am up to jogging for 70 minutes straight now.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    I've heard great things about C25k, but I've never tried it myself. I myself went from hating running to training for a half marathon, so trust me, it's possible. The best advice I was ever given was to take it slow. You should be able to hold a conversation when your un, at least at first. If you can't you're going too fast. If that means you run a 20 minute mile, so be it. If you do too much too fast, you'll burn out and end up hating it. Also, make sure you have the right equipment... good shoes, water, hat/visor/sunglasses. Don't let external factors ruin your run.
    And this:
    One foot in front of the other! I've heard good things about C25K, but never did it myself. I'm too impatient! I just ran. I'd never been a runner and managed about 19 minutes the first time I ran. I'm sure it was at a snail's pace, but I kept my feet moving. Each time I just tried to beat my last time.

    That is whatt I did...and it worked. I was quite surprised.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    couch to 5k! cant say enough things about it!

    try and find a support group for couch to 5k on here, plenty to go around and will keep u motivated and on track.