I need lower calorie breakfast options! Help!



  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    Hi, well today I entered the data for my breakfast: plain oatmeal with dried cranberries, walnuts and an apple, plus my cup of coffee with 2% milk and I was close to 600 calories! My bowl was not even that big so I thought wow, I need to figure out some options that help energize me for a run/hike or workout most mornings but not so many calories that I spend my workout working it off. I am guessing between 300-400 calories most mornings is reasonable.

    1/2 Cup dry oatmeal has 150 calories and 27 carbs, 3 g of fat and 5 g. You don't say that you are measuring the walnuts or cranberries (really high in sodium and preservatives, btw) and the apple has a lot of carbs in it too.
    If you are going to exercise after eating, you should have the carbs and fats in there, but almonds might be a better choice...1/8 of a cup (about 2 teaspoons) and pick either the cranberries or the apple. You DO need energy before and after your workout, so don;t focus so much on cutting back when your body needs it...just pick denser foods for your caloric intake buck.
  • Greek Yogurt and Kashi Cereals .. Taste Great! I like the Honey Flaux by Kashi and the Dannon Okis Vanilla.Very filling and under 250 caloires also try adding blueberries or rasberries to the greek yougurt
  • cdparker13
    cdparker13 Posts: 1 Member
    This is such a helpful feed! I am vicariously getting so many awesome answers. Thanks for posting the question and thanks to all who answered, as well.
  • You can still have your oatmeal but for less calories
    1/2 cup quick oats- 140 cals
    1/2 cub strawberries- around 30 cals
    1 glass of skim milk- about 80 cals
    so that's only 250... add whatever you want as long as it's 150 cals or less and you're still under that 400 mark =)
  • tonie13
    tonie13 Posts: 7 Member
    I usually go for the normal ones,

    Weetabix with semi skimmed milk
    rice crispies with semi skimmed milk
    2 scrambled eggs
    mini weetabix (a little higher in Kcals)

    anything cereal with the chocolatey rubbish, add the bananas and fruit

    i never eat more then 300kcal for breakfast
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    -A poached egg on whole grain toast (I love eggs!)
    -apple slices and PB (lots of energy)
    -a yogurt and pineapple chunk (not canned)
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member
    crustless quiche!! you can make a whole quiche on Sunday, and have it all week. YUM! you can put anything you want in too!!
  • chikachic817
    chikachic817 Posts: 55 Member
    I either have 1/2 c dry oatmeal, 1 cup skim milk, 1 tablespoon of creamer, and 1 splenda packet = around 250 cal or a 110 cal whole grain sandwich thin with a slice of cheese, 1 egg white and 1 serving of turkey sausage crumbles = around 300 cal. Both are really filling because of the fiber content.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    That makes my mouth water just thinking about it!
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    Hi, well today I entered the data for my breakfast: plain oatmeal with dried cranberries, walnuts and an apple, plus my cup of coffee with 2% milk and I was close to 600 calories! My bowl was not even that big so I thought wow, I need to figure out some options that help energize me for a run/hike or workout most mornings but not so many calories that I spend my workout working it off. I am guessing between 300-400 calories most mornings is reasonable.

    Maybe look at the portions you're using for your oatmeal toppings. We had almost identical breakfasts and mine added up to 379 calories?

    1/4 quick cooking oats
    2Tbs chopped walnuts
    2Tbs raisins
    1 medium red delicious apple chopped up in the oatmeal
    1/4 cup sugar free maple pancake syrup for sweetness
    It was delish and so filling. the nuts and dried fruits can pack on the calories fast, so you just have to limit them and I still feel like I get enough of them in my bowl.

    For my coffee, I have a big mug with 1/4 cup of light vanilla silk soy milk and either splenda or sugar-free torani syrup (2 servings comes out to 44 calories).
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I do half cup of oatmeal with 3/4 c of original almond milk after it's cooked I add 1-2 tbs peanut butter adn cinnamon with a banana and a glass of water. That is usually 400.
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    I need something I can just pop in the microwave in the morning or else I feel tempted to stop at McDonald's on the way to drop my oldest son at preschool. I keep the Weight Watchers Smart Ones breakfast quesadillas in the freezer. Most morning I have one of those (230 calories), if I'm still hungry I'll add on a banana (100-120 calories depending on size). So my breakfast ranges from 230-350 calories on most days, when I'm in a hurry. I know some people are not fans of frozen meals like this but it works well for me. If I run out of the quesadillas or just want to switch it up a little, sometimes I'll do cheese toast (50 calorie cheese single on a 45 calorie slice of bread) plus a banana. But I also don't normally workout until the afternoon so I'm not fueling up right then, just trying to keep myself from being hungry until lunch.

    Just saw on Pinterest an idea where you can bake eggs individually in muffin tins and assaemble your own egg mcmuffins for the freezer with low fat cheese and whole wheat English muffins. Wrap them in plastic wrap and keep them in the freezer. Grab them and heat them up when youre ready!
  • janeinspain
    janeinspain Posts: 173 Member
    low-carb and filling breakfast: 2 eggs (140 cal), 25 g smoked salmon/50 g turkey or chicken breast (50 cal), a spoon of skimmed creamy cheese (20 cal) and a tomato/cucumber (max 50 cal). it is under 300 cals and it will keep you full for a long time.
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    Don't know what people arund here are doing with their porridge, but my 1/2 cup porridge made with water and 1 teaspoon of Manuka honey comes out at less than 200cal. Porridge, weetbix, oat brits etc are low cal, low sugar, healthy breakfasts, but not if you add a butt-ton of high calorie additives to them to make it palatable. If you can't eat porridge plain, you may be better off just having some vegemite (or marmite or whatever salty spread you prefer) toast.
  • lisasays
    lisasays Posts: 142 Member
    Remove the walnuts and you will be good!
    I have 1/4-1/2 cup oatmeal with 1/4-1/2 cup frozen blueberries and then add a 1/2-1tsp agave and 1/4 cup blue diamond unsweetened almond milk. Its between 100-200 depending on how much you make :-)

    You can also add a banana and be satisfied, low fat and healthy! Really, it is filling.

    Or have a lowfat/cal cereal (like kashi) and berries, banana and almond milk.
  • allie1904
    allie1904 Posts: 248
    I don't think it's the porridge that is the problem it's what's going on top of it.

    I have porridge everyday and it's 97 calories. If I decide to put a tsp of honey on top it's an extra 18?

    Myabe stick with some simple fruit on top, like banana or strawberries.
  • carriereid24
    carriereid24 Posts: 8 Member
    I have two go to breakfast options:

    1) 1 egg + 2 egg whites on a flat out wrap with a laughing cow cheese


    2) fiber one 80 calorie cereal with a quarter cup of unsweetened vanilla
    almond milk

    (I also have coffee with a splenda and touch of unsweetened vanilla almond milk)
  • Ha ha ha! Never! I would never skip breakfast. I am sure that was a joke.

    So many variations. I wish my brain worked better in the morning. I have a hard boiled egg and bread some mornings and nut butters with whole grain English muffin, yogurt and muesli and cereals other mornings. I like the oatmeal though. I liked those suggestions. I am going to experiment around because oatmeal works really well for me on cold days and like today I ran and hiked, I burned it off, but...I can not control myself with a jar full of walnuts or dried fruits. Before I know it, I've had a few handfuls and hundreds of calories! :-D
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    I either have a protien smoothy with fruit and spring mix 340cal (keeps me full until lunch)
    3 eggwhites scrambled or fried with 2 tbsp salsa and one slice of toast 150 cal but filling, sometimes I have both for 500 cal
    I have a packaged oatmeal with pecans that's 160 cal, add the eggwhites and toast and its a big breakfast for 310 cal
  • i tend to have a breakfast essentials nutrition drink for 130 cals but 220 cals. when made with a cup of fat free milk
    with it i'll either have a waffle for 100 cals or a cup of cereal (like cheerios) for 100 cals.
    that usually holds me over til i have a morning snack.