Frustrated, Starting going up

I was at a plateau for over a month. I was told that I wasn't eating enough. Which I know was true due to some days I had trouble reaching 1200 cal. Now I upped my calories to 1400 - 1600 and I started gaining weight back. I'm up 5 lbs in 3 weeks. Do I need to get more exercise in to offset this. Right now I circuit train for 45 min 3x a week and run 3 miles 2x week. I where a HRM so I know my calories for the work outs are accurate. Any suggestions would be great.


  • MrsWagz
    MrsWagz Posts: 41
    I bet if you cut your calories back to 1200-1300 a day you'd notice the extra lbs. will start coming off! I always tell people I coach to listen to their bodies and really pay attention to when you are hungry and when you aren't. If you drink a lot of water you won't get those false hunger pangs and you will feel fuller. I hope this encourages you!:wink:
  • unluckyIrish
    unluckyIrish Posts: 121 Member
    Is it possible you are over estimating the calories you are actually eating? At an average 1500 calorie diet, you should still lose around 1 lb a week. You could be building muscle from your circuit training, but I would look closely at your portion sizes as well. Sometimes calories sneak in there!
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    It happens when you increase your calories that your weight will go up before it comes back down. Give it a little while - it will adjust again. It happened to me when I increased my calories for a few weeks then the weight dropped again.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Take measurements and progress photos. Don't mistake fluctuation with gain. If the scale says you weigh more, but you're clothes fit the same or are looser, you're not gaining.

    Heck, I typically weigh about 5 pounds more on Monday than I do on Saturday mornings, just from having a few extra drinks and more sodium on the weekends.