For Reals this time!!!!

Hi I'm Jen and I love my fitness pal so far...found it as an app on my new phone and I've been very strict and enter every bit of food I eat. I have a realistic goal in mind and have it set to lose 1 pound a week. I lost 100 pounds before and gained 30 of it back over the last five years simply by trying too many diets that don't work...the most recent being HCG.

So this is it, going back to the way I lost the weight before...eating more times a day and incorporating exercise into my plan...I know I can do this, I just have to be patient. Wish me luck!


  • Southernsister
    Southernsister Posts: 198 Member
    You have picked the only way...Proud of you.... kick butt
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    Excellent choice; that's definitely the way to do it. :drinker:
  • dknowsbest
    dknowsbest Posts: 27 Member
    welcome to my fitness pal, jen! that's so impressive that you were able to lose 100lbs in the past! what did you do to achieve that? i'm new to this site/app myself and i'm finding that the people here are absolutely wonderful and so helpful. i think you'll like it a lot :)
  • hippotx72
    Sounds great! Best of luck to you.
  • Leah789
    Leah789 Posts: 19 Member
    Wow! I'm so impressed you lost 100 lbs in the past, way to go! That is my goal and the number seems so big. Can you share about your experience and any tips you might have? How many sizes did you lose? I'm size 20/22 and would love to get down to 10, do you think this is realistic? Welcome to my fitness pal!:heart:
  • tschmelzer
    Patience is a virtue (I personally lack it). Great job in taking this type of actions. Dieting is not a lifestyle. But watching your eating and exercise habits change is. We can do this it just takes more time to do it the right way. I will stay motivated and patient if you do!!!!! Good luck