Fit-n-Trim to Win Elimination Contest, Week #8 (full contes

nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
Hi, peeps....This is Week #8

Tomorrow's word is "Sweet Rewards 10/26/11" I've decided to reward myself for good behavior this week. But, I have I have to earn it first, right?

So, my goal is to continue Ripped in 30 for 5 to 6 days this week supplemented with elliptical.
And, my reward will be some new nail polish and other supplies for my depleting supply.

Name your goal and reward??

Erin has Immunity
Jessica has has a 0.5 lb. disadvantage for this week
Anne has 0.5 lb. advantage in her pocket for a rainy day

2ndCC peeps have their own incentives for this week!!

Heather will weight in on next Thursday. So, results will be delayed unless she wins immunity.

Jessica, I will need to know what your weigh dates will look like. You may want to figure that out if your not eliminated.

The winner of this week's challenge determines the outcomes for next week. This would be according to the numbers that you picked from last week.

I think that's it...Good luck everyone!!


  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    SECRET they are!!! Make sure they are right!!

    1. Take 0.50 lb. weight advantage

    2. Trade a player between the teams

    3. Give 0.50 lb. to selected player

    4. Immunity

    5. Losing team takes 0.5 lb. disadvantage

    6. Winning team gets 1.0 lb. advantage

    7. Change the weigh-in date for 2 people (can’t be from the same team)
    •Must be last least 3 days after prior weigh-in for other person
    •Any day for yourself
    •You may opt to leave it as it stands

    8. Take the lowest losing player from the other team

    9. Immunity to someone of your choosing

    10. Take a 1.0 lb. weight advantage
  • Naomi113
    Naomi113 Posts: 270 Member
    I have no idea for rewards... As i do not need anything and are tight on money LOL so not sure what I could do :laugh:
    Not sure if I'll lose any this week either been doing a LOT of weights this week.. my arms are so sore :laugh: but I have not put on any either .. So here's to hoping I have a bit of a loss tomorrow hahahaha
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I have no idea for rewards... As i do not need anything and are tight on money LOL so not sure what I could do :laugh:
    Not sure if I'll lose any this week either been doing a LOT of weights this week.. my arms are so sore :laugh: but I have not put on any either .. So here's to hoping I have a bit of a loss tomorrow hahahaha

    How about 30 minutes to yourself without children. Or - a small scoop of ice cream. Some music download.
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    Bump - I'll be back with my goals/rewards.

    Gonna hit the treadmill and do C25k W5D2 - wish me luck!!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Oh my goodness Kim... You and your sneaky little twists! I don't want #2, that one is icky bitter sweet blah! :wink: All those techniqualities are a little confusing too. So we don't get the results until next week or this thursday?

    As for the thong conversation.... I've got a big butt and wide hips/thighs so my pants tend to slip a little and I don't particularly care for that little wedge stickin'g out of the top of my pants.

    And the little peanut butter pumpkins.... I have them all at my house! I've only had two though and mine are smaller bite size ones so I don't feel too guilty. I have done super good with my halloween candy so far this year. I LOVE halloween candy...MMmmm:devil:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Oh my goodness Kim... You and your sneaky little twists! I don't want #2, that one is icky bitter sweet blah! :wink: All those techniqualities are a little confusing too. So we don't get the results until next week or this thursday?

    Heather will weigh in tomorrow and next week will be Thursday....let me know if I can clear anything else up...but, just know that I kind of have it under control :ohwell:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Oh my goodness Kim... You and your sneaky little twists! I don't want #2, that one is icky bitter sweet blah! :wink:

    Eat a big piece of cheesecake, wash it down with some vodka and you don't have to worry about #2 :tongue:
  • mamaturner
    mamaturner Posts: 2,533 Member
    Aaaaahhhh that damn disadvantage!! Lol

    Kim I can weigh in with everyone, but can you message me your address in case I dont have access to a pc?

    Good luck to everyone, I did the best I could do while enjoying a last weekend with my parents (we're German and Irish, Yea nuff said lol). Stayed on my feet the past 2 days, apartments probably 40% done with 3 more days to go.

    I'll have to think about what I can do to challenge myself for a reward. Happy weighing!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Oh my goodness Kim... You and your sneaky little twists! I don't want #2, that one is icky bitter sweet blah! :wink: All those techniqualities are a little confusing too. So we don't get the results until next week or this thursday?

    Heather will weigh in tomorrow and next week will be Thursday....let me know if I can clear anything else up...but, just know that I kind of have it under control :ohwell:
    Oh I know you've got this and I totally trust you but i didn't want to wait a week for the results:wink:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Oh my goodness Kim... You and your sneaky little twists! I don't want #2, that one is icky bitter sweet blah! :wink:

    Eat a big piece of cheesecake, wash it down with some vodka and you don't have to worry about #2 :tongue:
    Lol, I had Clam Chowder for lunch and I think that might have been just as bad!
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    I rewarded myself all last week and this weekend.... *head desk*
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Erin, I :heart: the picture of your son...hubs looks like too :wink:
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Heather will weight in on next Thursday. So, results will be delayed unless she wins immunity.

    I have been working my big ol' butt off this week, so I really, really, really hope I win immunity so no one will have to wait for me to weigh in... but, who am I kidding? I want immunity so I can relax on my trip!

    So my goal is to mantain or gain under 1 pound on my trip.
    My reward will be my extended weekend/halloween in NYC after my conference.
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    Thankfully I have no chance of winning my numbers are horrible to do to other people lol. If I can get down to 80kg by next weigh in I'll put it back on when camping anyways. :laugh:
  • losemybabyweight
    losemybabyweight Posts: 225 Member

    goal and reward? I have to think about it. Home sick today so will check in later. :sick:

    Thanks for the motivational kick in the thong clad butt Kim!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    :smile: OMG Anne, how do you feel? What a super awesome number and look how close you are to the 130's!!!!! 11111111 <-- those 1's are a message from my dog...LOL!
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Good Morning everyone!


    Whoohooo!! I think that is -4.2.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member

    Even after super work stress I am still in this thing. I have to admit the alcohol consumed last night led to dehydration which is good on weigh in morning.:wink:
  • bauer0813

    Sorry the flash is kind of in the way - 213.4lbs it reads

    Sweet Reward - well I think I am already getting it. My 18mo son is still sleeping this morning even though its 8am. He's usually a 6:30 kind of guy so this is very nice for mommy. Maybe I'll make my sweet reward helping him trick or treat this weekend with a piece of candy. cause so far i haven't touched the stuff!!!

    Good luck to everyone,