Fast Food "healthy options"

A little back ground story:
Im 18 and trying to lose 175 pounds! (and excited) my family is all overweight and will not change so i hope them seeing my progress will influence them. We eat very poorly! my mom is really busy and we probably eat fast food like 3 times a week! its gross i want to eat healthy but my moms husband is a trucker and eats like 4 doubles and a large fry in one sitting! so i want to know some healthy options i can eat when i really have no other option.

here is an example of how much i would normally eat at Mcdonalds
1 mcdouble
1 med fry
fruit and yogurt parfait( no granola)

Now ill eat:
3 side salads with low fat italian ( only use one and a half dressings no croutons)
apple dippers ( no caramel)
and a fruit and yogurt parfait ( since im not eating meat in this meal i will use the granola)

(that is a lot of food that is around the same calories as one burger)

so any other options when i am forced to eat fast food
I would love more protein options because i was a vegetarian for 2 years and ate nothing but pasta and junk so i gained a ton of weight and my nails were brittle.

Thanks and again i know there is no healthy fast food but i just want better options :)


  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    Pretty much every fast food place has something decent. Easiest thing is a grilled chicken sandwich or some kind of salad that incorporates grilled chicken (but ask for their low fat/light dressing instead of the regular high fat/high sugar one). Wendy's has chili which is pretty good, as well as several good salads.
  • Cassie5493
    Cassie5493 Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you!
  • allieshaw
    allieshaw Posts: 55 Member
    I think its great that you are finding healthier options!!
    However, if you can avoid fast food altogether...

    Be very cautious of fast food salads and "healthy menus" for they usually have hidden calories and an outrageous amount of sodium. Try varying Fiber Bars, 100 calorie packs, peanuts...etc for when you are on the go and hungry.

    Good luck with your weight loss journey!!:smokin:
  • thesmellofapples
    thesmellofapples Posts: 287 Member
    instead of getting 3 side salads you could order the grilled chicken caesar salad or something along those lines. it's pretty healthy and has a good amount of protein. most fast foods have a salad meal option. if you know where you're going beforehand try searching their nutritional menu and plan out what you'll order beforehand so you can plan it into your diary.
  • leopardvice
    first of all good job! its hard to change especially when those around you don't make it easy. i think side salads are just about the only healthy option most fast food places offer. you could always check out the nutrition facts to see if theres anything else. or try to convince your mom to eat at subway. still fast food but a little healthier.
  • denisegolden
    denisegolden Posts: 206 Member
    it is really hard to find good options at fast food places...but, if you are in a situation where that is your only choice, you are making a good effort to do better by asking this just about every fastfood restaurant has an online menu, plan ahead and try your hardest to stay in your nutrient budget, also, I would suggest only drinking water from a restaurant, even diet sodas are bad, also keep in mind, alot of anything can be bad...even salad. good luck hon, believe you can do this, you obvisouly want to, you're here and asking questions, that is great! Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • Schwiggs
    Schwiggs Posts: 222 Member
    I think its great that you are finding healthier options!!
    However, if you can avoid fast food altogether...

    Be very cautious of fast food salads and "healthy menus" for they usually have hidden calories and an outrageous amount of sodium. Try varying Fiber Bars, 100 calorie packs, peanuts...etc for when you are on the go and hungry.

    Good luck with your weight loss journey!!:smokin:

    How are the calories "hidden"?
  • corrieville
    corrieville Posts: 113 Member
    I do research before I go somewhere so I know what I can order. Also most food places have nutrition facts listed.
  • Cassie5493
    Cassie5493 Posts: 55 Member
    Thank you to everyone!
  • gumpg1
    gumpg1 Posts: 9
    Most places have a Grilled chicken sandwich just get it with no sause or anything else that is not a vegie. If the place has leaf lettuce get extra and use that instead of the bun or just use the bottom bun. For drinks stick to water or unsweetened tea diet sodas are fools gold.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I made this a while back...its not exactly "healthy" food, but all the options are under 400 calories, its good to have on the go.
  • tschmelzer
    So I try to avoid fast foods all together. If I am on the run tho I stop at starbucks to get one of there plates. Check the calories though some of them are higher than you would think. Or go to subway, best fast and easy meal out there!!!!!! You can get in a lot of veggies and not kill your fat intake for the day. Plus you will feel better after eating it because it doesn't weigh you down like some fast food choices can