When do you stop seeing the 'fat you' in the mirror?



  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    I loathe having my picture taken because my left eye is slightly crooked and the camera picks it up; I was photographed at an event this summer and when I saw it I thought 'goodness' who's that heavy older woman'...and it was me.....:frown:

    I haven't allowed a photo to be taken since, but my hubby is urging me to let him so I can see how I look now I'm over a third of the way to my goal.
  • msjamartin
    We all need to remember that the diet and exercise is only part of the battle. The battle we all have fought didn't simply start with eating too much or not being active. There are root causes to all of us getting to be so overweight. I was 378 at my highest and I got there by making bad choices, by equating my worth to my size, by not liking let alone loving myself. At 378, I saw a much different person than what was real. I thought I looked a whole lot better then I really did and made excuses left and right that I was fine. When I got to the 250's I saw someone who looked like I thought I looked at 378. Everyone said I looked great..blah...blah...blah. I still saw how far I had to go, was upset that I still looked so big. I was still working on my inside as well as my outside. Now I'm within 50 of my goal. I just broke into the 100's. I see what is left to do but I can also see the new me. The new normal. I'm still working on the root issues that have nothing to do with food. They have to be addressed or this whole journey can fall apart in a heartbeat. Learn to love who you are inside. You have worth! You are strong, amazing people and you can be healthy and whole. Inside and out!!!!

    Everyone keep your focus. Look in that mirror and tell that person they are loved, they are healthy and they are whole. Repeat until the person looking back believes it!
  • jdoggie
    jdoggie Posts: 42
    I really wish that would stop for me as well:(
  • Hollirot
    Hollirot Posts: 92 Member
    Girl, I wish I knew the answer! Even at my thinnest of 150, I still thought I looked fat. Now I wish like hell to be back at that weight! I think, in general, we truly are our own worst critics. We'll always see the flaws & imperfections that others don't notice.
  • chikachic817
    chikachic817 Posts: 55 Member
    Girl, I wish I knew the answer! Even at my thinnest of 150, I still thought I looked fat. Now I wish like hell to be back at that weight! I think, in general, we truly are our own worst critics. We'll always see the flaws & imperfections that others don't notice.

    ^^ This so much. Realizing now looking back at the time when I was around 150, I think the reason I felt so big was because my peers were alot smaller than me (I developed really early in middle school). So wishing I was back to that size. Looking back at pics, I wasn't fat because I did sports, I was just alot more muscular.
  • brookie2983
    brookie2983 Posts: 48 Member
    I have the opposite problem. I still see the youthful, 20 year old, 120 lb body in the mirror when I look. That's a bad thing too because who I see in the mirror is NOT who is walking around in a size 22 pants!

    I have this same issue. Until recently (looking at a friend's wedding pictures) I didn't realize that I had let myself go. I knew I wasn't 125 lbs like I was, but didn't have a clue what I actually looked like having gained 40 lbs. I have 3 small children and "somehow" those lbs. just kept creeping up on me :) ha! I saw the photos and I was almost in shock of how I looked when I was caught off guard or just in the background! It is a lot easier to take a decent picture when you know its coming. But getting caught off guard, you hide NOTHING!
  • msterlitz
    I have lost 17 lbs so far and still don't see it. I still see the fat me. My boyfriend says that's because I am too hard on myself.
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member
    Where I work there are security cameras and I used to hate seeing myself on them, couldn't believe that was the size I was. I walked past the camera the other day and looked at the monitor and honest to god I walked backwards and forwards again. I could NOT believe that was me. Totally different person.
    I also pose for pictures now but still won't look at them. I have days where I literally stand in front of the mirror amazed at the change and then other days I just think of myself as the same person I was in April. I feel like I am reborn!!
  • victoriangirl_001
    I suffer from this view as well.
    For years I lived with only the mirror over the bathroom sink and did not really realise that my weight had really got out of control. It was only when I discovered the tumor in my breast and I went to see the oncologist and they had a mirror in the consult rooms and then they weighted me that I realised that I was really, really overweight. Since then I have been more aware of my body and my weight, but the treatments and the after effects had really stopped me from doing much about it.
    Now my body has started to heal, agonisingly slowly, and I am now able to work on my health. I still can't stand looking in a full length mirror, because not only can I see, or apparently see how big I am, I see all my scaring as well. I must say though having good friends and supportive family around is starting help.
  • reginamazing
    reginamazing Posts: 45 Member
    I'm not saying that I was fat then or am fat now, but a few years ago i went from being about 150 to like 125 (not on purpose, there was a lot going on) in about 2 months. I know 150 isn't a lot to most people, but it seemed like the end of the world to me since I'd been pretty much 115-120 from when I was like 16 til halfway through college, and then suddenly in like 2 years I leaped up to 150. It was hard to adjust to, but I figured well, these things happen when you get older. Now like I said, 150 isn't huge by any means, but I went from wearing a size 6/8, sometimes even 10 due to where I shopped at the time, to wearing a size 0/2, without even making a conscious decision to lose weight, in 2 months...and i still to this day think I look exactly the same. I continued to buy clothes that were too big for me for a while just because I hate trying on clothes and so I would just go get "my usual size." Took me forever to adjust to the fact that I was actually smaller, even though none of my clothes fit me anymore, and the scale clearly said that I was way lighter. I don't get it either. That was...like 2 years ago, and oddly enough I didn't gain all that weight back immediately, I'm still pretty light (around 130-133), but when I look in the mirror, I STILL see 150 an alarming amount of the time. Who knows why? Not me. I hate it though.
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    When do you stop seeing the 'fat you' in the mirror?
    When I can look in the mirror and not see any belly fat or flabby moobs.... then I'll stop seeing the fat me :ohwell:

    I have always had issues with my body image, insofar as I have never had abs or pecs even when I was a very fit gym bunny.

    I hadn't truly realised how fat I'd become though, until I saw photos of me and the much beloved and I had such a huge neck and was just like Jabba the Hutt. Yuk! :sick:

    Now I can see the improvement in my face and neck. The Hubster noticed my legs were a lot more toned from cycling. I see my clothes are too big for me now, but I still see the overhanging belly and the moobs... so as much encouragement as I'm getting, I know I'm still way too fat and have a long, long way to go... but I know I will get there this time :happy:
  • lisakatelaunspach
    When I'm back @ my lowest weigt. Or goal fat % but right now I don't see my weightloss. In my head I'm fat until I'm @goal :'(
  • lisakatelaunspach
    Oh and maybe when the cellulite is gone and I start 2 look normal size in photos maybe then !
  • cpldjski
    cpldjski Posts: 64 Member
    I agree. I am down 65 pounds and I know I lozt it, but I don't see it when I look inthe mirror. Cannot wait until I do! lol