I turn 50 in July '12 ..please tell me I can do this :-)



  • nabeeo5
    nabeeo5 Posts: 16
    You can do it!
    Go in for the long haul! This article talks about low-carb diets.
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    Believe me you can do it. I am 51 and am doing it. It took me a little bit to get going on the exercise, started out slow and now I love doing it. This site is very motivational and is great for keeping you accountable for your progress and even sometimes our failures, but we get back on track and just keep going. It works and YOU CAN DO IT!!
    Welcome and feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Once you reach - or near 50 - losing weight is never the same. Our metabolisms change, our activity level changes, and my will power...well...it's just not the same as it was when I wase 20. I find a lot more encouragement and new programs now, though, which really helps. You mentioned stress eating, and it brought to mind the program I'm taking thru my work - but is available on line. It's called LivingLean. (I am NOT advertising it - just saying that it's a program I found thru my Vitality program where I work.) It's an on-line program and it gets to the root of the emotional ties to food that overeaters have. Once they changed my emotional tie to my "main munch" (which is chocolate/candy...imagine that!) - it takes me from powerless to controlling my urges to eat becuz it's not my hunger, it's my emotions. Thru that program, I found this one and I love the accountability. No lying to ourselves - and when we see it in black and white, it makes a difference. And with the HUGE support group here - from what I've read in my short time on this site - it's a group of folks who won't judge you, yet will keep you accountable and offer all the support you could possible need or imagine. I'm 57 and fighting the 50-Fat-Female syndrome! lol YES YOU CAN! YES YOU CAN! YES-YOU-CAN!!
  • You can definitely do this. Just take one day at a time and build up gradually. You will be amazed at your own will power. Good on you for getting to this point already. Good Luck :)
  • belindawilli
    belindawilli Posts: 97 Member
    I will turn 57 in January and I know you can do this!!! I had never ran a 5K and now I have run two. We at 50+(or even younger) can do anything we set our minds to(unless it be health related). You will love this site and like you I was not much of a logger, but I just love reading everyones post and what they are doing. You will do amazing. I would love to be one of your new MFP friends. Welcome aboard, Lady!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    I started this on January 23rd. I turned 50 in October. My original goal was to lose "50 by 50", and as you can see....I had to reformulate my goals! I realized I might be able to do 100 by 50 , but just missed it!

    You're STILL 50, so lots of time yet! :happy: Congrats!
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    You definitely CAN do it! There is more than enough evidence on this website to prove it! Good luck!
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    Hi, I'm 62 and I can do it so can you :flowerforyou:
  • kjmosquito
    kjmosquito Posts: 15 Member
    Oh my do I know how you are feeling - I'm 53 and struggle all the time. My biggest issue is my husband is a big late night eater and we are ver social people. I am just starting the Atkins diet again - I have a Cabo trip planned in January and that is my motivation. I gain ALL my weight in my belly! The Atkins diet and walking are the only thing that seem to help me with my belly fat. Honestly, I only want to loose about 15-20 lbs (I'm 164 and 5'5, 53 years old). I would be happy at 150. Like most anyone with Atkins; I lost 10 lbs and then starting adding back in the carbs; beer, etc. and they came right back on! I'm now doing the modified version; basically "if it is white; it's not right" except for those things you put in salad. Also, switching beer for Vodka and Black Cherry Fresca - so refreshing!

    I will be your sounding board if you would like. I am doing Zumba 20 minutes per day - 5 days a week, walking 5 miles a day, 5 days per week and I know I can do this! My husband loves me being on Atkins because he is a big meat eater! I'm just making sure to use my scale to weigh my stuff. 3 oz max at any meal on meat.

    We can do this together!
  • destanicheri
    destanicheri Posts: 297 Member
    You CAN do it! I've been trying since I was 9, this time there's no turning back! I WILL do it!
  • aims78
    aims78 Posts: 75 Member
    I have Faith in your, but only you can decide for yourself if you want to change the eating habits.. that is what I keep telling myself everyday... I wish you the best of luck!! :)
  • You CAN do this - I also turn 50 in July 12 and although it takes a lot longer for the weight to come off it does come off - Please feel free to add me as a friend for support - Good luck on your journey - :flowerforyou:
  • YepItsTime
    YepItsTime Posts: 33 Member
    Hi. I passed 51 not long ago. I'm not drastically dropping the weight but have lost 8-9 pounds in the past 6 1/2 weeks. I plan to lose 40 pounds even if it takes me a year. We can do it!
  • You learn a lot about eating right from Weight Watchers. The principals are the same: Eat less and move more. I will add: measure and weigh your food; track what you eat; Eat plenty of vegtables, fruits & whole grains. Watch your nutrition breakdown on this site. I added sodium and fiber also. I try to eat extra protein but stay under on everything else. I'm 54 and determined that this is the last time I do this. Lot's of obesity related health issue, I have a total of 100 lbs. to lose and figure it will take 2 years. But this is a great community and I get lot's of feedback. Feel free to friend me if you'd like!
  • skinnyme47
    skinnyme47 Posts: 806 Member
    You can do this. I'm 58 and have lost almost 54 pounds since end of February 2011. Make a lot of friends on this site. It really helps to motivate you. :smile:
  • Babzl1957
    Babzl1957 Posts: 37 Member
    I ditto the above posts, I am 53 and just started this week but started loosing the week before. If it wasn't for this site I would not have kept it up as I don't have much willpower. I had a very warm welcome, and unlike slimming clubs there is no judging on here. So welcome from me, I will be around for a while so please add me if you wish.

    All the best ! Babz xx