Low to No energy!!!



  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    You are on a 1200kcal diet.... That's not a lot of energy, so it's not easy! XD

    Forget about coffee, just eat 5 times a day, and time it so you refill your energy when you're running out of glucose! I find eating apples useful for that purpose!

    If you can't adapt your diet to be able to not feel fatigued, consider increasing your kcal daily allowance :flowerforyou:
  • Shannafo
    Shannafo Posts: 121 Member
    I take a super B vitamin everyday, I can tell a difference if I miss a day. You might try that. Also may have to have your iron level checked at the dr. Of course there are the obvious ones too make sure you are eating enough and getting enough sleep.
  • kenyonsmom10
    kenyonsmom10 Posts: 97 Member
    You most likely are not eating enough calories for your body. I would suggest using LIVESTRONG.COM and determining your BMR. You use the BMR tool and it will do all the calculations for you. If you are not exercising, pick either Sendentary for your activity level or Active, depending on your amount of normal activities in a day.
    I also know of a meal replacement shake that is phenomenal! It costs $4.00/day and will regulate your body and give you great energy! I use it on a daily basis and have been doing so for about 3 months. I absolutely LOVE it! You can add me/ message me and I will give you the webpage I use.
    It is important too, to make sure you are eating meals 5 times a day. They should be based of course on your needed calories for the day. For example, if I do not work out, my caloric goal is 1500/day so I eat 5 meals at 300 calories each. I eat every 2-3 hours! When I work out and burn 500 calories, I add a meal somewhere in my day, or add those calories and make my last 2 meals more like 500 calories each.
    I hope this helps! If you need anything, please feel free to message me and I will do all I can to help you! Good luck!
  • savismommy
    Are you getting enough sleep? And are you sure you are eating enough?
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    You need some good carbs for energy, along with enough protein. Sounds like you're making good choices, but don't discount those good grains, brown rice with veggies and chicken is a great supper. Add some quinoa in a salad for lunch... some whole grain bread works great with some natural peanut butter. Those good fats are also essential for making the machine that is your body work the best it can.

    Make sure you're hitting your calorie goal as well, it can be hard when you try and cut out all the "bad" stuff.... there's really not much "bad" food... everything in moderation is my motto.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Why are you relying on fruit to receive all of your daily nutrients?

    You say you are using them to get your Sugar.. did you think the sugar would give you energy?

    In my opinion you need to balance your diet, give your body some days without so much fruit and see if that helps.
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 360 Member
    Maybe try taking a multivitamin
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    I definitely agree with the folks who say you need to eat more...looks like some days your cals are low.

    The other thing it could be is some carb flu (you can google that)...lots of folks experience this when they change diet to lower carb. Lower carb is not necessarily a bad thing like some folks believe, especially if your cardio is power walking and not high-intensity stuff, but your body will go through an adjustment period which could be a few weeks for those who used to eat very high carb diets.

    Keep your net calories to at least 1200 and give it some time.
  • Asoum
    Asoum Posts: 6
    Thanks for the prompt responses, advice and informative websites.

    I must admit that I haven't been able to have a full night's sleep for more than a year now - mainly waking up about 5 times during the night to a crying baby/toddler!

    I will need to get to bed earlier than usual and definitely add more carbs to my diet.
  • Asoum
    Asoum Posts: 6
    Thanks for the prompt responses, advice and informative websites.

    I must admit that I haven't been able to have a full night's sleep for more than a year now - mainly waking up about 5 times during the night to a crying baby/toddler!

    I will need to get to bed earlier than usual and definitely add more carbs to my diet.
  • hmiller8156
    how long have you been on this life style change?
    You are doing something called the paleo diet, mainly where you eat all fruit, veggies and meat. Some people can not do this diet because of their body types.

    1. An Endomorph's biggest concern should be the losing of fat and adopting a lifestyle that keeps it off. Strength training should be done to get a better muscle to fat ratio and therefore improve metabolism. Use moderate weights at a fast training pace (very little rest between sets and exercises). You should lower your calorie intake (but not try to starve yourself) and should eat frequent but small meals. Sugars, sweets and junk food should be eliminated from your diet. Engage daily in some activity like brisk walking, biking, etc., and try to increase the amount of time you spend each week.

    2.A Mesomorph has a naturally fit body but to maintain it or improve it they should exercise and diet corretly for their type. Strength training can be done more often and for longer sessions then would be good for an Ectomorph, but you must still be carefull not to overdo it. You should train with moderate to heavy weighs and at a moderate pace, not resting too long between sets. You will find you gain muscle quite easy (some women and even men might not want to get too bulky, but this won't happen suddenly. When you are happy with your muscle size simply train to maintain it). Stick to a good healthy diet to keep you lean and muscular, and watch for any slow creeping fat gains. Engage in and enjoy aerobic activities, sports, etc. but do not overdo.

    3.Ectomorphs should concentrate on gaining weight in the form of good lean muscle tissue (some women that are too thin may also want to put on a little fat to look more feminine). Weight training should be done but not too often or for too long each session. Weight should be fairly heavy and workout pace slower (longer rest periods between sets). Diet should be high in calories (good quality food not junk) and you should eat more then you're used to and often. Aerobic and other activities (sports, dancing, etc.) should be kept to a minimum, at least until you are happy with your weight and looks.

    My husband and I live by this, I can eat healthy carbs like a sweet potato or rice, where as my husband has to do the Keto diet, thats like 53g of carbs. If I did 53g of carbs I would be drained. If you do stick with this diet with out adding any carbs to your diet then look into taking B12 it will help with the energy, and take a vitamin, the have raw vitamins as well.

    Good Luck! oh and go here and figure out your body type....http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/becker3.htm