
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Cals under
    H2O 64oz
    Exercise 1/2 done

    Doing everything to hang on!
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member
    Can't believe the day has come to a close...looks like we're all still fighting Mr Fatty...

    Good job ladies...

    WEEK 4 ~ DAY 2


    Edit Note
    Tread - 30 mins - 250 calories - 2.1 miles

    Exercise TV (on demand) marco Reed Circuit Training (20 mins)

    Day 2: 2 sets of 20 Tuck Jumps, 50 Squat Kicks, 20 Globe Jumps AND one exercise from Plan C.
    3 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 3 sets of 15 wood chops, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 lawnmowers
    25 Jumping Jacks and 25 Crunches
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Checking in for Day 2 -

    Plan A done
    With - 50 squat kicks and 40 globe jumps (just to verify - each jump counts as one, right?)\

    I also did one mile today!

    Have a wonderful Wednesday!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Plan B plus three (3!) exercises from plan C, eh? Overachiever! ;-p

    I was feelin' like a feisty wench yesterday! Arrrrrgh!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    plan b done (plus 3 sets of 21s), under cals, 8 glasses water. Another busy day/night w/ work and more work... I'm getting so burnt out!

    Aww, girl, hope things settle down a bit for you soon! :flowerforyou:
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Can't believe the day has come to a close...looks like we're all still fighting Mr Fatty...

    Good job ladies...

    WEEK 4 ~ DAY 2


    Edit Note
    Tread - 30 mins - 250 calories - 2.1 miles

    Exercise TV (on demand) marco Reed Circuit Training (20 mins)

    Day 2: 2 sets of 20 Tuck Jumps, 50 Squat Kicks, 20 Globe Jumps AND one exercise from Plan C.
    3 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 3 sets of 15 wood chops, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 lawnmowers
    25 Jumping Jacks and 25 Crunches

    Awesome job today, me hardy! :flowerforyou:
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Scallyway Sherri brushing off ye old barnacles and reporting in!

    Calories - under (despite the way yummy but completely crap dinner I had tonight)
    Water - right on
    Exercise - Plan B + 100 jumping jacks from Plan C. (Yah, slacked a little today) :D
    Cigs - that fat *kitten* Fatty still has my Newports so I still can't smoke anymore.


    No, I didn't forget about my AOK...I just never found the opportunity. Until today. I posted a "free to good home" post here earlier today (on my wall, just for friends) for my old HRM that I no longer use since I got my new Polar. The rules were "first come first get" I'll be sending it to one of my MFP pals in the UK [Jules, I know you'll be curious, she said she was near Newcastle upon Tyne]. My only condition will be that when/if she no longer needs it, that she pay it forward. :)

    Goodnight strong and fit wenches! :flowerforyou:
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    I have a question for those of you who run. My sis-in-law is doing a 5k turkey trot and wants me to do it too. I haven't really been training. I can walk forever, but can only do so many run/walk intervals. Should I concentrate on distance, or work for more intervals?

    Just do it and run/walk according to your ability! It will be great fun and a good workout before Thanksgiving dinner to boot!!!
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member

    Hello everyone. Before I post my stats, I have a question-is anyone else having 'problems' with the SO about working out/eating? I feel like my husband is trying to put obsticles (sp?) in my way to keep me from eating right, or working out. We started working out together in July, and both of us were following a sensible diet. He even lost 30 pounds. At the end of the 6 week program, he decided to 'take a break'. since then, he hasn't joined me in exercising (and i ask him to every night-not nag him, just ask if he would like to join me), and he's back to his old eating habits. For instance: I got home at 6pm tonight, and we had planned on having BLTs. he then said he didn't want that and he wanted to go to McDonalds. He then got on the phone for about 30 minutes and when he hung up i said 'lets go'...his answer? "i don't want to go. go ahead and eat". so now it's like 7pm, we haven't eaten, and i still wanted to work out. It just felt like he did it on purpose, hopeing i wouldn't work out. I ate a lean cuisine meal, our daughter had pizza, and he didn't eat. now at 9pm, he's chowing down on pretzles. I just don't know how to handle it.

    Thanks for letting me vent...i feel better.

    I wish I had answers for you...I really do. The only advice I have is that you can only control you and no one else. Hopefully you can try to *prompt* hubby into getting back into things, but unless he's ready to change, unfortunately, you're on your own. If that ends up to be the case, please don't let that discourage you from your goals -- many of us here are doing it 'alone' and you can too! :heart:
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Teenage DRAMA going on in my life so yesterday was a rightoff no exercise, over on calories and under on water(unless there is anyway to count red wine as water, if so I was over) so I will take it as my rest day.

    Today was better sort of still drama couldn't manage a lot pof the jumping with my foot so I did

    Day 1: 2 sets of 20 Windshield Wipers, 3 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of Swimmer’s Press AND one exercise from Plan C.- plus 3 sets of woodchops
    water over
    calories under not sure how with pizza and candy

    will be back tomorrow in a better mood
  • Jackie - you and I could have a LONG chat about this topic! And, I totally feel your pain. I think my SO is a little nervous about my focus on "me" instead of on "him" and of the changes I'm making. So, he doesn't like it when I work out or walk on the treadmill instead of sitting on the couch and watching TV with him. Sometimes I feel like I'm actually hiding my workouts from him so that he doesn't get put out with me. He keeps wanting to eat out at the last minute (like your McDonald's story today), when I have asked over and over not to do that because it makes it impossible for me to plan calories and such.

    And, don't even get me started on working out together. That's like pulling teeth in our little apartment, and I think I've gotten him to walk maybe two times in the last 4 months.

    So, I don't know if sympathy and shared troubles are helpful, but you've got them from me! :)

    I just keep telling myself that I'm doing this for anyone else - not him, not society, etc. - only for ME because I deserve it and I want to do it! Remember that when it is tough, and do your best to stay on the path, even if you have to walk it alone from time to time. I think the SOs will come around eventually. Hugs! :)
    thanks is nice to know that it's not 'just me'! I remember back in the sprng tellng him "i want to loose 100 pounds". and it felt so 'right' to say it. it was like, "i've said it, now i'm going to do it!" i know in my heart that i'm not doing this for anyone but me. not many people (other than my MPF family) know the goal i have set for myself. when people ask me 'how much weight have you lost, and how much do you want to loose?" i tell them "i've lost 40 pounds. and when i reach my goal, i'll let you know". it just reinforces to myself that i'm doing this for me, not everyone else.
    It's sooo good to have friends who understand this. :flowerforyou:
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Week 4 Day 2

    Plan C- completed
    Water - over
    Calories -under

    I was a bit worn out today and didn't get to do much of my normal routine. I'll just have to kick it up tomorrow. :yawn:
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    Jackie - you and I could have a LONG chat about this topic! And, I totally feel your pain. I think my SO is a little nervous about my focus on "me" instead of on "him" and of the changes I'm making. So, he doesn't like it when I work out or walk on the treadmill instead of sitting on the couch and watching TV with him. Sometimes I feel like I'm actually hiding my workouts from him so that he doesn't get put out with me. He keeps wanting to eat out at the last minute (like your McDonald's story today), when I have asked over and over not to do that because it makes it impossible for me to plan calories and such.

    And, don't even get me started on working out together. That's like pulling teeth in our little apartment, and I think I've gotten him to walk maybe two times in the last 4 months.

    So, I don't know if sympathy and shared troubles are helpful, but you've got them from me! :)

    I just keep telling myself that I'm doing this for anyone else - not him, not society, etc. - only for ME because I deserve it and I want to do it! Remember that when it is tough, and do your best to stay on the path, even if you have to walk it alone from time to time. I think the SOs will come around eventually. Hugs! :)
    thanks is nice to know that it's not 'just me'! I remember back in the sprng tellng him "i want to loose 100 pounds". and it felt so 'right' to say it. it was like, "i've said it, now i'm going to do it!" i know in my heart that i'm not doing this for anyone but me. not many people (other than my MPF family) know the goal i have set for myself. when people ask me 'how much weight have you lost, and how much do you want to loose?" i tell them "i've lost 40 pounds. and when i reach my goal, i'll let you know". it just reinforces to myself that i'm doing this for me, not everyone else.
    It's sooo good to have friends who understand this. :flowerforyou:

    I don't have anyone really able to put "obstacles" in front of me like food or not being able to workout. But, my family isn't very supportive when I tell them I'm going to get healthy and drop the weight. They either ignore what I say all together, or they respond but without any belief in me. So it's more of a mental obstacle that they have done with me. But, I ignore it for the most part after the initial moment of sadness that they can't encourage and support me.

    I did have a bf once tell me that he didn't want to have beautiful gf/wife ... we weren't together at the time he said this ... but now I think about that comment a lot. I do think that some guys feel insecure and believe that if you change yourself, you will want to change your environment and the people in it because you want "better" .. this is more of an insecurity within themselves then I think it is a lack of support for you. They are maybe afraid that they won't be good enough for you anymore. Just a thought.

    At the end of the day you are right, it is only for us! Stick with it and we will also rejoice together!
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 619 Member
    GOOD MORNING FIESTY WENCHES – RETURNING TO DUTY!! Apologies for the absence – family stuff. 12 years ago on Monday my darling Dad told me he had a shadow on his lung and lost his fight for life just 6 months later. This Monday my FIL told us he has a shadow on his lung!! Not sure yet if it's cancer!! It totally threw me !!

    STILL, Looks like you didn't need me – bet you didn't even realise!!! lol Despite everyone working hard, you've still been a team player!!

    So what have I missed???

    Jackie – I think it's quite normal for a SO to feel slightly threatened, especially when others start to notice. My hubby used to 'sabotage' my previous attempts to lose weight by bringing cheese/wine home!!! Take it as a compliment – he obviously feels you could find someone new!!!!

    Crystal – hope the teenage dramas have settled down!!! I too have a teenager!!

    Sherri – I hope you achieve your goal – just don't do it on my flight!!!! You wench!!!! LOL And a piece of you is coming to the UK – albeit your HRM!! Awesome!

    Noelle – That flight is within grasp – I just know you're gonna do it!! We are all with you in spirit :)
    Running at 5 min mile??? Congrats !!

    Jackie – don't put any pressure on yourself – run when you feel like it and walk the rest. You will be surprised at how the event will 'pick you up' – you'll run more than you'd thought because of the atmosphere!! Enjoy!!

    So today -

    PLAN A (Low Impact)

    2 sets of 20 Wall Pushups,
    3 sets of 21's, 3 sets of 8 - 12 Swimmer's Presses,
    150 punches
    and today you need to walk for 10 - 15 minutes.  Remember you will need to walk one more than you did yesterday!
    AND one exercise from Plan B.

    Plan B

    20 Split Squat Jumps,
    3 sets of 20 Wood Chops
    AND one exercise from Plan C.

    Plan C

    Walk, run, jog a 5k (3.1 Miles)
    100 Jumping Jacks,
    100 Crunches,
    40 Toe Touches,
    10 burpees
    AND the Overboard in October exercises!

    You are STRONG!! Don't give up now!!!!

  • GOOD MORNING FIESTY WENCHES – RETURNING TO DUTY!! Apologies for the absence – family stuff. 12 years ago on Monday my darling Dad told me he had a shadow on his lung and lost his fight for life just 6 months later. This Monday my FIL told us he has a shadow on his lung!! Not sure yet if it's cancer!! It totally threw me !!

    STILL, Looks like you didn't need me – bet you didn't even realise!!! lol Despite everyone working hard, you've still been a team player!!

    So what have I missed???

    Jackie – I think it's quite normal for a SO to feel slightly threatened, especially when others start to notice. My hubby used to 'sabotage' my previous attempts to lose weight by bringing cheese/wine home!!! Take it as a compliment – he obviously feels you could find someone new!!!!

    Crystal – hope the teenage dramas have settled down!!! I too have a teenager!!

    Sherri – I hope you achieve your goal – just don't do it on my flight!!!! You wench!!!! LOL And a piece of you is coming to the UK – albeit your HRM!! Awesome!

    Noelle – That flight is within grasp – I just know you're gonna do it!! We are all with you in spirit :)
    Running at 5 min mile??? Congrats !!

    Jackie – don't put any pressure on yourself – run when you feel like it and walk the rest. You will be surprised at how the event will 'pick you up' – you'll run more than you'd thought because of the atmosphere!! Enjoy!!

    So today -

    PLAN A (Low Impact)

    2 sets of 20 Wall Pushups,
    3 sets of 21's, 3 sets of 8 - 12 Swimmer's Presses,
    150 punches
    and today you need to walk for 10 - 15 minutes.  Remember you will need to walk one more than you did yesterday!
    AND one exercise from Plan B.

    Plan B

    20 Split Squat Jumps,
    3 sets of 20 Wood Chops
    AND one exercise from Plan C.

    Plan C

    Walk, run, jog a 5k (3.1 Miles)
    100 Jumping Jacks,
    100 Crunches,
    40 Toe Touches,
    10 burpees
    AND the Overboard in October exercises!

    You are STRONG!! Don't give up now!!!!

    :flowerforyou: You're the BEST Jules!!
  • femmemusicale
    femmemusicale Posts: 76 Member
    ok - I'm the early bird this morning. Had a 5:30 am workout class, so I did my challenge exercises too. I'm good for the day for plan B, plus the 50 jumping jacks and crunches from plan C. I have 13 hours of work ahead of me, so I had to get it done now!

    Will work hard on water and cals, but am planned for a lunch out with friends and am not sure where we're going. Dang, I just wish everything could be scheduled and planned in advance. That would be waaaay easier on my diet! ;)

    Cheers all!
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 619 Member
    Team Hidden Challenges - please look at - -

    this is YOU!!!!!! :-)
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Sherri – I hope you achieve your goal – just don't do it on my flight!!!! You wench!!!! LOL And a piece of you is coming to the UK – albeit your HRM!! Awesome!

    LOL! I'll need a partner in crime so to speak before I can *ahem* "achieve my goal". Hopefully by the time I take my Euro trip with my money saved from not smoking I'll have one. That long ride over just BEGS to be my initiation into the club!!! :blushing:
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 619 Member
    Sherri – I hope you achieve your goal – just don't do it on my flight!!!! You wench!!!! LOL And a piece of you is coming to the UK – albeit your HRM!! Awesome!

    LOL! I'll need a partner in crime so to speak before I can *ahem* "achieve my goal". Hopefully by the time I take my Euro trip with my money saved from not smoking I'll have one. That long ride over just BEGS to be my initiation into the club!!! :blushing:
    TMI !!

    ps - have fun!!
  • PandaFit450
    PandaFit450 Posts: 619 Member
    WEEK 4 - DAY 3

    Plan C - DONE!!

    Walk, run, jog a 5k (3.1 Miles)
    100 Jumping Jacks,
    100 Crunches,
    40 Toe Touches,
    10 burpees
    AND the Overboard in October exercises!

    First day's training for Marathon - DONE!!! :sick:

    Water - DONE!
    Under Cals - DONE!

    A great day here - have a good one my lovelies - listen to our song - YOU ARE STRONG!!!!!
