30 day shred..

Have just bought this yesterday, so will arrive in the next couple of days, i have to say im quite excited about it, also a little nervous that i wont be able to do it! but im still going to give it a damn good try!

What kind of results have you got from it?


  • lvllt
    lvllt Posts: 16 Member
    Hi kelly - best of luck with the shred - its hard work but results are great. Im on day 9 today (havent done it yet) but tummy flatter already and weight does come off aswell.
  • Yeah.. it's a really great workout - expect the first couple of days to be tough - but don't give in. It really is worth it - you'll feel a bit stronger and definitely tighten up all over.
  • What is the 30 day shred?
  • I have just started on day 3, it is hard work but I am hoping for some great results. got my wedding in 2 months and would love to see a difference by then

    Good luck everyone :)
  • lvllt
    lvllt Posts: 16 Member
    help me - ive lost motivation :(
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    I loved it. I haven't done it lately b/c I have a few other videos of hers and I'm working on Ripped in 30 right now. 30DS made me pretty sore the first few days I did it. It's definitely worth it.
  • Jonna13
    Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
    Starting this today!!! Hope to see awesome results at the end :)