5k training

Hey! I am just wondering if anyone is newly starting a couch to 5k program. I am not a runner at all but I have waked many 5ks even at my heaviest weight. Therefore I dont feel that walking a 5k is a challenge for me. I just bought a new app for 5k training. I am going to train but I might do each week 2times because the 5k I plan on doing is not unitl April. Do you all think taking it slower than the app will be okay?


  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    You probably want to run at least 3 days a week. That allows you to build up your strength. Once you complete the c25k, you can always just do the 30 or 45 min run options. Good luck on your 5k!!

    (they also have a bridge to 10K and a bridge to a half marathon program. Who knows, you may love it so much you dive in to one of those programs.)
  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    I am jst starting the C25K and I read up on it online. It says the greatest thing about the program is that you can do the weeks as many times as you need to build your endurance. I am doing week 1 twice and probably week 2 twice. Good luck!
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    I am a C25K graduate and loved the plan!!! I ran my first 5K on October 15!! The program is really great!! If you feel like you need to repeat a week, repeat a week. It's a good slow introduction into running that will get you to running your first 5K before you know it!!
  • Hi!!! I just did my first 5k on October 1st. It was very difficult cause most of it was on the beach but I was proud of myself for completing it. I am going to do another one on Nov. 5th. I am trying to do one every month cause I want to do a 1/2 marathon next year in Nov. My cousin was telling me the best way to train is by jogging 4 min and then walk 1 min, and cont. till you complete 3.1 miles. Hope that helps you out. Friend me if you would like. I'll try to encourage you.
  • TheAncientMariner
    TheAncientMariner Posts: 444 Member
    Taking it slower than the app is fine. You can either run for time or for distance. Speed will come as your body becomes more accustomed to running and your overall fitness improves. After I completed the program, I continued to increase my distance and am currently at 5 miles so far. It's a fantastic program and you may find yourself becoming a little addicted to running by the time it's over, ha! Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I would do it like the program tells you to. It is set up that way for a reason, it will prepare you the right way! If you get finished before your race day, then go back and reapeat a few weeks or start a 10k program......you will be more than ready for that race!!
    Good luck!!
  • lmbame905
    lmbame905 Posts: 83 Member
    It really only takes about 6 weeks to train for a 5k. There's nothing wrong with running "another one" in April, but I would sign up for a Turkey Trot or a Santa Run sometime soon. When I started running, and I still don't consider myself a "runner", I did the c25k and it was so helpful. I ran my first 5k in 42 minutes (not much faster than a walk) and my second at 37:30. I hope my next 5k, in November, will be around 33-34. :) Good luck!
  • bjs06
    bjs06 Posts: 316 Member
    I'm new to training for a 5K :) I am a horrible runner so I feel pretty proud that Im taking it on when I still have 80lbs to lose. Im doing C25K as well and I'm only in my second week. I plan to take it as slow as I need to but want to be able to run the 5k by March which I think is pretty realistic. I think. like everything else, everyone is different. You should take it at whatever pace is best for you, your body, your fitness level. Best of luck! :) Add me if you want and we can cheer each other on as we train!!
  • I am!! Just started today, feel free to add me! :)
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    i just ran..seriously..why pay money to 'learn' how to run a 5k. its simple..just get out and run. most of running for me at least is all mental. i feel tired, my muscles in my legs get tired, but i just push through it. ran my first 5k this weekend. i 'trained' for a whole two days. i did it, no problem.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Actually, for some people having the structure of a program is very helpful. It gives guidance on taking it slow and building up to it, especially for people who have never run before, have had previous injuries, or who are out of shape. Also, you don't neccesarily have to pay for it. I am doing couch to 5k using the free app. Also, all of the info is on coolrunnings' website, for free.
    i just ran..seriously..why pay money to 'learn' how to run a 5k. its simple..just get out and run. most of running for me at least is all mental. i feel tired, my muscles in my legs get tired, but i just push through it. ran my first 5k this weekend. i 'trained' for a whole two days. i did it, no problem.
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Yes, take your time and repeat if you need to-but not because your 5k isn't until the spring. Use the program as a guideline and figure out what works best for you! If you feel like you want to repeat a week, do it again. If you feel ready to move on, move on! :) Good luck! I am just starting week 6 of C25K and it feels great to have running in my life again. :)