Why do so many people only run?



  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I ENJOY running as well. PLUS, I'm part of a team of runners, so I get the benefit of my alone time and the support of a team.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Problem with sports is that you need a lot more people. Which means scheduling becomes a major problem. People want to work out on their own time when they can fit it in - between school/work/kids/etc...

    Plus you have the problem of skill. For me, I suck terribly at sports and I don't care about them at all. That's a bit of an issue.

    ^^ This. I love to play volleyball but getting together a game is prohibatively difficult and I haven't found a league that isn't too compatative and in a convinient location at a good time. I can run alone or with a friend or two.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Problem with sports is that you need a lot more people. Which means scheduling becomes a major problem. People want to work out on their own time when they can fit it in - between school/work/kids/etc...

    This. I'd love to participate in sports again, but I don't know anybody else who wants to play pickup basketball or soccer or whatever it might be, no matter how willing I am to do it myself. I wish I could find somebody who wanted to!

    Join a club? Most sports have beginner sessions, or clubs/teams of differing standards. :)
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    I prefer doing my own thing on my own time. Can't wait for snow to start skiing (downhill and x-country). :smile:
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I never actually considered people actually enjoy running! :P

    Silly hedgehog!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I'm not involved in any sports, unforunately none of my friends or husband is active. However, I try ot mix it up a lot. I run, cycle, Zumba, Turbo Fire, strength train, and do a lot of different things. I would get burnt out if I did the same exercise all the time.
  • adamswife23
    adamswife23 Posts: 52 Member
    I enjoy sports, but with work, kids, extra activities for my kids it is hard to find the time to play sports with a team or even find one for that matter. Like a previous poster stated runners usually do it because they love it. I have always loved running and it is my ME time where I don't have the kids hounding me, the hubby wanting me to do something, I don't have to worry about the bills, work, ect. It is just me free to be alone and think about whatever it is that I want too. It helps me clear my head and de stress or prepare for an upcoming hard day. I love the feeling I get when I get done with a 7 mile run or knowing that I improved my 5K time. for me running is my crack. I won't lie there are times I get burnt out and have to take a few days off and I do videos and strength training, but running will always be my #1 choice.
  • timmypeace
    timmypeace Posts: 27 Member
    Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I do not get the opportunity to play sports. I think a lot of people stick with these activites because as you get older sports aren't really around. Kids and teens usually have this option. I know there is meetup.com out there for things like this. I just think in our society to think about going to a spin class is easier than thinking about attending games on top or trying to get in a usual work out.
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    It seems to me that so many people only seem to run/jog, or maybe cycle.

    Why don't more people play sports? Not only are you getting your burn, often far better than just running, but the activity itself takes your mind of the "i must burn more calories". Play the sport for fun, and burning calories becomes a by-product, not a goal!

    Makes it so much easier!

    What if we suck at sports? How can it be fun if we always sit the bench.

    Jogging > Bench Warming


    Running IS my sport. It just so happens that I enjoy lifting and other workouts as well for cross-training. I spent my youth being the kid that gets made fun of and picked last to play. Not going there again.

    Why does it matter if people want to run instead of playing a team sport? It's still exercise. Everyone isn't calorie-obsessed.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Playing a sport requires having a schedule that allows for you to be available for the games/matches etc. Not everyone has that. For example if the only time you can fit exercise into your day is at 5:00 a.m. before you get ready for work, well, there aren't many sports being played at that time.

    Also, some people simply aren't competative.
  • cfiles
    cfiles Posts: 65 Member

    How much do you run a day and is that the only exercise you have been doing to lose weight? I am so close to bein in the 160s on my weight and would really love to lose 30 lbs. How long hs it taken you to get wher youre at?
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    I'm not a people person. Sports would require people.

    Haha! Love this!

    & my opinion...to each their own. Someone who likes to run (because it helps to give an overall cardio workout, helps you gain strength, and my favorite reason~helps with relaxation and reduction of anxiety) they might ask you why you like to run around with a bunch of people playing a sport.
  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    I love to dance; same idea, but also walk/run, because more is better :tongue:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    It seems to me that so many people only seem to run/jog, or maybe cycle.

    Why don't more people play sports? Not only are you getting your burn, often far better than just running, but the activity itself takes your mind of the "i must burn more calories". Play the sport for fun, and burning calories becomes a by-product, not a goal!

    Makes it so much easier!

    You do know that running IS a sport, right? :tongue:
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I've played rugby and am currently in martial arts. I quite enjoy both.

    That being said I see more gains working out at the gym by myself.
  • ibbray04
    ibbray04 Posts: 227 Member
    First of all, running IS a sport. Second, I LOVE running, that's why I do it.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    This thread has actually done me some good :)

    It's made me realise in the craphole that is my current situation in general, i forget that i do have one main advantage for this. The fact that i DO have the time to join clubs, teams, leagues etc. I tend to forget that and only notice the **** going on around me.

    Btw, this was in no way intended to slam runners! Hell no! I was just curious why people run, and I've had it answered in spades! :D

    So ty all for reminding me my life isn't totally crap atm! :flowerforyou:

    EDIT: Ofc i know running is a sport! It was meant more of a "play" sports kinda thing. Something that involves more than just your legs :)
  • Michaela722
    Surprised that people like running? I was too, before I started!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Because I can walk out my front door & go run anytime I want.

    To play a sport (and I have played about every one they offer at one time or another) I have to find a league, find a team willing to let me play for them, hope thier scheduled games fit my schedule, and finally pay to enter said league.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    Running IS MY SPORT. I couldn't care less about the calorie burn. Honestly, those calories are a weight around my neck because I have to eat them back, but I do it, (or at least I try). I love running. It's hard and painful and peaceful and relaxing. I'm grateful everyday I get the chance to do it.