Starving yourself



  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    Perhaps their on a Dr. supervised VLC diet... and don't realize they can change the calorie goals.

    There could be a lot of reasons they aren't. I know that you are trying to be helpful and caring which is awesome but knowing the whole story can be a big help. They may not be starving themselves or have an ED. it is always a good thing to ask what is up and why they are so low, and then give suggestions if they really do not know or need help.

    I am not saying everyone should eat less than 1000 calories a day BUT if they are under the care of a health provider than I wouldn't exactly flame them for not eating 1200 calories a day.
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    starvation mode is a myth

    By saying that, you do not make it true. I am assuming you are referring to starvation mode in which the body begins to conserve as much fat and energy as it can because it is not getting enough energy from food. It is true that this will happen for each person at a different point, probably, since we're all different, but it bloody well is a real biological occurrence.

    Yes, there are times when my net calorie intake appears low from exercise, but if you know how to look at these pages, it can become very obvious who is, for instance, shorter, older and fell a couple hundred short but is probably quite "safe", or who's working out and hitting a higher deficit as a result... or who is, on a daily basis, consuming the actual amount of food (not net burn/cals in-out) that is appropriate for a small child, not an adult.

    As to those telling this woman to mind her own business, again: I realize there are some different reasons for undereating,and have one friend on here on very low calories under a lot of medical supervision because she blew out her metabolism with bulemia early on (she's now 44 and extremely obese, but making headway), and some people literally don't know - as one of you has said on here - that this is not a good way to lose weight for healthy, long-term weight loss (and fat loss vs. muscle or water loss). I also realize that more and more and more young women and girls are more and more and more obsessed with "being thin" and many are as ignorant as they are obsessed, and this is a recipe for not only a host of personal physical issues immediately and down the line (and a shortened line), this is also a recipe for keeping girls from being productive citizens with happy lives and interests beyond their own mirror or the most superficial of media. I have no patience for it any more. I am more than happy to support anyone actively in recovery from an ED or any other addiction. Until then, keep your sickness to yourself and for the love of GOD please find a real-life (recovery-based) support group, counselor, caring doctor or therapist.
  • Maria_Goose
    I had to lose almost 100 pounds to join the military. The last 30 were the hardest to lose and I was desperate to hurry up and join the military. So, I did it the unhealthy way and got in.

    Low and behold, I have gained those last 30 back. I even gained in basic military training.

    Starvation mode is NOT a myth. I am still trying to lose those last 30 pounds to this day, and I've been in for some time now. Here's to health!
  • mawhite717
    mawhite717 Posts: 202 Member
    I have to agree w. you. and for the comment that states that starvation mode does not exist.. well it does and it can lead to some serious eating disorders. hair loss, period stopping, weight loss, fatigue, orgains failing are all from complications of starvation mode. I don't know how long it takes for the body to reach that point but what i do know is I never want to experience it.

    there are some people who are on certain diets that consist of very low calorie intakes in which a doctor is closely monitoring them, but for others who are only eating very little to try to lose very fast, it's their choice and all we can do is try to support and encourage them. if they don't want the comments of how little they are eating then maybe they should close out their diary. it's nice of you to have concern for others!

    all the symptoms you've described happen when people are literally starving themselves and not eating anything... thats not "starvation mode"
  • DerpdyHerp
    By saying it exists doesn't make it so. Maybe someone could do their homework and provide some peer reviewed, credible scientific research on the subject. Specifically, where the body begins to actually STORE anything in an extended hypocaloric environment.

    I'd sure be interested in reading the study.
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    Starvation mode doesn't make you fat, but it will help pack visceral fat around your organs to protect them.
    It will consume your muscle mass as well, and your bones.
    When you begin eating normally again, or possibly still short of normally, you will have a deficit of muscle and will gain fat easily.
    Your body will also be wired to stash the fat more efficiently in preparation for the possibility of another famine.

    Alternatively, you can die. Or, you can eat just enough in starvation mode to survive long enough that you can fool yourself into thinking you are not dying a slow death.
  • vballscriscuolo
    vballscriscuolo Posts: 39 Member
    I am very picky when it comes to eating and eat almost the same thing from day to day and like to see what other healthy options people have come up with. That's why you have to option to post your diary or not...just as I have mine posted for anyone who wants ideas. It's got nothing to do with being a "bully", its out of sheer concern for others and caring, and if you had read my whole post you should have seen that.
  • mawhite717
    mawhite717 Posts: 202 Member
    not to be mean, but If you dont want ppls opinions, then dont post such controversial things. :o)
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    Dear Posters,

    Please be very mindful of keeping the tone of your discussion respectful and polite.

    It is fine to debate the merits of this issue. It is NOT acceptable to insult your fellow MyFitnessPal members. I'll be removing a few posts from this thread that have gotten personal, and further reports of crossing the "let's not make it personal" line may result in the locking of this thread.

    MyFitnessPal Staff
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I don't even want to KNOW what kind of damage I did to my body 14 years back when I didn't eat for 2 weeks due to extreme stress and depression..... Literally, I tried to FORCE myself to eat, but would see food and get nauseous and throw it away. These days I would see a doctor if that happened... Thankfully, these days, I KNOW better ....
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    I know you mean well, but I tend to just mind my own business when it comes to other peoples' diet, unless they ask for my opinion. Some people may be on a supervised VLCD, and some people may just not track everything they eat. I forget to track dinner almost every night, so it always looks like I'm running more of a deficit than I am.
  • Mgrogers09
    Mgrogers09 Posts: 61 Member
    like someone already mentioned- people keep describing the symptoms of ----actual starvation---- and you dont need a bunch of letters behind your name to know that not eating for long periods of time is not good for you. there are plenty of studys--- state you will not keep fat in starvation mode if you do exercise and those calories that you are taking in are healthy and full of the micro's that you need.
  • DerpdyHerp
    Care to back that up with some studies? I'm always interested in learning more on the subject. I've never heard of this before.
    Starvation mode doesn't make you fat, but it will help pack visceral fat around your organs to protect them.
    It will consume your muscle mass as well, and your bones.
    When you begin eating normally again, or possibly still short of normally, you will have a deficit of muscle and will gain fat easily.
    Your body will also be wired to stash the fat more efficiently in preparation for the possibility of another famine.

    Alternatively, you can die. Or, you can eat just enough in starvation mode to survive long enough that you can fool yourself into thinking you are not dying a slow death.
  • newdaynewme
    newdaynewme Posts: 77 Member
    I have to agree w. you. and for the comment that states that starvation mode does not exist.. well it does and it can lead to some serious eating disorders. hair loss, period stopping, weight loss, fatigue, orgains failing are all from complications of starvation mode. I don't know how long it takes for the body to reach that point but what i do know is I never want to experience it.

    there are some people who are on certain diets that consist of very low calorie intakes in which a doctor is closely monitoring them, but for others who are only eating very little to try to lose very fast, it's their choice and all we can do is try to support and encourage them. if they don't want the comments of how little they are eating then maybe they should close out their diary. it's nice of you to have concern for others!

    all the symptoms you've described happen when people are literally starving themselves and not eating anything... thats not "starvation mode"

    You should do some research before you respond. starving and starvation mode are similar but are not the exact same.
  • vballscriscuolo
    vballscriscuolo Posts: 39 Member
    Dear Posters,

    Please be very mindful of keeping the tone of your discussion respectful and polite.

    It is fine to debate the merits of this issue. It is NOT acceptable to insult your fellow MyFitnessPal members. I'll be removing a few posts from this thread that have gotten personal, and further reports of crossing the "let's not make it personal" line may result in the locking of this thread.

    MyFitnessPal Staff

    I do apologize for this getting blown way out of proportion. I had only posted the topic out of concern for others. I had absolutely no idea it would cause such an issue and I do apologize for that.
  • mawhite717
    mawhite717 Posts: 202 Member
    like someone already mentioned- people keep describing the symptoms of ----actual starvation---- and you dont need a bunch of letters behind your name to know that not eating for long periods of time is not good for you. there are plenty of studys--- state you will not keep fat in starvation mode if you do exercise and those calories that you are taking in are healthy and full of the micro's that you need.

    thank you thank you thank you!!!!!
  • mawhite717
    mawhite717 Posts: 202 Member
    I have to agree w. you. and for the comment that states that starvation mode does not exist.. well it does and it can lead to some serious eating disorders. hair loss, period stopping, weight loss, fatigue, orgains failing are all from complications of starvation mode. I don't know how long it takes for the body to reach that point but what i do know is I never want to experience it.

    there are some people who are on certain diets that consist of very low calorie intakes in which a doctor is closely monitoring them, but for others who are only eating very little to try to lose very fast, it's their choice and all we can do is try to support and encourage them. if they don't want the comments of how little they are eating then maybe they should close out their diary. it's nice of you to have concern for others!

    all the symptoms you've described happen when people are literally starving themselves and not eating anything... thats not "starvation mode"

    You should do some research before you respond. starving and starvation mode are similar but are not the exact same.

  • _Peacebone_
    _Peacebone_ Posts: 229 Member
    I'm not sure what I said that was so offensive that caused my whole post to be deleted. WOW awesome...
  • MzFury
    MzFury Posts: 283 Member
    AND - I am not a doctor, but I did study medical anthropology and public health, and have read peer-reviewed studies.

    I am aware that people can get enough nutrition on a restricted-calorie diet that may look too low to some people, and that they can get enough to fuel their exercise. I am aware that many people have issues with yo-yo dieting which can involve unintelligent calorie restriction and poor food choice, and that it could sound like blaming their weight gain on "starvation mode", and obviously an unhealthy relationship with food and a tendency to overeat it is a root problem. However, there is clearly a grain of truth in what they say, as well, because with a too-low-calorie intake and no weight-bearing exercise, they WILL have lost muscle and affected their metabolism, so that they WILL be having a harder and harder time achieving or maintaining a healthy weight even with sensible dieting, let alone if they "slip up".

    So - point taken - people should know what they're talking about when saying "starvation mode". However, I'm just about certain that the 18-year-old college girl eating MAYBE 500 calories pretty much every day, probably from all packaged, processed foods, has an active eating disorder, cannot concentrate in her classes or sleep well, cannot fuel a workout, is running a risk of affecting her reproductive system long-term, and is generally not doing herself any favors and aiming for an earlier than necessary grave.
  • newdaynewme
    newdaynewme Posts: 77 Member
    you gained your weight back because you stopped dieting and exercising!!! dont blame it on something that doesnt exist. yes, i do agree starving yourself is not the healthy way to go, but thats totally different from what you guys call "starvation mode."

    not necessarily.. we did a study on this in my wellness college course and we had to study peer review journals as well as acutal people who were included in a blind study with calorie consumption. none of them actually "starved" but some of them entered into the widely debated "starvation mode" that is technically considered the "first stage" of entering actual starvation. If I can get permission I will post the information on here b/c what you are saying is interesting but not 100 percent correct. either way we are all here to support each other and live a helthier life and with you personally attacking my previous comment shows a lack thereof of being supportive.
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