Anti-Depressants & Weight Gain



  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    Hello. Just wondering if anyone can answer this question about SSRI's. My doc suggested going on Lexapro to help with some anxiety I have been experiencing since quitting smoking. I am afraid to take it due to hearing all these horror stories about SSRI's and gaining a ton of weight even if you exercise and monitor calorie intake. Does anyone have any experiance with these types of drugs and mind sharing?

    Doctor as in your family medical dr or a psychiatrist? My family dr. was trying to help by giving me prescriptions for meds, but was giving me a different one every few weeks because I didn't like the side affects. One of which was gaining weight, I felt like a pin cushion....try this one.... try this one....try this one......
    Finally went to a psychiatrist and she knew exactly what the side affects were for each one and how each one works and explained in detail. Try goin with a Psych if your insurance covers it.
    It was a moment in time I will never forget, seriously.
  • aamon17
    aamon17 Posts: 54 Member
    I take Celexa & i've lost 40+ pounds in 10 months. Hasn't affected me negativly at all.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Hello. Just wondering if anyone can answer this question about SSRI's. My doc suggested going on Lexapro to help with some anxiety I have been experiencing since quitting smoking. I am afraid to take it due to hearing all these horror stories about SSRI's and gaining a ton of weight even if you exercise and monitor calorie intake. Does anyone have any experiance with these types of drugs and mind sharing?

    Doctor as in your family medical dr or a psychiatrist? My family dr. was trying to help by giving me prescriptions for meds, but was giving me a different one every few weeks because I didn't like the side affects. One of which was gaining weight, I felt like a pin cushion....try this one.... try this one....try this one......
    Finally went to a psychiatrist and she knew exactly what the side affects were for each one and how each one works and explained in detail. Try goin with a Psych if your insurance covers it.
    It was a moment in time I will never forget, seriously.

    Very true! The only doctor that messes with my psych meds is my psychiatrist. General Practioners just don't have the knowledge or experience to properly dispense psych meds often times.
  • tiptoeketo
    tiptoeketo Posts: 271 Member
    I'm sorry you're not feeling well. I'll tell you what I can from my own experience. I live a nightmare of 3 years seeing various doctors trying to fix me and after all that, this is what I know. I'm not sure what symptoms you're having so I'll tell you what I'd do if you haven't already. I gained about 50 lbs during pregnancy and then another 60 afterwards very quickly.

    1. Get bloodwork done and have your thyroid checked. The symptoms of hypothyroid are fatigue and depression. In addition to depression you may have this and it could be making it worse and causing more weight gain. A daily hormone pill can adjust this.

    2. If you are irritable and exhausted, get checked also for sleep apnea.

    3. Antidepressants are all different. If you don't feel well on one, try others and do your best to be patient until they start working.

    4. If none of the antidepressants work or make you feel even worse, ask about bipolar and mood stabilizers. Bipolar disorder is very underdiagnosed.

    I can't say if the depression meds made me gain weight or not. I had slow thyroid and was eating close to 2500 calories a day because i felt so terrible and food was my crutch.

    If you need the meds, please take them and don't let the weight gain thing turn you off about getting treated. Suffering from depression is no way to live. Good luck (((HUGS)))

    Well said, thanks for posting!
  • Jacksheadache
    Jacksheadache Posts: 30 Member
    Some awesome information here.

    SSRI's are a scary thing. I no longer take them, but had been on almost everything listed in this post for about a 4 year span.

    Sometimes they can actually do things such as - increase anxiety, cause/increase depression, kill (and permanently damage sex drive), and these things are a vicious cycle that often lead to substance abuse. The last bit of information I remember finding shortly after ending my use of SSRI's was the direct comparison of SSRI's and placebos, and the percent of success rates minus the adverse effects some experience.

    I know this is slightly off topic from your question, but thought I would point this out. Please consider doing some serious research before you take medications such as these.
  • whitneysaenz
    whitneysaenz Posts: 125 Member
    I got put on the off-brand of Celexa 4 months ago and have experienced NO WEIGHT GAIN. It has not affected my weight at all. I feel MUCH better. I got put on it for my anxiety and it has worked very well for me.

    I also was put on this and haven't had any negative effects or weight gain!
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I've never had a problem gaining wait on either Celexa or Effexor - if anything, the Celexa made my stomach upset so I wanted to eat less, and it did make me forget to eat breakfast more than a few times (i'd have low blood sugar about 9am and wonder why, then realise I totally forgot breakfast!).

    But the pill is supposed to make you gain weight too, but I've never had a problem with it. I think medications make some people gain weight, but others on the same medication will not gain a gram.
  • oswaldbowser
    oswaldbowser Posts: 164 Member
    Hello. Just wondering if anyone can answer this question about SSRI's. My doc suggested going on Lexapro to help with some anxiety I have been experiencing since quitting smoking. I am afraid to take it due to hearing all these horror stories about SSRI's and gaining a ton of weight even if you exercise and monitor calorie intake. Does anyone have any experiance with these types of drugs and mind sharing?

    I also have given up lots of cardio down the gym your body will naturally produce endorphins....which will pick your mood up and stop anxiety, It will work trust me !
  • tnic86
    tnic86 Posts: 134 Member
    I've been wondering the same thing. I just started taking a generic of Xanex for anxiety and I wondered if it could cause weight gain or prevent me from losing the weight I'm working my bum off to lose!!!! Anyone know???

    I'm not really an expert at all, but I don't think I have heard of any weight gain issues with anti-anxiety drugs. I know stuff like that makes me really sleepy...and if I'm sleeping, I'm not eatin'! Haha! :)

    Thank you!!! :) I had googled it and checked out a few websites, but the information I found was basically some do, and some don't. If Xanex is taken for depression people are more likely to gain weight it said, but if taken for anxiety only a small percent of people did. I was just curious if anyone had taken Xanex and had that side effect. So far I haven't, but I haven't been taking it very long and I don't take it every day. So will have to wait and see I guess. I just know I will be REALLY upset if I keep working my butt off, keep track of what I am eating, and gain!!!

    You're welcome!! That totally makes sense! Pretty much, the only problem with Xanax and medications in that family is that they are highly addictive. They really need to be used with caution. As long as you take them only when absolutely needed, it shouldn't be a problem. P.S. I have to take mine before I go to the dentist! lol!!! :)
  • sunshinel397
    Thank you all for the support and advice. It is all very helpful!:happy: :happy: