College Girls Group?



  • patriotsbball123
    patriotsbball123 Posts: 9 Member
    Wed 10/26

    Weight: 148.6 lbs
    Difference: -2.5 lbs
  • whiskyzee
    whiskyzee Posts: 102 Member

    difference: - .2

    I played 210 minutes of soccer, 60 minutes of football, ran 8 miles, and did one strength training session. I'm also pretty sure I killed about 5,000 mosquitoes (thanks, Texas).

    I completed my diary every day, but I was over twice. I need to plan more carefully!
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 926 Member
    Date: 10/20/2011
    Weigh in: 287.2 lbs
    Net Difference: n/a

    Date: 10/26/11
    Weigh in: 284 lb
    Difference: -3.2 lb

    I complete my diary everyday.
    I worked out 5 times since last Wednesday.
  • kitkatkait
    kitkatkait Posts: 87 Member
    Wednesday 10/26/2011

    Weight: 151 lbs
    Net Difference: 0

    Weekly Challenge Results:

    Completed my diary almost every day (not on Saturday)
    Exercised 5 times for about an hour :)
  • cheetahcub2010
    cheetahcub2010 Posts: 62 Member
    Weigh in: 163.6
    Difference: +1

    I seem to have hit a pleatue,, I wigh in any where from 163-161 each day for the past week.

    Weekly goals, I logged in every day and did cardio a few times this past week.

    Monthly goal, I don't keep track of my water directly, but I have been drinking 2-3 water bottles a day. (I reuse the smarkwater waterbottles they fit in my backpack best)

    I'm trying right now with my personal goal of giving up fast food (again), I'm a little addicted to Jack-in-the-Box tacos at the moment. UGH!!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Date 10/20/11
    CW: 161 lbs
    Net difference: N/A

    I just have to say that I'm loving the weekly challenge because this is something I struggle with! For example, today, I drank two cups of water and that's it. (I also drank a few drinks but that doesn't count). Good idea!

    I think that with the college lifestyle, it is hard to do activity. Friends always want to snack and watch movies (and I do too!) but it's not good for health. The cafeteria food is mostly unhealthy, and they encourage you to take large portions. To stay healthy, I live off campus and cook my own food, and exercise about 5 times a week.

    Date 10/26/11
    CW: 162 lbs
    Net difference: +1 pound

    Been slacking a little lately, so the gain is understandable. I have been flucuating a little bit lately.I'm trying with the water, and I'm getting up to more cups!! I got a few days in with more than 30 mins exercise too!
  • havalinaz
    havalinaz Posts: 10 Member

    CW: 184
    Net: -2 lbs

    I completed my food diary everyday, except Sunday.
    I exercised 60 min total for the week.
  • kailey_watson
    kailey_watson Posts: 65 Member
    Can I join this group?
    I'm a Senior by hours in her third year of college with two more years to go... :P I'm majoring in Linguistics and certifying in Teaching English to Speakers of other languages

    I'm 5'5" and started at 161 mid August and I'm down to 145.5. My goal is 120.
  • TeletextPear
    TeletextPear Posts: 8 Member
    I'd love to join! Doing an online Masters in English, lots of sitting on my *kitten* studying, drinking tea and eating biccies, when I should be exercising!
  • InvictusPheonix
    InvictusPheonix Posts: 129 Member
    Wed 10/26
    Weigh in: 130
    Net Difference: 1 lb!! (this week)
    YAY! i think i MIGHT be breaking my plateau....
    6 days of exercise... well more like 5.5, some were sickly
  • drivingtodothis
    drivingtodothis Posts: 11 Member
    Hey Everyone, I love the group you have all started. I'd love to be a part of it! I'm currently a "super" senior majoring in International Studies. Graduating MAY 5th. I would absolutely love to be able to weigh in at 139 when I walk across that stage. This morning I weighed 165 and I am about 5'6". My highest weight was right around 185. Still a long way to go. Trying my hardest to stay motivated. So difficult this semester. My French midterm just about killed me this week so my sleep schedule is all sorts of messed up. and just to turn around and have another exam on Monday-- Halloween. This weekend is going to be so difficult with the parties and dressing up and actually seeing friends (rare occurrence outside of the library and work). Hopefully the dancing will burn some serious calories!! Good Luck everyone. Feel free to add me :)
  • kater8er
    kater8er Posts: 364 Member
    Anyone can joina t any time! just gotta do the weigh ins and stuff...:)
  • jenna25
    jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
    Weigh in: 129
    Net diff: -1

    Exercised 4 days for 30-60 mins. Drank lots of water! and was strict about logging everything except for saturday and sunday struggled a little.
  • mapsie
    mapsie Posts: 19 Member
    Weigh-In: 149.3
    Difference: -.7

    I didn't do very well with the goals for this week because of my pretty bad weekend where I ate and ate and ate. Monday was kind of a start over for me. So I didn't log all of my food for Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Hopefully this week goes better!
  • wackedoutpet13
    wackedoutpet13 Posts: 72 Member
    Date: 26 October 2011
    Weigh in: 142.5
    Net Difference: -1.5 lbs

    I managed to log every day and worked out every day except for Monday!

    I think I've managed to drink at least eight cups of water daily although I haven't been as good about logging them.
  • Twister19
    Twister19 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi ladies!! This is such a great idea, I would love to join! I'm a freshman majoring in "Exploratory Studies" (fancy term for undeclared lol). I feel like I've been stuck for the longest time in the 130's, I don't have a lot to lose, but it would be nice to have some motivation. Feel free to add me! :)

  • InvictusPheonix
    InvictusPheonix Posts: 129 Member
    Date: 26 October 2011
    Weigh in: 142.5
    Net Difference: -1.5 lbs

    I managed to log every day and worked out every day except for Monday!

    I think I've managed to drink at least eight cups of water daily although I haven't been as good about logging them.

    big number for a little person! awesome job!
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    For 26 Wednesday

    Weight: 153lbs
    Net Difference: down 1 pound

    Weekly Challenge Results:

    I did complete my diary everyday this past week. It has become easier and I have improved on what I'm eating also. Been struggling with sleeping more which, in a lot of cases, causes me to eat more. My week isn't over so I haven't worked our three times this week yet. I usually start Monday and have daily workouts through Sunday. But it's been kinda hectic with lack of sleep and teachers wanting everything due on the same day.
  • tarajarvis
    tarajarvis Posts: 5 Member
    Weight: 137.5
    Difference: -.5

    Weekly Challenge Results:
    I finished my logs everyday except for Tuesday.. I went out for mexican food with my girlfriends and couldn't even tell you the amount of chips and salsa that I consumed! I definitely always get 8 glasses of water so that goal was easy! I only worked out 4 days which is really low for me so hopefully this week I can get back on track to my 6 days a week routine!
  • Hi Girls! I'd love to join this group! I just graduated in May but I'm going back for my Masters in January so I'm sorta still a college girl ;)

    My best friends are all sooo skinny (and most of them don't even work out!!) so I can't talk to them about this, so I'm glad I found this group! My boyfriend is a strength and conditioning coach, and he's always pressuring me to work out "a certain way" and eat "a certain way". He tells me not to do any DVD work outs because they're not real.. but I have p90x and when I actually do it, I love it!! It's really annoying how stubborn he is, so I won't be telling him about this.
    We're running in a 5K on the day after Thanksgiving (i know- dont ask!!) so I'm training for that, but also trying to be get to my goal body by January 9th (the day we leave for our cruise!)

    I'm glad you girls are here to keep me motivated!!

    CW - 152
    GW - 140 and toned!