asked a billion times, so this makes it billion and 1

breezad Posts: 237 Member
so i know this has been asked a BILLION times but i was wondering if someone could see in my dairy or can tell me from my info wat I myself should be doing??

i have tried eating back my exercise calories and it worked and then i tried cutting my cals down to 1200+ish and then exericising about 600cals worth and lost weight.. but then ill log 1200cals then ill binge on crackers or something and still exercise about 600cals worth and have a gain??

if you eat your exercise calories back, is it meant to be with onyl good food, but isnt a calorie a calorie?

i just dont know wat to do and ive been trying to loose weight FOREVER and i just cant seem to budge it.
im not hugely fat, im 5'8 and 76kg (168lbs)
i run 7km once a week maybe twice, i walk, weight train, hike and do workout dvds!

just getting sooo frustrated!!! just want this body fat gone!!! and the scales down!!!!!


  • xtinajoc
    xtinajoc Posts: 9 Member
    log the calories you eat and dont eat your excercise calories. if you are weight training you may not see a huge drop on the scale track your measurments! you might b losing inches
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    How about your sodium? What level is this at?
  • kelsue35
    kelsue35 Posts: 463 Member
    i dont eat back everyone of my exercise calories. some yeah but not all or i would have to eat 500 times a day. since you weight train you could be gaining muscle which weighs more. or maybe you are retaining water.. dont think to much about it. the weight will come off eventually you just have to wait it out! try not weighing yourself but measure instead.
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    i always keep under my sodium i try to keep it way below at max of about 1800mg a day
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,386 Member
    for losing weight, cals in/cals out. you could eat 1200 worth of snickers and still under your #, you will lose.

    not that I agree with that...personally it's also about nutrition for me.

    have you tried zig-zagging your cals? hit the search button on here, I found some good stuff yesterday.

    keep going! it will come off.
  • mmhenry28
    mmhenry28 Posts: 163 Member
    I had a quick look at your diary and everything seems to be fine, but Im not a professional or anything. Maybe add sodium to your food diary and see if maybe the foods you are eating are high in sodium.

    Also there were a days in the weekend when you didnt log. Did you eat healthily during those days and do you include any alcohol intake?

    Do you use HRM or just MFP cal values. Because some of your exercise cal values seem on the high side and may not be helping you get an accurate view of what you are exercising. If you do use a HRM then I am incredible impressed with your workout cals. You put me to shame and I'm suprised you are not seeing any results.
  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    increase your protein, cut sugar to 30g (total), this includes even from natural foods. Protein helps you feel full and increases your metabolism, and sugar if too high gets stored as fat when all its not used. Eat complex carbs, stay away from simple white carbs. Make this sacrifice for about 2 wks and you will see the difference. It makes a difference when you are honest with yourself., you can do it and you will do....I'm telling you, try it for two weeks and you will see. Also make sure your burned calories are not estimate from database, make sure they are your own from your own HRM with strap. COME ON NOW, TRY IT!!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    How do you track your calorie burn? If you're relying on MFP to tell you, I would say go get a HRM now!! MFP calories tend to be either way under or way over what the actual is, so to get the exact amount, a good HRM set iwth your physical stats (height, weight, resting HR, etc.) is the best way to get there.

    As was also said before, with all the working out you're doing, you could be building muscle mass faster than you're burning fat. Since muscle weighs more than fat, the best way to gauge progress is to take measurements since the muscle you're building is leaner than fat. Eventually the muscles you build will help you burn more calories that eventually the scale will catch up. It just takes time.

    Hope this helps!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Terrible advice, IMO.

    Eat well, focus on your workouts - cardio, weights, stretching all in good moderation - and be consistent with it. Work hard and you'll see results. There is no magic answer or "trick" to it.

    I'll take a look at your diary, but honestly it just takes patience, hard work, dedication and the right mind set. All those other "tips and tricks" are nonsense people tell themselves to qualify their failures, IMO...
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    ive got a HRM garmin. i use it everytime i workout, i just burn ALOT of calories. i have asthma so naturally my heart rate is slighty higher and it gets there quickly, but i do recover very quickly as well!

    just not udnderstanding you know. its frustrating, training soo hard for like 5-6days and getting no loss. ive been starting to measure as well so i will see if ther eis a differnece!

    thanks everyone so far!!
  • sara_m83
    sara_m83 Posts: 545 Member
    I find Garmin's formula for calculating calories burned to be flawed. I use a Garmin Forerunner 305 and found that for some reason its calories burned formula is based on distance traveled rather than heart rate. I now take my avg heart rate reading from my garmin and use this calculator to calculate calories burned:
  • nyy03
    nyy03 Posts: 652 Member
    A few people have said muscle weighs more than fat. WRONG!!! 5lbs of muscle weighs the same as 5 lbs of fat. PERIOD!!!

    I've gotten some conflicting advice about this. Eat all or most of your exercise calories, and others say don't. Which is it? Why don't you try to go back with what worked for you at the beginning.

    You got this Bree. Now that you're measuring you'll see a difference. Go with the advice of some of the above.

    I see a sleek sexy Brooklyn Decker type body in your near future. :)