Does your mirror LIE like mine???

From my blog post today (please note that my blog is usually MUCH more upbeat! lol)....

That mean old mirrror is still getting me this week. My clothes are lose - I am SWIMMING in them due to the extra fabric. Soooo many people have commented that I am "really dropping the weight". I can run faster and easier. The numbers on the scale are lowering consistanly. All of the signs of weightloss are there. All except that reflection. I peer into the mirror searching for a flatter stomach, thinner arms, a more contured face - any sign at all and I JUST DO NOT SEE IT. Honestly, I am thinner, more contured, flatter here and there - but my mind is distorting it or something. Anyone else experienced this? I am so excited that I am losing weight, but it's as though it's not translating in my brain when I see my reflection. That's really frustrating me. I guess I used to look at myself and think "you're not that fat"... but now, I think "you're just as fat". The brain is a funny thing and I do not like the fact that it and this mirror are ganging up on me! :(


  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I once read it takes your brain SIX MONTHS to catch up to what you really look like. It has definitely taken me time to REALLY see the difference in the mirror. It's why I think that the progress pictures are so important. Looking back I'm like "DUH that made a difference" but at the time it didn't feel like that much. Even when I took my before pictures and knew I had to lose weight now I can't believe that's what I looked like :/

    Keep going, your brain WILL catch up! Wear clothes that fit your current body, not big baggy old things!!! That makes a huge difference too.
  • thedestar
    thedestar Posts: 1,278 Member
    Thats exactly how I feel. I hate it! Every one comments and in my head I think "Why is everyone lying to me?!?!?" I think maybe we just need time to adjust?
  • Minnesnowtagurl
    Minnesnowtagurl Posts: 406 Member
    Wow, interesting topic. I too sometimes feel the same way. Often I go back and look at old pictures of myself to help remind me of how far I have come. I have heard also that mentally it takes a while to catch up. There are times when I get dressed and still think I am bigger. I guess it just takes time. I remember hearing Jennifer Hudson say on Opera "Sometimes when my stylist brings my wardrobe in full of size 6 dresses I look at her crazy llike, who are those for? Because sometimes I forget how far I have came
  • Crowhorse
    Crowhorse Posts: 394 Member
    I have the opposite problem. I look in the mirror and think I look good. Then I see a picture of myself and get mad at the mirror for lying to me about how good I look. :grumble:
  • lucylue21
    lucylue21 Posts: 214
    my mirror says that all 120 pounds of me are fat. then the wind blows me over :grumble:
  • KelleyJoL
    KelleyJoL Posts: 19 Member
    All mirrors lie. Remember Snow White's WICKED step- mother? Her mirror told her she was "fair" . Seriously, I think the problem is that our culture is so quick to tell women we are not good enough that we start to tell ourselves. We are not even seeing the mirror, but the lies we told ourselves. I am thin. I KNOW I am thin. But I can find a mirror that will tell me i could be/should be even thinner. Tell yourself truth everyday. Guard against eating disorders.
  • CarrieBeard
    CarrieBeard Posts: 117 Member
    We must have bought mirrors from the same store! Happens at my house too! :huh:
  • sarahemily72
    Hey, I have one too!