
I know I need calcium. I know calcium is good for you. I also know I'm not getting enough of it. Is there any proof that calcium can help women loose weight quicker, and is there a way to get more low-cal calcium in my diet?


  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    Your bones need calcium. More so for women than men. Osteoperosis (I think I spelled that right) is nothing to play around with.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    Well, there is Trop50 (Tropicana) which is low cal and has added calcium and vitamin D. It doesn't taste exactly like orange juice, but 8oz has 35% of your daily calcium and only 50 calories.

    Edit: Also spinach might be a good option for you.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    Your bones need calcium. More so for women than men. Osteoperosis (I think I spelled that right) is nothing to play around with.

    Completely agree with this.

    skim milk is pretty low in cals and has lots of calcium. I know a lot of breakfast cereals do too
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
  • kailey_watson
    kailey_watson Posts: 65 Member
    Fat Free milk is about 80 calories a glass. I'm not a milk drinker, but I eat cottage cheese daily and take calcium supplements. Leafy greens like broccoli and spinach also have calcium, and go great with cheese, also a good calcium source :)
  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    I'm getting older and having strong bones well into my golden years is a priority for me. I don't always eat calcium-rich foods. I track calcium in my diary and if I am low at the end of the day, I will take a calcium supplement along with some Vitamin D3 supplements. I'm not sure how increasing your calcium would help with weight loss though.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    I take 1800mg of calcium a day... its extremely important for women.
    Calcium Citrate is better than Carbonate -- you don't need to take it with food and its more easily absorbable.
    I'm sure you can find a zillion thing about it all if you google it.

    EDIT supplements have almost no calories ... just dont take calcium within a couple hours of taking iron. (if you take iron)
    I currently take about 14 different vitamins and they are all arranged by which ones are useful together -- like iron with vitamin c, calcium with D3 etc.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    I know I need calcium. I know calcium is good for you. I also know I'm not getting enough of it. Is there any proof that calcium can help women loose weight quicker, and is there a way to get more low-cal calcium in my diet?

    I guess I kinda skipped over the question about helping women lose weight faster. I don't know about that - but regardless, you need it. It's certainly not going to make you GAIN weight unless all you're drinking is whole milk with every meal to get it. lol. Osteoporosis is certainly not something to take lightly. My mother has broken damn near every bone in her body - and I guarantee you it's mostly because she has never gotten enough calcium in her diet. Still as stubborn as ever about it too.
  • lkblazek
    Your bones need calcium. More so for women than men. Osteoperosis (I think I spelled that right) is nothing to play around with.
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Here's a pretty good explanation of how calcium helps you lose weight and suggestions for getting the calcium.
  • 1fiercebutterfly
    1fiercebutterfly Posts: 16 Member
    my favorite calcium supplement is made from whole foods the best ones out there should be. My top one is New Chapter Bone strength take care. its made from sea vegetables and your body can absorb and utilize 100% of it. A lot of food is fortified with "calcium" but our bodies don't really recognize it or it is incomplete. So our bodies need to rip from our stores of calcium and other trace minerals to make it a complete calcium creating further need for more calcium. If you think about all the food we eat that boasts awesome calcium and we eat it, yet the calcium in our bodies is still not sufficient.
    Calcium (and other very important trace minerals needed for absorption) is found in
    apricots, dark green leafy veggies, sea veggies (basically things that grow in the dirt) lol. but, we still need supplementation.

    my granny is 97 years old she takes this supplement she likes how easy it is to digest and SHE HAS VERY LITTLE OSTEOPOROSIS!!!!!! honestly i think she only uses her cane to whack the stupid dog on the butt and to chase me around the house.
    anyway i know some of it has to be genetics, also she is stubborn as hell! but she is 97! she danced at my wedding and only eats things that need the sun to survive. (her words)
  • csmith4567
    csmith4567 Posts: 82 Member
    Your bones are simply storage vessels for calcium and other minerals. Your body will steal it from there to operate. Every synapse in your body is a result of calcium cation influxes .. so every move you make, including the muscles in your digestive track, requires calcium. Lack thereof will definately drain the bones and harm the system. (Potassium is another key player in cell function ... eat those fruit and veggies!)

    I had a low calcium issue when I started here (thank you MFP for the valuable tracking info) ... I found a couple ways to up it. Hood Simply Smart makes a fat free milk that tastes like 2% .. and Galaxy nutritional makes a soy cheese .. both of which I use to get the calcium without the calories or saturated fat.

    I keep an eye on my calcium intake and supplement with pills only if I go a day or more without hitting the goal.

    Also, on a side note, in recent years it was discovered that the osteocytes in bones respond to stress .. any movement causes the osteoblasts to create more bone cells (osteocytes), and increases your bone density.
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    my granny is 97 years old she takes this supplement she likes how easy it is to digest and SHE HAS VERY LITTLE OSTEOPOROSIS!!!!!! honestly i think she only uses her cane to whack the stupid dog on the butt and to chase me around the house.
    anyway i know some of it has to be genetics, also she is stubborn as hell! but she is 97! she danced at my wedding and only eats things that need the sun to survive. (her words)

    Sorry, but I just had to comment on this - that is freakin awesome. ;D
  • SephirothsChild15
    My doctor is flipping the heck out because I get very litle calcium and I need more because I'm 20 and don't gave periods. :|
  • 1fiercebutterfly
    1fiercebutterfly Posts: 16 Member