Coffee and Weight Loss



  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I drink one cup of coffee every morning with creamer.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I drink a lot of coffee but not to many lattes because they are expensive....

    I've recently discovered that if you mix up a vanilla protein shake with milk and add it to your coffee with some sugar (yes, I eat sugar) it kind of tastes like a latte. The brand I use even foams up a little...
  • savannahgro
    savannahgro Posts: 113 Member
    I used to drink double doubles from Tim Horton's daily (150 calories)... Now I'm down to 1 sugar and 2% milk for a total of 55 calories

    Also, when I get Starbucks I go for a tall coffee with sugar free cinnamon syrup and some non fat milk for about 15 caloires (give or take) Sooo yummy!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Look. Hand me my two cups of coffee with 4 tablespoons of creamer in it every morning and no one gets hurt. I can not and will not give up my morning caffeine jolt.

    Plain and simple.
  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    Can't go without my morning coffee. It helps me keep regular too. Gross but true!
  • mandimommy
    I drink 1-2 6 oz cups with 1 tbps half and half at home every morning. Two tbsp of half and half is 40 calories. I don't use sweetener at all.

    And I usually end up getting a tall Starbucks coffee with cream every afternoon. Again, 2 tbsp half and half at 40 cal plus about 5 for the coffee.

    I drink A TON of water and the caffeine definitely satisfies my little energy jolt needs... I have a 16 month old, 3.5 yr old and 5.5 yr old. M-O-M-M-Y needs C-O-F-F-E-E!!!
  • kahavi
    kahavi Posts: 35
    I turn into a raging monster if I don't get my caffeine fix, so yeah, coffee everyday. It hasn't slowed down my weight loss, however it does force me to drink more water since coffee is a diuretic. Still, I like the trade off. :)
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    i adore coffee. no plans on giving it up. i usually have 2 cups drip in the morning and sometimes another in the middle of the afternoon. once in a while, i will have a latte with nonfat/lowfat milk.

    i look forward to coffee!
  • nana2boys
    A morning cup of coffee seems to get me off to a good start for the day. I don't care to much for a strong coffee, but like the smoother blends
  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    I have a cup of coffee each morning with semi skimmed milk. During the day I tend to drink tea.........but once or twice a week I indulge in a skinny latte (which is heaven). Everything is ok in moderation I think, obviously drinking full fat coffee every day more than once a day wont help with the weight loss.

    You and I differ in our understanding of what works to shed fat. Also for me, according to my physician, carbs/grains/gluten are NOT okay for me, not even in "moderation". Drinking skim milk causes an insulin response in your body due to milk's native sugar, lactose. For those who can tolerate dairy at all, drinking grass fed heavy whipping cream or coconut cream tells your body to burn fat and build muscle. If you haven't heard of this before, have a look at my profile page, before and after pics. I weighed 352 lbs. Now take a look at my food diary. Note that I usually have over 85% of my calories from fats. The result of eating a diet rich in healthy brain/heart-loving fats?

    Now I'm healthier at 248 lbs. My blood pressure is finally in the athletic range instead of sky high and my triglycerides are beautiful. I am getting a 6 pack and I did it all with the help of healthy fats.

    Full fat coffee for those who can tolerate both dairy and coffee, can be and certainly was in my case, the secret to my weight loss, building a healthy, muscular, functionally strong body. My endocrinologist recommended this nutritional choice - switch from milk to heavy whipping cream, preferably from grass fed local cows - in order to reverse 30 years of PCOS and infertility. My daughter is now 6. Her washboard abs come from eating the same way. When her pediatrician saw her recently, she wondered if my daughter was over-training due to muscular development and the knowledge that I had shed over 100 lbs and gotten passionate about strength training. I told her that while she plays outside like any healthy kid her age will, she doesn't lift heavy weights with me very often, but when she does she can easily deadlift with perfect technique, (eg. safely) half her body weight in a Russian Kettlebell. I was mentored in how to train my daughter and what was appropriate for her developmental stage by experts in pediatric sports and strength training coaches.

    My kid reads voraciously, eats a diet high in healthy saturated fats and devoid of processed foods. She eats all the protein she cares to, fresh vegetables of every color and thinks of fresh fruit as a special treat. She also learned to read before turning two and started doing Algebra before turning 5. Now I can't think of how I as a mom can improve on all of that and I'd be happy if she just liked to run around in the sunshine and read once in a while. Everything else is bonus. Did she get all of this from super smart DNA. Nope! Her donor and I are both intelligent but she is more advanced because I breastfed her while eating healthy fats and continued to offer healthy fats to her directly when she started experimenting with food.

    Our brain is made up of fats and without essential fatty acids the brain begins to malfunction. Makes me wonder who I'd have been if my mom had access to the nutritional science that I did. In any case my brain, already in its 40's is improving too. I just scored off the charts on a neurological testing battery. I once failed the test to a brain starved of those important nutrients.

    So I'm just posting this because no one should be limited to the life full of morbid obesity's side affects as I was if they don't want to be. I live a pain free, active, elite athletic life now. I enjoy being alive and being a single mom to my daughter. I enjoy eating without fear and continue to improve all my health markers. The thing that has made this possible is switching from the mentality of Low Calorie/Low Fat to the right amount of the right foods for my body, including LOTS and LOTS of healthy fats.
  • MrsWibbly
    MrsWibbly Posts: 415 Member
    Coffee and mornings go together like JM and 30DS :laugh:

    Like it!!
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    I have a cup of coffee each morning with semi skimmed milk. During the day I tend to drink tea.........but once or twice a week I indulge in a skinny latte (which is heaven). Everything is ok in moderation I think, obviously drinking full fat coffee every day more than once a day wont help with the weight loss.

    You and I differ in our understanding of what works to shed fat. Also for me, according to my physician, carbs/grains/gluten are NOT okay for me, not even in "moderation". Drinking skim milk causes an insulin response in your body due to milk's native sugar, lactose. For those who can tolerate dairy at all, drinking grass fed heavy whipping cream or coconut cream tells your body to burn fat and build muscle. If you haven't heard of this before, have a look at my profile page, before and after pics. I weighed 352 lbs. Now take a look at my food diary. Note that I usually have over 85% of my calories from fats. The result of eating a diet rich in healthy brain/heart-loving fats?

    Now I'm healthier at 248 lbs. My blood pressure is finally in the athletic range instead of sky high and my triglycerides are beautiful. I am getting a 6 pack and I did it all with the help of healthy fats.

    Full fat coffee for those who can tolerate both dairy and coffee, can be and certainly was in my case, the secret to my weight loss, building a healthy, muscular, functionally strong body. My endocrinologist recommended this nutritional choice - switch from milk to heavy whipping cream, preferably from grass fed local cows - in order to reverse 30 years of PCOS and infertility. My daughter is now 6. Her washboard abs come from eating the same way. When her pediatrician saw her recently, she wondered if my daughter was over-training due to muscular development and the knowledge that I had shed over 100 lbs and gotten passionate about strength training. I told her that while she plays outside like any healthy kid her age will, she doesn't lift heavy weights with me very often, but when she does she can easily deadlift with perfect technique, (eg. safely) half her body weight in a Russian Kettlebell. I was mentored in how to train my daughter and what was appropriate for her developmental stage by experts in pediatric sports and strength training coaches.

    My kid reads voraciously, eats a diet high in healthy saturated fats and devoid of processed foods. She eats all the protein she cares to, fresh vegetables of every color and thinks of fresh fruit as a special treat. She also learned to read before turning two and started doing Algebra before turning 5. Now I can't think of how I as a mom can improve on all of that and I'd be happy if she just liked to run around in the sunshine and read once in a while. Everything else is bonus. Did she get all of this from super smart DNA. Nope! Her donor and I are both intelligent but she is more advanced because I breastfed her while eating healthy fats and continued to offer healthy fats to her directly when she started experimenting with food.

    Our brain is made up of fats and without essential fatty acids the brain begins to malfunction. Makes me wonder who I'd have been if my mom had access to the nutritional science that I did. In any case my brain, already in its 40's is improving too. I just scored off the charts on a neurological testing battery. I once failed the test to a brain starved of those important nutrients.

    So I'm just posting this because no one should be limited to the life full of morbid obesity's side affects as I was if they don't want to be. I live a pain free, active, elite athletic life now. I enjoy being alive and being a single mom to my daughter. I enjoy eating without fear and continue to improve all my health markers. The thing that has made this possible is switching from the mentality of Low Calorie/Low Fat to the right amount of the right foods for my body, including LOTS and LOTS of healthy fats.

    THIS. Why I drink lattes with whole milk or coffee with cream when I have the extra calorie room. And whole milk yogurt. And coconut oil. And this is why I never ever worry about going over my fats for the day.
  • Febgirl
    Febgirl Posts: 68 Member
    Caffine triggers hormones that CAN help weightloss.
    POSSIBLE ways:
    - Appetite reduction
    - Calorie burning
    - Water loss

    This is true. However caffeine acts on your adrenal glands by stimulating the production of adrenalin. When adrenalin is released blood sugar elevates to provide more energy (the coffee "high"). Your body makes insulin to deal with the elevation in blood sugar. Insulin first takes the sugar to the muscles and the liver where it is stored as glycogen, places from which it can be easily released it we need a fast source of energy if we haven't eaten for a while. Once the muscles are full of glycogen, if more sugar from the blood needs to be removed then insulin will transport to fat cells, which have an infinite capacity to expand.

    So if you have good muscle mass and steady blood sugar levels throughout the day, coffee shouldn't affect your weight loss. However if you are eating well and doing all the right things but not losing weight, try cutting out caffeine as it may be affecting your weight loss. This is especially true if you have a stressful life as you're probably already overloaded with adrenalin on a day to day basis. I dropped back from 10 - 12 espresso per week to 3 - 4 and the weight started dropping off immediately.
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Given the traditional slimness of countries where espresso is a part of the national diet eg. France, Italy, northern Africa, I would have thought it was more likely to be a positive aid to weight loss, rather than an impediment. As long as you don't add lots of sugar!

    Resilient Woman - thank you for sharing your info. about essential fatty acids. I switched back to whole dairy at the insistence of my mother - a pathologist by training, who now works in food safety and has a lot of contact with a variety of experts in food-related issues - and immediately noticed the difference, both in terms of weight and brain/body function. The advantages of low-fat dairy is a myth that has had the dairy companies laughing all the way to the bank, with the diet companies not far behind them!
  • stefnicole
    I drink a small soy latte almost every day that I'm working, so 4-5 times a week. It helps keep me full so I don't snack at work. I would be a lot sadder without it.
  • erinkeely4
    erinkeely4 Posts: 408 Member
    Just tried truvia in my coffee today. It's awesome! And I also tried So Delicious French Vanilla Coconut Milk Creamer. Tastes like drinking vanilla bean ice cream!
  • Jesung
    Jesung Posts: 236 Member
    drinking some french pressed black coffee right now (yes at 2 am...midterm tomorrow)
  • CAlexRose
    CAlexRose Posts: 33 Member
    I drink about 1-2 cups a day. I put heavy cream in mine.

    I DON'T drink coffee right after a workout and after 5:00PM.
  • KayeRichards
    KayeRichards Posts: 19 Member
    I drink lots of coffee, love the stuff - the smell, the taste and the sociality of it. I probably drink way too much but I'm losing weight and I feel great! I like skinny coffees, just can't stand the taste of that fatty milk, makes me feel sick - each to his own :)
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    I'm not much of a coffee drinker but this thread makes me want an espresso!