What food to NOT eat?



  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    Pizza and white pasta and rice I still have white bread from time to time as some of ky family don't have brown
  • AH2013
    AH2013 Posts: 385 Member
    I don't deny myself anything. As long as I stay in my calories and macros for the day I allow myself treats. If I know I'm going away for a weekend or to a party or whatever, I just work out more so I have more calories to play with. If I deny myself stuff that I like I know I won't stick at it.

    The only thing I don't drink is fizzy drinks, apart from as a mixer with alcohol - but that's just because I don't like them, and would much rather have water or tea.

    I agree completely with this quote! I only ever treat myself to something if I have worked for it and will not go down the road of denying myself treats completely as it's never worked out when I do that! I try to avoid things with no nutritional value! I used to love jelly sweets, gummy bears, cola bottles, (chocolate does have some nutritional value!!) etc etc....now I don't touch them, but my cravings for things have gone slowly and you may find that too. I don't have such a sweet tooth anymore!
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    I eat everything I want! OMNOMNOMNOMMMM!


    But, seriously...in the beginning I couldn't eat cheese or pasta because they were my downfall. I still limit pasta but cheese makes a near-daily appearance. Nothing I want is off-limits. :)
  • KokomoJoe
    KokomoJoe Posts: 435
    Anything that is white (white bread, white flour, white rice, potato, pasta, etc...).

    Same thing. I do occasionally have white potatoes but the 2 lb bag I bought 3 months ago is still kicking......Yet I will go through a 5 lb bag of sweet potatoes in no time.
  • I'm a moderation person so I haven't really cut out anything, but I do try to avoid white bread (I've always preferred brown anyway).

    I have stopped buying flavoured drinks though. As someone else said, I'd much prefer to eat my calories than drink them and I'm more than happy with just drinking water.

    I used to drink a hot chocolate milk drink from the machine at work every morning and sometimes a few more throughout the day because they're only 10p each and I always thought the cups were quite small. Then I worked out that it's about 168 cals per cup so I don't allow myself them anymore! I was only drinking them because they were cheap and quick, so I don't miss them, but they were certainly adding up calorie wise.
  • eeebee
    eeebee Posts: 471 Member
    Bacon is fine, in moderation of course, if you trim off all of the fat.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Garlic bread.... I used to have it at least 3 times per week and now I rarely indulge.

    Other than that nothing is 'banned' but of course I keep an eye on what I eat.

    I try to stay as healthy as possible as much as I can!
  • brewerlouise
    brewerlouise Posts: 5 Member
    hahahahahahaha! very funny!!
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Anything that's brown that should be white (brown rice, wholemeal bread, wholegrain pasta)... YUK!!! YUK!!! YUK!!!

    I tend not to each much bread/pasta now because they are particularly calorie-dense and when you only have 1500kc a day, a 500 Calorie sandwich at lunchtime is less appetising that a huge bowl of thick veggie soup with usually less than half the Calories :tongue: But I probably eat rice/potatoes alternately every day and pasta about once a fortnight, if that, but only because the hubster's not fond of it.

    I've started introducing chocolate back into my diet... usually as Duo Penotti chocolate-hazelnut spread on a fruit-crunch Ryvita... but had an orange kitkat yesterday which was nice as I didn't guzzle it down with 2-3 others as I'd normally have done.

    I know you have to make some sacrifices when on a calorie-controlled plan, but I don't think it's helpful to banish foods or demonise them. You have to learn to respect food and understand you cannot eat the quantities that got you fat in the first place.

    But what I have discovered is that I have found alternatives to my old staples which have now become my new staples and with a bit of variety and a better understanding of the calorific value of certain foods, I can make better choices without feeling like I'm missing out. :happy:
  • Beezil
    Beezil Posts: 1,677 Member
    But what I have discovered is that I have found alternatives to my old staples which have now become my new staples and with a bit of variety and a better understanding of the calorific value of certain foods, I can make better choices without feeling like I'm missing out. :happy:

    Very much agree! But I personally feel like I do have to ban certain foods. It makes me feel more in control that way, so when I see something I want that has bacon on it, or someone offers me something I never eat, it's much easier to just say no with a big smile on my face. :) Honestly - I don't even miss most of the things I've put a ban on. Fried chicken is the exception! LOL But I could never justify eating it - no matter how good it is or how badly I want it. I guess that's just part of the control I need to feel like I have over the food.
  • jenna25
    jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
    Donuts and white bread/white pasta. But donuts if i have even a bite, it is a trigger and not worth it for me. For a while peanut butter also but i have been able to eat it in small portions now without going overboard :)
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    Anything that is white (white bread, white flour, white rice, potato, pasta, etc...).

    ^^This. Except I do eat new potatoes with the skin on.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    What are the foods that you refuse to eat (besides takeaway) eg pasta rice etc because of the carb or calorie intake?
    I just want to be sure of what I need to stay away from.

    While I think your question makes perfect sense, I wouldn't base food eliminations on what other people refuse to eat. You're goign to get a really big mix of answers because people who follow certain "diets" are going to present whatever their "diet" deems as bad.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    and for everyone that is saying they avoid various white products (potatoes, flour, rice, bread etc) what is the logic behind that, and please don't bring up something nonsensical like GI rating
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    For me the villain is salt/sodium! So what I try my hardest to avoid is any processed foods. Frozen meals, canned or boxed foods, most breads & pastries. Not saying I keep to this religiously. Just saying that these are on my list of things that I need to avoid.
  • Nothing

    and for everyone that is saying they avoid various white products (potatoes, flour, rice, bread etc) what is the logic behind that, and please don't bring up something nonsensical like GI rating

    THIS :happy:
  • AddA2UDE
    AddA2UDE Posts: 382
    I don't deny myself anything. As long as I stay in my calories and macros for the day I allow myself treats. If I know I'm going away for a weekend or to a party or whatever, I just work out more so I have more calories to play with. If I deny myself stuff that I like I know I won't stick at it.

    The only thing I don't drink is fizzy drinks, apart from as a mixer with alcohol - but that's just because I don't like them, and would much rather have water or tea.

    AGREED! This is one of the great things about MFP. You have all of the pertinent information you need right at your fingertips so you don't have to cut anything out in the way of foods that appeal to your particular taste. You just have to monitor your "caloric intake/burn." It truly is as simple as that. The cool thing thing is, you can see on here who has actually figured it out and made great progress and then just simply emulate what that have done/are doing.
  • I cut out soda and juices, just cuz I don't want to drink my calories... And water is so good for you. I put lemon wedges in mine... If I am going out, I'll drink a glass or two of red wine (so worth the calories... LOL) or vodka water with lemon wedges in it... Honestly, I haven't missed soda or juice that much...
  • I cut out soda and juices, just cuz I don't want to drink my calories... And water is so good for you. I put lemon wedges in mine... If I am going out, I'll drink a glass or two of red wine (so worth the calories... LOL) or vodka water with lemon wedges in it... Honestly, I haven't missed soda or juice that much...
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    I refuse to eat:

    Eggplant (because it's nasty)
    Brussel Sprouts (because it's nasty)
    Certain cheeses (because I dont like them)
    Mushrooms (I'm allergic to them)

    Thats about it. I'll eat anything else.
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