New here - looking for support!

TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
edited October 4 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone -

I am new to MFP. I started this week. I have been reading some posts here and there and it is amazing to see how many people share the exact same obstacles that I do. I have always been "thick". Even when I was very fit, I was still a size 14. I am ok with that, I look great at a size 14, I feel great at a size 14. I would give anything to be a size 14 right now. I had a baby boy in 2010 and since then my weight has steadily gone up. The day I went into the hospital, I weighed 255lbs. I got down to about 210, we moved, I got a new job where I sit at a desk most of the time and my weight steadily went uphill. I have hypothyroidism and PCOS. I also have fibromyalgia and I am borderline diabetic. I am currently at 255. I have never been this heavy before. I look in the mirror and dont recognize the woman in front of me. I have BOXES of clothes (cute clothes) that dont fit me. My Dr. says that I am lazy, that I need to do 60 minutes of cardio 5x per week. I have two children, a full time job, and a house to run. I dont have 60 minutes 5x per week. I wish I did. I used to ride horses all the time. I am actually a certified riding instructor. I feel too fat and clumsy to even climb on my horse at this point. Anyway, I am ready. I have to do something. I NEED to do something. I am joining Anytime Fitness (I HATE working out!) that way I can go to the gym at 10pm if I have to and I am using MFP. I would love some MFP friends to help keep me motivated (and I will return the favor), to share stories with, and commiserate with when necessary. I am inspired by many of the ladies I read about on here. Good luck to all of you!


  • OKmac3
    OKmac3 Posts: 192 Member
    You did the best thing you could do...You made a choice to change and I applaud you for the that. Just remember this is a journey and will take time as it took time for you to get to where your at now. I believe in you.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like. Congrats and good luck on your journey.
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    I need to do 60 minutes of cardio 5x per week. I have two children, a full time job, and a house to run. I dont have 60 minutes 5x per week.

    Without you around and healthy the other things won't make a difference. You need to MAKE time for yourself. YOU must become a priority.

    It sounds like you are ready. There are lots of motivational people on here and the simple act of logging all your intake and making it available for all to see, holds us accoutable. I know I think very hard before I eat something that will take me over my calorie goal because I don't want to let my friends down.

    Friend me and I'll help you with positive motivation and give you a swift kick if you need it :'}
  • kjraye5
    kjraye5 Posts: 40
    Feel free to add me! It's a great site and has really helped me keep motivated.

    Good luck!!:happy:
  • gillad
    gillad Posts: 15
    don't forget that cleaning the house is also exercise..
  • NeeN4
    NeeN4 Posts: 1
    hi all!!
  • Welcome! I think you will really like this sight. If you are motivated I this is the place for you. Good luck and stick with it. :happy:
  • Molly_Pitcher
    Molly_Pitcher Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Feel free to add me! I started a at 262 and have lost almot 30 at this point. I also used HATE exercise and could never find time. The trick for me was trying a bunch of different things until I found the ones that work in my schedule and that I don't hate. Now I actually find I look forward to working out... Sometimes! This site has been a huge help! THe people here gave me the motivation to get through those first weeks where I hated every minute of it :)
  • if you are looking for friends to add my username is jaygee2772...I have been using mfp for 30 days and i have lost 14 pounds...I want to lose 80 more pounds...this website is great for encouragement and inspiration. Good luck
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