light-headed lunch

I cut my calories down to about 1600, to reach my weight loss goal. After lunch I am light-headed, weak, and have migraines even after eating. I typically eat a lean TV dinner and drink water. I don't know if it is not enough, or I am missing a food group, but this is beginning to worry me. The feeling usually lasts throughout the remainder of the day. Any thoughts?


  • Well, your diary is locked, but honestly my best advice right now is to not eat TV dinners. They're overly processed and not at all filling for the number of calories they contain. Yeah, it takes more time to make stuff yourself, or make healthy choices when you go out to eat, but in the long run it's much better for you.
  • auntie_missy
    auntie_missy Posts: 113 Member
    I can't see your food diary, but I'm wondering if you aren't eating enough for breakfast and a morning snack, and thus the headache and lightheadedness start before lunch can head if off. It's one reason why "they" emphasis eating a good breakfast with a decent amount of fiber and protein to fill you up and not going more than 3 hours without eating anything. That's advice most people can take or leave, but you might be one of those people who need to take it.
  • Bon226
    Bon226 Posts: 40 Member
    I know that my trainer doesn't like those pre-packaged meals. She always says go for protein with lots of fruits and veggies. Or even do a protein shake. See if that helps at all.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    i would say stop eating the tv dinners.
    500 calories of real food is so much healthier and better for u than 200 calories of a tv dinner, even one impersonating a healthy meal..
    I say bin them!
    Although those weight watchers spicy beef pizzas are Really nice! ...If they count as a tv dinner.. lol.
  • SexSeaCow
    SexSeaCow Posts: 21 Member
    Agree, it would help if we could see your food diary.
    TV dinners may be the problem - they are over processed a lot of the time.
    I'd say switch to something with a little more variety for lunch - I make a homemade turkey wrap for about 260 calories and then I have a piece of fruit. Drink a LOT of water and if you still get dizzy/headaches try snacking on a few carby snacks, like three or four little pretzels or something.
    Good luck!

    (You should be drinking 8 cups of water per day. When I get headaches I drink water and usually it helps immediately)
  • crystalgreear
    crystalgreear Posts: 10 Member
    Did you just stop drinking caffine? I felt horrible for a week when I cut out caffine.
  • adargin
    adargin Posts: 4 Member
    Hey y'all, thanks for commenting. I opened my diary to the public now... I am newbie... so please be nice! :-)

    I know that I have been slipping on drinking enough water lately, I was doing okay a couple weeks ago, so maybe that is the issue. I am trying to make it more second nature... it definitely is taking time.

    I haven't kicked the caffeine habit, but I have slowed down quite a bit since I changed jobs.

    I guess I fell into the biggest trap: the "healthy tv dinner" I plan on changing my eating habits... but I am not sure where to start when it comes to lunch. What are good recipes?

    Thanks again!
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    To be honest, your diet needs a bit of an overhaul. It's lacking nutrients in a big way. Too much in the way of Little Debbies, McDonalds, frozen foods, pkg foods etc. Try to incorporate more fresh vegetables, fruit and lean meats, then work in treats or your favorites sparingly. One dinner shows nothing but cookies! :noway: I have a feeling this is why you feel so bad.

    Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    To be honest, your diet needs a bit of an overhaul. It's lacking nutrients in a big way. Too much in the way of Little Debbies, McDonalds, frozen foods, pkg foods etc. Try to incorporate more fresh vegetables, fruit and lean meats, then work in treats or your favorites sparingly. One dinner shows nothing but cookies! :noway: I have a feeling this is why you feel so bad.

    Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:

    I agree. Especially that 400 calorie high carb breakfast and all the cookies.

    Try making an egg white and spinach omelet in the morning and a peice of fruit. For lunch have some Protein!!! A chicken breast with some steamed veggies and a starch (roasted potatoes?)
    snacks try more fruits and veggies!!! Carrots and hummus, omg yummy!
    Dinner some baked salmon with 1/2 cup rice and some green beans.

    Just some random ideas of course. :P

    One thing to take from that in my opinion is to COOK food. It's cheaper, you DO have the time, and you know what's going into it. It feels so much better to eat something that YOU made. And you can make Soooo much ahead of time!
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Also, there is a book called Eating for Life... Alot of good recipes. Also, I don't completely follow it but the book body for life has some good information. It gave me a pretty different outlook.

  • choconuts
    choconuts Posts: 208 Member
    Try to make your snacks higher in protein, I truly think it'll help with your headaches. :-)

    Also, change your settings to track Sodium. I think you'd be shocked at the amount of sodium you are consuming.
  • adargin
    adargin Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks again, I know I have been bad... I will do better. You all have made great suggestions!