need toning help for fibromyalgia

Do any of you know of a free website with practical toning exercises for a beginner? I have fibromyalgia and would have to start very slowly. I'm tired of being sick and tired so I'm going to kick some fibro butt! But if I do too much all at once it will kick my butt - as it has been for so many years. I've already started to walk every day... some days just a little ways and other days further, but I know that if I stick will it then I will see an improvement. Now I need to tone my body including my arms but I need to know where to find some good, practical exercises for me. I'm not the young active girl who could exercise and not have to have 5 days or more to recover anymore. But... I'm not going to let this disease control my life anymore either.

I would appreciate any help.
Thanks! :)


  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I don't have Fibromyalgia but have a condition which causes exhaustion.. I just wanted to say well done for trying to beat it and don't give up!

    I developed Ataxia in my early thirties.. then just as I was getting used to that and building up strength I developed dystonia additionally which caused additional involuntary movements, after a few hours of sitting I'd have to go lie down to stop back going into spasms to start with and after each 'job' however small,, washing up, walking dog (even though I used mobility scooter),, and slowly worked up to point where I can manage short exercise routine, sit in manual wheelchair long enough to go out for a few hours and get through a day without needing to rest every few hours.

    It's taken me 2 years to get to this point.... so don't give up... if you take it easy and pace yourself you should be able to manage it. Wii Fit is very gentle as if you choose each exercise separately rather than making a routine, you can rest for a min between each exercise.. the yoga and balance exercises are good.
  • yesiwillbeloosingit
    Hay.. I have fibromyalgia .. And I have had this discussion with my doctor. You can do any toning exercises as you like BUT you have to be very careful about the reps and the weight. I do 4 sets of 5 rep with only 1.5 kg weight. Start very light and after 3 weeks you can add a little weight. Make sure to give your self a day to recover after each session.

    If you do not want to do weights, yoga and Pilates will help you tone using your body weight. It's hard to beginn with, but you will get used to it fast.

    Also I was at this seminar for fibro patients, and cutting down/out wheat and dairy product will do wonders for the pain..

    GL with everything, having fibro sucks but you can do it :)

    Ps : after a while with exercising, everything gets easier to deal with.. Specially the pain pangs :)
  • Rainybu
    Some suggestions a friend of mine (who was completely bedridden and so weak her food had to be chopped or pureed) used, and she now RUNS so they work! I'm using these suggestions myself as I try to get more fit.
    1. Start VERY light. Do range-of-motion movements, maybe one rep each, reaching or stretching only as much as is comfortable for you. After however many days, add another rep or movement and maybe stretch a little farther. Increase or decrease as you're able or not able, but always keep doing, but not overdoing them.
    2. For strength training, start out by just doing the movement. As that gets easier, hold a soup can while you do it. Gradually add weight as you're able.
    As strength and flexibility increase, add regular exercises.
    She found that keeping at it worked for her, hopefully it will for you (and me) too. And even a LITTLE walking can't be beat!
  • fancydancyme
    Thank you ladies, I appreciate the recommendations and hope that you all are doing well. I also appreciate the stories of success. I just need to keep going and not give up.

    For those interested, Rainybu gave me a link to a video that a doctor made doing some stretches that are good for all types of health issues but especially for fibromyalgia. Here's the link:

    Thanks again!