Struggling at Dinner/Evening

So far I have been doing fairly good about food portions and choices for Breakfast and lunch. What Im really having a problem with is after 3:30 p.m. and until bed time. I've noticed that about 3:30 or 4 I become super hungry and sometimes even have a headache because I am hungry. When that happens I start eating everything in sight or I crave certain foods and most of them are things I should not be eating. I'm really unsure how to fix this. I've tried snacking a bit more so I don't get so hungry but its almost like a light swtich that turns on and it doesnt seem to matter if I eat more or not.

I feel like Im busting my butt in the morning and with working out only to ruin it in the evening.

Any ideas on how to manage this? Do I just need to have better willpower? I don't know.


  • hankcenter
    hankcenter Posts: 1 Member
    Im in the same boat. Help!
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    This happens to me a lot too but I'm at work with no food so that's how I control it. Interested in the responses.
  • KendraElmendorf
    KendraElmendorf Posts: 837 Member
    I have the same type of problem but with my dinner portion... Its so hard when there is just more there...
  • jgic2009
    jgic2009 Posts: 531 Member
    What time are you eating your meals and snacks?

    Edit: I just looked at your food diary. Looks like you are well under your calorie goals most days, which is probably why you're so hungry. Eat more!
  • This same thing happens to me. I try to eat a piece of fruit or a vegetable and drink a full (usually 16 oz minimum) glass of water and wait ten minutes before I ever eat anything. I also drink water while I'm eating dinner so I fill up faster.
  • Here, here. I find that I hoard my calories until evening, so I don't 'run out' early. I seemed to do better when I planned my meals ahead of time, so there was no guessing and no options really. Also, cutting off my 'supply' at a certain time has helped me a bit too.
  • heggum
    heggum Posts: 1
    I eat very small breakfasts and lunches specifically so that I have more calories to use up in the evening because that's where I struggle. I also really like to have breakfast for dinner (couple of eggs, toast, and a few strips of bacon). It's decent on calories, easy, and still satisfying to me.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    If I dont make an effort to eat 5-6 times a day and keep that machine fueled, I do the same thing. For me, it is all about making sure I am fueled properly. Eat 5-6 small meals a day that are healthy and drink plenty of water. That includes dinner and a snack after dinner. Easier on the cravings too.
  • sing4me4you
    sing4me4you Posts: 88 Member
    If you plan a piece of fruit such as an apple into your lunch for dessert but hold it back until about 3PM that may help. My other suggestion might be to make sure you are eating food that takes longer to digest and get into your system. You may be having a spike in your blood sugar that makes you feel full and then a crash that will definitely make you feel hungry.
  • I have the same problem. At 4pm every day, like clockwork, no matter where I am, what I am doing, or what I have eaten or when or how much already that day - I always get super hungry right then.

    With that in mind, I keep my breakfast and lunch calories low, so that I can "afford" a healthy snack.

    I also try to eat dinner early (by 6) so that in any case, I know it isn't far off. I try to load up dinner with a lot of low cal veggies so that I can have a big meal and I am rarely hungry o eat anything after dinner.
  • trac3
    trac3 Posts: 134 Member
    Same boat girl! I eat dinner around 6-7pm, but I go to bed pretty late (midnight +), and I usually get hungry around 10 pm. Seems if I eat anything, it just triggers a huge response to eat ~ I want a whole nother dinner, not just an apple!:mad:
    Last night I made some hot herbal tea, removed myself from the computer/kitchen area, and went and sat by the fire and read until I got sleepy enough to go to bed....I didn't let myself eat anything and distracted myself. That seemed to work the best, and interestingly enough, I didn't die of hunger going to bed on an empty stomach!:tongue: The tea did help. Hang in there, it's tough!:grumble:
  • dukes418
    dukes418 Posts: 207 Member
    Try sipping a glass of H2O when you have those urges. If you body is used to being fed something during those times you find yourself cracking, your brain may be sending signals to "Feed Me!" If you try sipping water during these periods, you may find yourself getting full off of the water making yourself less likely to crack under pressure. If however you lack the willpower to just sip, try eating somethine with very little calories, like celery. That way, if you go over, you're not eating something you will regret the moment is hits the pit of your stomach.

    Good luck!
  • goelvira
    goelvira Posts: 54 Member
    I try to eat a high protein meal for lunch usually with leafy greens or veggies and that will hold me off til i have my dinner at around 6:30 pm, if I ever feel any hunger... I snack on some raw veggies while I cook my meal. I also have 2 portions of fruit during the beginning part of my day and I think that helps me out a lot. Drink lots of water.
  • I have the same problem!!! I have found that taking about a cup of raw almonds or cashews (or a mix of both) to work really helps if you start snacking when you begin to feel hungry. If you wait until food is on the brain then you'll want to keep eating. Also, if you drink water around this time it will fill you up a little. 3:30 is close to the end of the work day, and sometimes that makes me antsy or bored. Sometimes I'll take a small walk around (climb some stairs) and that will distract me and it reminds me what my goal is. These are all things that work for me, but everyone is different.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I only glanced at your food diary for a second, so I can't give you much in-depth advice, but here's what I have. Try to cut out the diet soda. It contains artificial sweeteners, which can actually trick your body into wanting to eat more. Plus they are just bad for you all around. Also, try getting more fiber and protein, and less simple carbs. I drink water before I eat breakfast, and again after. It seems to help keep me full. Another thing that may help- try to cut back on the processed stuff. It's really not filling, and if you stick to whole, natural foods (fruits, veggies, nuts, not packaged "health food"), you can actually eat more, because they naturally have fewer calories. And most of all, hang in there!! Just keep your eye on the prize- it comes at a price, but its totally worth it! :smile: Best of luck to ya! Hope that helps a little!
  • Definitely make sure you're getting enough water. Try eating a handful of almonds or some other snack that actually has some good fat in it. Sometimes this satisfies that craving (which a lot of times is for fat). Another good snack is low-fat yogurt. It satisfies the craving for "creamy." But, def don't starve yourself. You'll end up overdoing it for dinner....
  • lilcupcake213
    lilcupcake213 Posts: 545 Member
    I had the same problem for a while. After my workouts at night or just siting around i used to get SUPER hungry. I realized that my meals during the day ( esp. breakfast) were not big enough. If you start with a filling breakfast (such as oatmeal or farina or eggs [and DEFF. stay away from cereal] , you tend to eat your lunch a little later which in turn brings you to a later dinner. I used to eat my dinner around 5:00 and then come 7-8 at night i was STARVING! And what you eat for dinner is very important. Try and stay away from carbs as much as you can or anything that is high in sugar b/c that will make you hungry later on in the evening as well. Also, track your calories where you leave yourself100-150 calories at night for healthy popcorn or fruit this way if you do get hungry, you won't feel guilty snacking b/c it will be within your calorie range :smile:
  • jasharp021
    jasharp021 Posts: 54 Member
    What is your eating schedule? For instance, I know that if I have breakfast at 7.. I'm going to have a snack about 9 or 10. Then lunch about 12 and then another snack at 3. And then dinner about 6-7.

    I would try having a snack between lunch and dinner. Something portion controlled (either from a store or if you bring from home). Pretzels, almonds, cheese stick, celery/pnb, etc

    Also, are you active during that time frame (lunch and dinner)? I try to complete some activity after work (gym, walking a the dog, or even running an errand like the mall) to make sure that I am not at home around food.

    Hope this helps!!
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I was having this problem too. I now eat a protein bar at my desk around 3:00 every day. 180-210 calories depending on the brand and flavor. (So far I like Pure Protein Deluxe Chocolate the best.) It's made a huge difference - I 'robbed' the calories from dinner, so my dinners are smaller, but it's made it so I'm closer to goal on protein so I don't need a huge chunk of protein to meet the target amount.

    If I'm too close on calories and don't have room in the budget to do the bar, I'll eat a single serving bag of popcorn (100 calories) and chug a bunch of water. It's loaded with fiber and so with the water it expands and makes you feel full.

    One other trick that I do is start dinner off with a huge salad. I'm talking 2 cups of spinach and 2 cups of romaine + whatever I've got on hand that goes with it including just enough of a healthy dressing to moisten it. Sometimes I'll make the salad my whole dinner with stuff I add. This actually fills a bowl that I usually serve a whole family salad in. The greens are hardly any calories and all that bulk REALLY fills you up. This has the added bonus of giving you LOTS of potassium as well.

    A double serving of a low cal veggie like steamed broccoli is also very filling. Chase the salad or veggies with lots of water and eat SLOW so that your brain has a chance to register satiation and you're golden. Good luck!
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    I have the same problem and posted a thread for solutions to it yesterday. I have tried just eating a granola bar, tried fruit, tried candy bars, a lot of things, but as i'm making dinner I always blow through my calories with "snacks" (basically whatever is in eye site that is edible will go into my stomach) I got a bunch of suggestions to try that sounded good, its seems like i need more protein:
    Hummus and veggies or crackers
    Apple w/peanut butter
    Laughing cow cheese and crackers or veggies
    Greek yogurt

    I had a bowl of cereal last night, that seemed to help some but I only stayed away from more food through sheer will power and I practically inhaled my dinner, I need to eat the snack sooner than that for it to be affect I think.

    I am playing around with things and can let you know how these turn out?