
sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
Ehh totally off topic here, but if you are also a Paralegal and have to deal with the bickering of crazy people all day what is your remedy of getting rid of the crazies?

I thought that being in a law office would be fun at first and now I absolutely HATE my job and find it rather depressing and disgusting seeing how horrible of people there are in this world...

Tell me your crazy stories/remedies?


  • Katefab26
    Katefab26 Posts: 865
    Ugh, I know exactly what you mean. I was so excited to get this job and it ended up being pure torture. The biggest problem is not the clients, since we're an estate planning firm, I think the worst is the CPA across the hall who talks at the top of her voice about the most inane things. Example: "Oh, I've been a vegetarian for 15 years. I'm so glad I can still eat chicken and fish"

    She also clogs the toilet on a regular basis. ::barf::
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    I'm not a paralegal; I'm a legal translator. I worked in a large law firm for 12 years and almost lost my mind. My remedy was to quit and start my own business.

    There isn't enough space on here to relate all my crazy stories - lol
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    I don't work in a legal office but crazies are everywhere! My remedy is to put on sound eliminating headphones and blast my favorite music. If that's not an option, just remember that for every crazy awful person you encounter, there are two great people to balance them out!

    Good luck - and oh, btw, I'm also in a job that I hate but unfortunately, I'm not in a position to leave. If you are or can be, I suggest that you change jobs or fields quickly as it will impact your health in the long run.
  • jenniferrosell
    Headphones!!! I listen to music constantly at work. I only have to listen to the craziness when they speak directly to me (which doesn't happen very often in my office).
  • kate_n_pjs
    kate_n_pjs Posts: 86 Member
    I have just started as a paralegal. It isn't bad except some of the attorneys are know-it-alls. Luckily, not my boss!!!!!! I do sit by the copier though and find it hillarious when people cuss and scream at the copier for jamming when they clearly left pages stapled together when they added to the feeder!!!

    I play on MFP a lot if I am not busy to break up the day and like everyone else has said.... HEAD PHONES!!!!

    Good Luck!
  • suavequeen
    suavequeen Posts: 273 Member
    My perspective is different actually. I see all that these people went through and are going through and thank God that I'm in a much better situation. There are times that crazy gets to be too much, and that is also thanks to my attorneys, so I play a little soothing rock music or walk around the building or stairs breathing in deep. Remembering that my life is good.
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    All good advice. However, I am the only employee in a small law firm so I have to deal with everyone that walks into our office.. it totally sucks.. I just graduated from college with my associates as a paralegal so it's either this or back to
  • ampuckett08
    ampuckett08 Posts: 17 Member
    I am sorry that you are the only extra employee in your office and that you hate your job. I work in a full service law office (minus criminal work). There are about 14 to 15 lawyers here, 11 paralegals/legal assistants, 1 receptionist, 1 "IT" lady, 1 accounting clerk and an office manager, plus a few retired attorneys that still come in once in a while that still have offices.

    I love my job and the people that I work with. The office I work in is considered to be a Christian based law firm and it is a wonderful place to work.

    I personally work for an attorney who deals with MMP, PI, MVA, NHN, and WD. I get crazies who want to sue doctors and/or hospitals all of the time when there was no form or fashion of negligence... sometimes I simply use it as a good but what helps me the most is that my office is next to another paralegal/legal assistant who handles the same types of law that I do and we rant to each other about the crazies as well as normal daily we listen to our itunes almost all the time unless we are busy with dictations, transcriptions, phone calls or clients... the worst part is when you have a client who is one of the CRAZIES!!! Best of luck!